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Coby's character development is really good and I really enjoy his recurrence after being a prominent side character in the first few episodes. His presence is so nostalgic, and so infrequent that it's really great to see him on the one or two times he's shown up since those first few episodes.


I do like the direction that Coby has come since the beginning of the series, however I think there is a huge problem inherent to both his character and Smoker trying to be foils to luffy. After the timeskip into the new world, they both fall so far behind Luffy in strength that its really unbelievable that either one of them are ever going to pose a serious threat. And so they just kinda get either left out entirely, or stuck on the side of the plot with no real impact.

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Just u wait until Coby gets a ridiculous devil's fruit power. He'll be the final boss. That is probably wishful thinking, but it could happen. I'd like to see Coby being the centre of an arc sometime, but we'll see. I can't imagine it happening any time soon.


I feel like Luffy is still too young to be the pirate king, but then again I haven't seen his power after the time skip, so maybe he could be up to it. With that thinking, there could be another time skip or something. Then again, hasn't Luffy had a fair bit of his life stripped away in the Marineford arc? How long is he even going to live now?

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Please, Perona. Teto, don't make me sad. ;~;


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Since I haven't seen really anyone mention here yet I thought I would say my thoughts on Rozen Maiden : Zurückspulen (also known as Rozen maiden 2013 because no one wants to spell German words), which aired during the summer.




Now if anyone has seen the original anime adaptation of Rozen Maiden and think this is the third season, it is not. It is anime adaptation of Rozen Maiden Tales, or the second manga series of Rozen Maiden that takes place in an alternate universe in which Jun Sakurada chose not to wind, a world where he never receive a Rozen Maiden doll. This series is considered a sequel.

Now, you might say "then wouldn't this still be considered a third season? It is a sequel after all." The answer to that is no, this follows the manga rather than the original anime, meaning Barasuishou and Enju does not exist, as a lot of the old anime is considered filler and does not follow the manga (even the art style did not follow the manga).



(Comparison of the animation style, top one from Rozen Maiden Traumend, bottom from Rozen Maiden : Zurückspulen))


Now that that is out of the way, I want to note that I do kinda have a huge bias about Rozen Maiden, I have always loved the series, but I will do my best not to include that bias in here.

First off, before I will say anything o the story I will say, that the OPs is probably one of the best OPs I have seen in quite a while and would consider it the best OPs of 2013, just watch it here

Okay, so now that that is out of the way, the first episode summarizes the first manga, now I appreciate the effort of letting us know what happened before, but it tries to fit 7 volumes in a half-hour episode, which causes it to be super duper rushed and really confusing. If I hadn't read the manga, I would of probably been very confused, they could have just started off with not-wind Jun and not shown that, but it is okay. I would say the one weakness of this series is pacing, yes, it does stick to the pacing of the manga pretty well, which is a kinda realistic sort of pacing in my opinion, but reading and watching can be two different things. Other than that everything is great, the animation is always high quality (though I was a bit annoyed that Suigintou's Artificial Spirit, Meimei was blue rather than purple, it caused a bit of confusion over which one was Lempicka and Meimei since they were both blue) and the story was presented very well. Though there are only like two episodes of action out of all twelve episodes, it was okay. I would highly recommend people to watch it, since it was really good in my opinion.



I was going to write more but then I forgot what I was going to write so I will finish there.


I watched that, and loved it. I can see why they'd want to follow the manga more closely than follow up on the plot hole-riddled, watered down story of the first two seasons. For this purpose, I would consider the first episode to be something like ripping off a band-aid; it was best to just get it over with and then get back on track. The Rozen Maiden series holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first manga series I started importing all in its original Japanese, largely because I couldn't find a decent English translation anywhere.


I also like the way the backgrounds were rendered in the anime. I understand the a lot of other people thought it was somehow cheap, but I liked the effects it could have at times.

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I watched that, and loved it. I can see why they'd want to follow the manga more closely than follow up on the plot hole-riddled, watered down story of the first two seasons. For this purpose, I would consider the first episode to be something like ripping off a band-aid; it was best to just get it over with and then get back on track. The Rozen Maiden series holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first manga series I started importing all in its original Japanese, largely because I couldn't find a decent English translation anywhere.


I also like the way the backgrounds were rendered in the anime. I understand the a lot of other people thought it was somehow cheap, but I liked the effects it could have at times.

I absolutely agree, I loved the simple backgrounds, they really helped give off the correct atmosphere. The old anime, while it had it's own charm and was still kinda good despite all it's plots holes and fear of going too dark with their deaths. As for English translations, Desu-chan are now taking helm in translating the majority of chapters and posting them online, and they are doing extremely well in my opinion. Though I really wish that Tales could get an official English release.

Like making Hina's death much, much, less gruesome than her being "eaten" alive by Kirakishou. Though both are still really heartbreaking. 

And about the manga, the final chapter is going to be released in Japan this January, I am both really sad and really excited. I don't know if I can take not having any more adventures with these dolls anymore.

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Its astounding how well that lines up

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EDA have you seen Berserk

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blah blah berserk blah blah

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blah blah "blah blah berserk blah blah" blah blah

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blah blah "'blah blah "blah blah berserk blah blah" blah blah'" blah blah

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I'm up to episode 2 or 3 of Berserk I think. Its been awhile.


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A thing I've noticed, and am rather fond of, about Berserk is the way Guts swings his sword. I've begun reading again and I've ntoiced that his expertise with the blade is 2/3rds incredible strength, but 1/3 his style. When he goes into a big arc his whole body goes into it. When he's moving with it he's often bent down with the sword trailing behind, almost parallel to his torso. I love the details of Berserk. Things like that and

one of the best revenge stories in fiction

are what really sets it apart from just some gory seinen story. I can understand why drawing it can make Miura sick because, just off the top of my head, I cannot think of a "Quality" moment it. One of those weird random bits in an Anime or Manga where the art is sort of...off. He always seems to bat 100 when he draws, and the world he's made is mysterious and very interesting. I really hope when it finishes, something like the Hyrule Historia or the Lord of the Rings Legendarium comes out. Lots of interesting details, concept art and Maps. I NEED maps for the berserk world. Okay gushing over, back to reading.

Oh, oh, one other thing. In a lot of works as everyone gets more powerful you tend to get lost in characters who throw energy beams, and then thats all it is. I can't think of anyone as far as i've gotten who's thrown an energy beam. Just, a ball of energy. Thats cool

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watched the space dandy pre-air. There were Boobies

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