College Woes

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I thankfully have not had that problem yet. But then, I spend most time in my room working, and my roommates spend most of their time working their actual jobs too, so we get plenty of time apart. None of them have the whole good person/bad roommate problem, so we're getting along fine.

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So Freshman year, I had this room mate, he stole the keys to my motorcycle, then tried to take it for a joyride.


He couldn't figure out how to start it.

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I've only had a couple bad roommates. Actually, the ones I live with now are girls who I've lived with before, one from last year and the other from the year before. We all get along fine usually, and I think it would work out better if we saw each other more often. But all three of us are on drastically different schedules, so we rarely see each other, and when stuff doesn't get done around the house it's hard to find someone to blame. So it's miscommunication and frustration. There's nothing seriously bad though, and I'm thankful for that. I also can't afford to live by myself and pay my own bills yet. So probably next year when I get a job I'll have my own deal figured out.

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Here we see Skippy suavely mention he owned his own motorcycle when he was eighteen.

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To be fair, not really, I was 20, I consider that my freshman year because I went to a Community College first and absolutely nothing transferred.

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Still no new friends in new college. orz

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I am your friend...

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I am your friend...

No, you're my oniisan. You are also a shitty oniisan.

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I'm a friend who goes to a college... :sadlink:

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No, you're my oniisan. You are also a shitty oniisan.


I am sorry, dear imouto...

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I am sorry, dear imouto...

There is no redemption for you.

Only worms.

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There is no redemption for you.

Only worms.

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So I've spent the better part of the night trying to get text files to puppying show up, with the right crap in them. I haven't even gotten to the real part of the assignment, where I find patterns in this godforsaken data. I have less than 24 hours to finish this shit, and its worth 10% of my grade in a class im kainda behind in and not really doing great in.


I want to code for a living, just so I can avoid people. This is already hard enough due to my major being little more than a shotgun of bullshit from other majors, and none of it in-depth unless maybe you go into biomechanics or cell & tissue track. I'm in the "computational and systems analysis" track, which no one has been able to give me a straight answer as to what the puppy I'm gonna be doing in industry with.


what the puppy is wrong with me.


At some point, I'm probably going to have to perfect the act of looking like an extrovert to get a job, or else get a job acting like an extrovert, aka handling customers who probably won't have a clue what they're actually requesting of the engineers, meaning I'd be the one caught between the customer and the engineers--"tell them I want this thing" "tell him its puppying impossible to do that"


I really, really wish I could go back to tell little freshman me to switch to being a Japanese major because holy puppy this is not what I thought I would be signing up for. I honestly don't enjoy my classes, and it's basically too late to swap without costing my parents an arm and a leg in stupid tuition.


And I told them that I'd be graduating in four years, but I don't have a clue how I'm going to be passing this class at this rate.


The late grading for this is harsh, too. All my points get cut in half by each day that goes by. To make the 50% deadline, I would have to go 72 hours without sleep. I can't even do 48, really, which is what I'm attempting right now with some 5 hr energies.


Just went and checked, and my school only has an "EALC" major. And if I wasn't so laggy in the languages, I probably could have taken that instead. Except then panic attacks over jobs and never getting hired and working at fast food my whole life but then hey, I'm panicking over that shit already .

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All of my good Uni buddies are getting boyfrans and girlfrans, and I'm really happy for them, but I can't help but feel lonely. :c


I don't get many ask-outs, but two in these past 2 years have been guys I really wasn't interested in and barely knew. Hmmff.

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I can only think of three girls I've ever been in a "mutually interested potential relationship status" with, and all three of those ended because the girl had to move away somewhere for one reason or another. The farthest I ever got with any of them was two dates. All three of those girls I have heard from since may, and all three of them have said that, if it were a different place and a different time under different circumstances, they would have loved to have dated me. One of them even called the first date I took her on the best date she'd ever been on in her entire life. Which is flattering, considering all we did was buy a pizza and talk. It's good to know that it really was just the fact that unchangeable circumstances kept any of us apart and all, but god dammit WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP MOVING AWAY. FUCK.


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