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I believe I have just the thing...

Simple. Bring to her the fourth (chronolocically, of course) species of mantis from Nekaar 5, wrapped in the blue lilies used in the digestive tract of a malrous from the third sun of Klenbo'ok. Soak the wrapped mantis in the honey of the killer bees on the jungle planet of Monten-tok for four days and three nights, and leave it in pure darkness to dry on the fourth night. If you have done all of this properly, all the ingredients should melt and re-solidify into a booklet of corny pickup lines. :unsure:


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I believe I have just the thing...

Simple. Bring to her the fourth (chronolocically, of course) species of mantis from Nekaar 5, wrapped in the blue lilies used in the digestive tract of a malrous from the third sun of Klenbo'ok. Soak the wrapped mantis in the honey of the killer bees on the jungle planet of Monten-tok for four days and three nights, and leave it in pure darkness to dry on the fourth night. If you have done all of this properly, all the ingredients should melt and re-solidify into a booklet of corny pickup lines. :unsure:

*gasp* If only I knew!! :o_o: I would have never guest! TO NEKAAR 5!!!!!!!!!

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We were all very drunk that night, yet some how managed to put on a good show =D

Zuzu, I think this is becoming a problem. From time to time when you post here, you talk about you (and now, your friends) getting drunk. Zuzu, I'm worried about you man. Seriously. I think you have a alchohol addiction. Seriously, Zuzu, You've gotta stop.

I'm kinda ashamed that no one else noticed this. Zuzu, ya turst me right? Take care of yourself.

Oy...first GM, now Zuzu...What next.....

GM's addicted to his "GF" so much I think he's gonna get addicted. Zuzu could, for all I know, be addicted to booze.

Time to post a topic about my worries....

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im almost done with chapter 1 in my book. i know i was supposed to do chapter 3 but i got a big black journal to write my book in and i finished the prolougue and now im rewriting chapters 1 and 2.

before i start chapter 3.

wat im gonna do from now on is write the chapter in my notebook to get the main idea thing,then i'll write it twice as good in my journal and then you will get the final and complete version. sound good? :)

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*gasp* If only I knew!! :o_o: I would have never guest! TO NEKAAR 5!!!!!!!!!

No! Nekaar 5's orbit draws it too close to its sun this cycle! YOU'LL BURN! :o

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Anyone miss my pretty face? :n_n:

No? :cry:

Less than 20 more posts. . .

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There's an exchange student from Illinois, America, visiting us at this very moment. I haven't spoke to him yet, don't know what to say. :unsure: His name is Caleb. That's a really cool name. At least I think so.

Just go up and say "Hey, my name's ______." Then just start up a conversation.

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Are you going for 5,000 posts Goron Merchant? I don't know how you get so many posts on the forum in one day without spamming.

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Are you going for 5,000 posts Goron Merchant? I don't know how you get so many posts on the forum in one day without spamming.

He's close...

ANYWAY I can't believe how well my name has stuck.I can still remember the days when everyone called me TLoZ Pro.Yes,those were the days...

Like how in school people used to call me Taylor.Now I go by my middle name,Lee.

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hey HF :)

i wish i had that many posts :cry:

yea people are still probly gonna acidentaly call me ryu and stuff. but thats alright i don't care 'cuz as soon as i can change it again i'll probly change it back :joy:

my real name is:Brian Alan Hobbs. once my aunt convinced my cousin my last name was hoggs :cry:

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can someone help me out?I'm gonna sk a girl out to the dance['sigh' never had a gf before,I've never asked one out],and I'm wondering if anybody has any tips that might help me.

i have an idea!

step 1: Walk up to her

step 2: Ask her to the dance

step 3: Await answer

and then you are home free, young 'un. . .

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i made myself a schedule for every week

i have to run 30 minuites on the treadmil every day

and i can only play video games on:tuesday,thursday,saturday,and sunday

i cant play them today :cry:

do any of you have a schedule that you go by. or is it:get up shower,go to work/school,come home be tired, and then whatever.

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i made myself a schedule for every week

i have to run 30 minuites on the treadmil every day

and i can only play video games on:tuesday,thursday,saturday,and sunday

i cant play them today :cry:

do any of you have a schedule that you go by. or is it:get up shower,go to work/school,come home be tired, and then whatever.

Sunday:Use "It's the Sabath" as an excuse for not working




Thursday:Save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico *COUGH* *COUGH* School

Friday:School,Homecoming Dance

Saturday:I don't know,whatever I decide to do.

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this guy has some really awesome vids like this one

but i mustn't forget link's random adventure. . .

LRA is the shizznuggets of youtube

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this guy has some really awesome vids like this one

but i mustn't forget link's random adventure. . .

LRA is the shizznuggets of youtube

lol Benny Hill music

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