What would you do if you were President of the USA?

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Jellybeans would be accepted as a valid form of currency (except the cinnimon ones)!


Change the national anthem to the Barney Theme song. Then quickly flee to Canada, eh?

Edited by Frahugganiffle (see edit history)

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Posted (edited)

Abortion-Only in cases of sexual assult or high-risk pregnancy.

Healthcare-You should work for what you want. The government is not your nanny.

Iraq-Troop surge, finish it once and for all

Iran-Same as Iraq


Income tax-Abolish (Unconstitutional, put in during WWII to raise funds)

Gold standard-Bring it back (Nixon=Idiot)

Federal education committie (or whatever its called)-Abolish. Education in the responsibility of the states.

Gun control-Relax it.

Alaskan oil-Drill Drill Drill

Min wage-Abolish. Basicly, that is Socialism.

Gay marriage-Constitutional ban.

Stem cell-That's what lab rats are for.

Patriot act-GONE!!!

Border fence-Its going up, yet there would still be a Citizenship path, with less requirements then now, to gain citizenship.

Free trade-With everyone who wants to trade!

And, as a firm beliver in absolute free speech, I leave this open to comments, rants, ect.

Edited by Doubleagent (see edit history)

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Where's your logic? Explain to me your logic in surging troops in an un-needed area, abolishing socialism and banning gay marriage, i believe that's against several articles of the UDoHR

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 7

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

So, as president you'd be violating several human rights.


No, allowing doctors to deny abortions based on moral ethnics is stupid. They are a doctor, a person has requested them to perform an operation on them(a safe one) they are REQUIRED to carry out that request.

If they have moral objections they are IN THE WRONG JOB. If you had a life-saving drug, yet it was tested on animals so you wouldn't give it the patient. You'd be trialed with failure to comply with the contract and manslaughter(and most possibly murder) and you think that's stupid, don't you. Yes, yes you do, it's trivial. So why is abortion different, again, we're getting into the abortion debate and the only reason abortion is debated is because of opinion, when you bring opinion and religious beliefs into politics you end up with the Bush Administration


What i would do:

Abolish having to pay for healthcare(idealisticly) or have payment plans similar to tax payments


(Most expensive procedure in all cases)

30k, $900

60k $3000

90k $6000


Start Regulating banks more

Relief for the poor, no not those stupid goverment programs, action like food support, clothing and housing. Training courses, lifting the hobos out of poverty

Everything in accordance to the UDoHR and more.

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No, allowing doctors to deny abortions based on moral ethnics is stupid. They are a doctor, a person has requested them to perform an operation on them(a safe one) they are REQUIRED to carry out that request.

If they have moral objections they are IN THE WRONG JOB. If you had a life-saving drug, yet it was tested on animals so you wouldn't give it the patient. You'd be trialed with failure to comply with the contract and manslaughter(and most possibly murder) and you think that's stupid, don't you. Yes, yes you do, it's trivial. So why is abortion different, again, we're getting into the abortion debate and the only reason abortion is debated is because of opinion, when you bring opinion and religious beliefs into politics you end up with the Bush Administration


Actually, because an abortion is not considered a life saving surgery, in the case that the mother is choosing and doesn't need one to live, it is quite legal for a doctor to refuse one, just as it is okay for a pharmacy with certain values to deny the plan B pill. In a case where the mother wold die were the baby not aborted, then yes, you would be correct, but in most cases, no. It's like a doc can refuse cosmetic surgery. you are wrong.

I did not bring it religion into my belief, I am all for allowing a woman to choose what to do, but in the same, a doc should be allowed to practice on his own morals, it's a part of owning and operating your own BUSINESS, because hat is what it is. If he or she decides to turn away a procedure, then he or she does not obtain money for that procedure, however, under current law, the doc needs to provide her with the name of a doc who will do the procedure, or a service to connect her with one, IE, planned parenthood.

And that is the last I have to say on that.

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Make crack legal.

No, not really.

I would........I really don't care.

If whoever is president doesn't take away my religious rights, oppose my moral standards, isn't a mutha fudgin' socialist, and just allows US to prosper and to have peace I guess I'm okay. I just want peace in the nation. One Love comes to mind.....

China recently was caught doing some espionage with us. C'mon China, TAKE US OVER! I want chinese food everyday!

Just kidding, I hate communism. And I really don't know what this has to do with anything.

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If whoever is president doesn't take away my religious rights, oppose my moral standards, isn't a mutha fudgin' socialist, and just allows US to prosper and to have peace I guess I'm okay. I just want peace in the nation.

Relgion and state should be separate anyway. Though that may go against some of your moral standards

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I would make health care available to everyone and have a bunch of people make a bunch of robots to do the crappy jobs and have people have good jobs. :biggrin:

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try to fix the economy, try to end the war with iraq,

if all else fails, blame Canada

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Posted (edited)

" after random person was about to be rescued from the canadian wilderness a earthquake occurred and he was left again in the middle of the woods trying to rebuild his shelter again" Is that a Idea to deal with Canada, making a earthquake occur? (sorry, that was a bit of topic)

Edited by Frost Giant (see edit history)

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Abortion - illegal, with exception only in life-threatening circumstances.

Iraq - maintain a steady influence. We're too far in just to remove our presence, and they currently have something of a power vacuum. In such an unstable part of the world, we can't risk anything.

Iran - invade and remove the Ayatolla from power. The youth are more open to peace than the extremeists, and they get spurred on by their leader, the Ayatolla.

Taxing the rich - the Robin Hood tactic sounds good on paper, but if you start handing people money you end up with the same problem Russia had: lack of motivation led to a lack of innovation, which in turn led to an economic collapse.

A side note. You can't abolish socialism because the US is capitallistic, not socialist.

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Posted (edited)

Set up a mysterious amount of snipers who are hiding but still able to see me when I drive by in a car with a friend of mine waving to spectators.

I shall then have them kill me as if it looks like there was one sniper, and, somehow, the bullet swerved into an impossible direction.

Oh, yes, it shall be a day to remember.

It's brilliant!

Edited by Fierce Muffin (see edit history)

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A side note. You can't abolish socialism because the US is capitallistic, not socialist.

Actually, you could. It would be stupid, but you could. The US has socialist aspects to their government (like Social Security and welfare).

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We already have some socialism in our government, how do you think they got all that money for the bail out?

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My first act as President would be to ban the Obama's from earth and the United States.

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My first act as President would be to ban the Obama's from earth and the United States.

You're stupid.

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