Activity Stream

Activity Stream

  1. SilverAlchemic added a post in a topic Talk   

    On the topic of likes, I really don't like getting notificiations for them. But apparently you disabled toggling that? I only really want to be website-notified for messages.
  2. Teto added a post in a topic Animation   

    Playful & Fun kids cartoon about life
  3. Michael added a post in a topic Talk   

    Time does fly fast.
    Unless you're like myself and you've been here for almost 9 years, then time flies way too fast.
    Strange, it might take a little bit of time to update?
  4. SilverAlchemic added a post in a topic Talk   

    This is what shows up when I click "reputation activity" which is what I assume likes are. It doesn't show me given or received.
  5. Michael added a post in a topic Talk   

    I noticed this as well, however when I looked I couldn't find that setting.
    Of course, when I look again I find it. Are you able to see it now?
  6. Teto added a post in a topic Talk   

    Feels kind of wild actually that Cassandra has been here the better part of a year already. Feels like it should be less time, but when I think about it it sounds about right.
  7. Brodongo added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    4/6 night actions received. 
  8. Cascade added a post in a topic SPLATOON   

    Rainmaker Mode being added Saturday early morning for UK/tomorrow night for America! Capture the Flag is always fun, pretty excited!
  9. SilverAlchemic added a post in a topic Talk   

    Hey, Tappy, is it possible to see likes given/received anymore? Clicking on the link about community reputation doesn't show anything.
  10. Luneth Uchiha added a post in a topic Back From the Mental Hospital   

    If you need to talk, I can relate as well. I was actually in a psychiatric ward for a while back in March after I attempted suicide. It's not easy, but you aren't alone in everything.
  11. Necropolis added a post in a topic Talk   

    IT could just be a regional difference. Like Soda/pop
  12. Pizzza added a post in a topic Talk   

    Fair enough. I've just honestly never heard that term in non-demeaning context. I even heard the doctors correct the patients and visitors who called it that when I was placed in psychiatric care. Guess I was just taught wrong. Still feels like an outdated term though.
  13. Vio Milanor added a post in a topic Obscure Zelda Characters   

    I guess we'll never know!
  14. Knuckle added a post in a topic Obscure Zelda Characters   

    I don't get why he was so helpful for the first three dungeons then completely disappeared after that. Was he some sort of gimped tutorial character to teach you about the Rod of Seasons?
  15. Brodongo added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    Day has 4 has ended in stalemate. No lynch has been reached. 6 players remain in the game.
  16. T1g added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

  17. Vio Milanor added a post in a topic Obscure Zelda Characters   

    Sokra is the epitome of obscure.
  18. Brodongo added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    Teto - 3 - (Linox, Knuckle, Pheo)
    Knuckle - 1 - (Teto)
    No Vote - (Cirt)
    4 votes to lynch
    As it stands, day will end immediately when That 1 Guy makes his decision. Votes can still be changed until everyone has cast a vote.
  19. Teto added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    I'll keep checking back here until I'm completely out, but I need to go to bed now. Try not to kill me until tomorrow at least, so I can answer any remaining questions to try and satisfy your concerns and help you reach a decision you're happy with.
  20. Teto added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    So did we just do night 3? Are we just fresh off the jail break or was that yesterday? edit: okay yeah that was the morning of Day 3.
    Day 1, Night 1, Day 2, Night 2, Day 3, Night 3, Day 4. Okay yeah, 4 days, 3 nights. Night 1 I targeted Necro, night 2 was Cirt, night 3 was Pheo? But on night 3 I was jailed by T1G so no thing. Cirt was visited by Jaime on Night 3, so that's inconsistent. What was Linox's thing with Jaime, or was I paying attention wrong?
    But yeah I've not really ever interacted with you apart from being jailed last night. I wasn't sure what was going on with your keys thing, so I didn't think you were someone I'd protect. Necro feels like the kind of guy to be good at werewolf, so I guarded him, and then it turned out he was Cersei so I got the extra PM chat unlocked; and then I decided Cirt seemed pretty clean so I guarded her; and then pheo seemed like a good talker so I tried to guard him. Luckily he didn't get attacked anyway. Also, does jailing count as protection in this form of the game, or is it just blocking? Because you potentially saved me from being killed as well, if that means anything to town.
  21. pheonix561 added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    I think he means Night 2, the night when the riots started the next morning
  22. T1g added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    night 2, actually
  23. Teto added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    Was that night 1? I stood outside Necropolis's door on night 1.
  24. T1g added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    Did you protect me 2 nights ago?
  25. Teto added a post in a topic A Song of Ice and Werewolves (GoT)   

    I dunno what to say pheo. None of this makes sense to me either.
    I've been burnt out since day 2, when I threw around my vote for information purposes. I guess I just used it as an FOS. If I had been throwing it around without reason, that could have been seen as me trying to start a bandwagon, but that wasn't what was happening. I was just trying to use intimidation to get people to talk. I was already frustrated by T1G flat out refusing to talk about the keys, and then I just decided to use that incentive, although I definitely overused it toward the end 
    Day 3 I was absent for most or all of and I just saw how it was going and figured whatever, looks like they talked it out. I was burnt out on the game a little at that point but figured I'd put in a word for popular opinion.
    Day 4 I've just been saying whatever. Still pretty burnt out. My job is literally mind numbing. I never appreciated the meaning of that phrase until Tuesday. I found it really difficult to string a thought together yesterday without shutting off. My day was that boring. I can't remember half of what I've been talking about through Day 4. This game is a haze to me right now and I really can't think of what to say, except lamenting my absent mindedness.
    So yeah, the Jaime thing. I'm Jaime and I don't recall anything in my role saying that people would be aware that I was visiting them. So there's an impostor in the dungeons I guess. Maybe Jacquen Haquar is a Jaime impostor? That seems reasonable if there was a jail break, knowing the show.
    I can't draw and I can't think. It's hard to be invested when you're feeling kind of brain dead. I hope this is what you were asking. If I missed a question, ask it again.