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Triple update: I caught it. One of them at least.


I placed it in the same place as last time, and just as I was about to take a nap, after I turned off all the lights, I heard the trap slam closed. It was like a minute after the lights were off. They're very opportunistic apparently.






I only used peanut butter this time. It's a lot easier. I'm sure there are more, but for now I'm planning to release the ones I do catch out in the local park a couple miles away. But idk what to do with this mouse so I'll try and empty out a space for it that it can't chew through. I've dealt with my escape artist hamster for awhile so I'm sure it'll be fine overnight. It's a little cutie. Too bad I know for a fact it is scared for its life and is freaking out in there, especially from the lights being on.

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I love when ingenuity pays off :D

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Posted (edited)




pics from my little set up. Some of these are outdated. I now store all my amiibo on the black bookcase, and the framed OOT is to the right of the console boxes. 




so more on this guy. I found this resealed, Mint condition collector's edition of OOT for $50 at a local shop. Everything about it was mint, cart, box, manual, inserts. I took it, put it in the plastic case you see a lot of people use, and then framed it in a shadow box. I don't generally touch it, open it, look at it, or even stare at its direction lest it get damaged. 

Edited by Luneth Uchiha (see edit history)
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Treemo bought me this:




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If she gave you a cardboard cutout that big she must think you're...


one cool DEWd B)

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she must really want to


mount and do


^ the joke I was expecting knuckle to make

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yeah I was gonna be like "something something she wants to DEW you" but "do" as a euphemism for sex is just so old at tired :sadlink:


I really like the way you put a twist on it with Mount and Do though B)

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So idk it's getting warmer out and that's awesome, and I'm not sure if any of you can relate to my fetish for this kind of atmosphere, but I'm sitting in a room with the window wide open and have jury-rigged a fan to blow outside air into my room, with two power strips daisy chained to my computer desk. My headphones are currently lent out so I had to improvise by hooking up my guitar amp as a speaker, and there is noticeable loss in audio quality as well as some distortion. I'm listening to the Street Fighter 3rd Strike OST (courtesy of T1g) which is definitely inspired by the delinquent rave music of the 1990s. And I'm sitting here just doing my thing in the dead of night, in a trashed, cramped room, wires scattered all over the floor and my desk, making some progress on my own.




I want to go grittier. I want to live in a shitty apartment in a dystopian city setting. But this is still pretty fun for me.


Shortly after taking this picture I realized I finally have a use for my tragically short 3' long coiled patch cable.



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There's always something endearing about a cramped/trashed space, as long as it's your own. It's romantic, somehow.

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The air really does it for me. Having that humid night air cooling down your room just a little bit and taking a deep breath and savoring the temperate seasons.

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i don't have any pictures currently, but we currently have our own mouse problem. i will be updating with pictures, but for now i'm taking saha's advice with getting a humane mouse trap. still not entirely sure what the best food to use is, so i took a tip from a site i found that suggested peanut butter and cheese. we named him roger. he was so scared when we saw him that he ran into a wall... poor thing.

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Been eyeing this original GBA that has been sitting in the storeroom of this charity shop I work at. I asked how much they'd charge for it, and they said that I could just have it for free. I do work voluntarily after all, so you sometimes get perks like this. Got it with a few games.


There was always something desirable about an original GBA to me. It was my first technology barrier, before PS2 or PS3, or DS or 3DS. My first very own console was a GBC, and seeing this new one come out bewildered me. I still remember a dream I had where I desperately wanted Pokemon Ruby, and was overjoyed when I found out they did a port for GBC as well, so that I wouldn't have to save up for a GBA. When I eventually got one, it was an SP not long after they came out. I was satisfied, but wanting a GBA for so long, and having the original model as the object of my desires, left an impression on me, and I saw this GBA as a kind of lost dream. 

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oh goshhhh I wish I had a dog like that right now ;-;

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