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Posts posted by Necropolis

  1. Nah, Dragon ball/Z is great. You don't get long explanations of powers because Goku is a moron, and wouldn't understand it if it was explained. The anime, original and Z are both pretty good, and they even have enjoyable filler. Or, if you like, check out the manga. Toriyama's art is super clean, and very good.

  2. I'm not sure I would be able to get to saint Louis at those kind of erratic times. The other part of the job situation is that the job I have is on random nights, and its easy, and I'm getting a raise soon. I don't want to lose a job to get a job, so Ideally I would work mornings for any 2nd job I'm doing

    pheonix561 likes this

  3. I am reticent on whether or not to post this. I’m not sure what can be gained from doing so, besides venting. But at the very least I’ll write it. I find the act of writing out your thoughts on something can often bring new clarity to it. The last week or so has been pretty tough. I’ll have to give some context to this for it to be adequately understood.



    Since I was about 14 I have lived as a guest with other people. Before then I had a pretty stable home base, always knew where I would plop down. Around when I was 14 me and my Dad moved in with his girlfriend. She was a horror to live with, and so, this was a tumultuous time. Being a lazy 15 year old, I’ll take partial blame for this, I didn’t have a job, I didn’t do chores unless I was instructed to do them, I get all that. But she was the kind of person that would be angry at you if, during a day where you had nothing to do, you did nothing. Beyond that, she had a kid with severe Behavioral disorders, and had lots of problems herself. The day I left was the day she burst in to my room and told me I was going to lay my homework on her kitchen table every day so she could make sure it was done. After that, here was a long line of people and places I lived. I lived with my Aunt, my Uncle, my Grandfather, my Grandmother, and through that experience I learned to keep a bag packed. Just in case you weren’t coming back somewhere.


    Current situation

    So that brings me to my current status quo. After living with my uncle, visiting my grandmother every weekend, I got a job, and so with the extra added income to supplement the expense of housing someone, it was feasible to move in with my dad and his new girlfriend. I live in the basement, as befits any bridge troll. Before I moved in the basement was a wreck. It was pretty unlivable. Since moving in, I have organized and categorized the storage boxes left down here, cleaned the carpets as best I could, brought in living amenities like a TV, a bed, my personal effects, and Bookshelves.  I pay on average half of what I make, +any extra money anyone asks me for, whether it be for bills, or gas money or what have you.

    So, that brings me to the current problem. My Dad’s girlfriend is an incredible alcoholic. from the moment she gets home from work, around 5 or 6, to when she stumbles to bed around 11 or 12 she hammers down Gin and sprite. I have had to try to escort her to her bed, and seen her fall 3-4 times a trip. Lately, she has in her drunkeness made me and her own son, about 14 now, into scapegoats for whatever she thinks is a problem at any given time. Last night she stumbled down into the basement, woke me up, and lectured me for about 45 minutes about how I have to make a life for myself, and that I should get another job, and how i’m 22 should have my own place and work 3 part time jobs. Well, I can say for certain, if I could get 3 jobs, and found a place I could rent for 3 jobs salary, I would. But you can’t just snap your fingers and get a job in this economy. I haven’t gotten a job yet that wasn’t because I knew a guy. Most places don’t even call me in for an interview. Shit’s puppyed. So I try to explain some of these concepts, and others to her but she’s so wasted its going in one ear, out the other. I’ve gotten yelled at in the past for eating something she said I could have because she forgot she said it. Theres no point in attempting communication. I have about a 2 hour window from when she gets home to when she is unapproachable drunk. She comes downstairs tonight after a shouting match with my dad to tell me I need to think about somewhere else to live. I text my dad that, and texts back that she’ll forget by morning. I got the god damned sword of Damocles hanging over my head and all I can do is wait for it to fall.

    Sahaqiel likes this

  4. What, hasn't she already seen it? Barring that, most people are aware of Guts arm and eye, what is the spoiler here? That he fights monsters? If you just watch the TV show it is a big deal when Zodd shows up, but otherwise the first volume is pretty rife with them

    Also, the spoiler tags broke the link




    The short speech Kamille gives, and the aftermath here, is one of my favorite things in any anime, from my favorite anime. Up to this point,the power of Newtypes usually only manifest itself in the form of precognition and a sort of vulcan mind meld. So when he actually forms constructs outside of his suit, its this huge holy shit moment. And he does even cooler shit later, but here, the combo of the music, Kamille righteous indignation, Life is the Strength, such a cool line, its just awesome



    No subs for this one, but you can glean the idea from the content. This is also one of the great Newtype moments in the show, and the movie versions have this amazing music.



    Gunbuster. It speaks for itself

    Oh, I guess you can only do two embedded vids at once. Check it out anyways

    Agent Zako likes this

  6. The good parts about the game made the bad parts tolerable

    What if they made a game and called it Sonic Adventure 3.

  7. Kyle Rayner was the Green Lantern when I was coming into comics. When Hal Jordan returned during the Paralax event that was when I discovered that there was more than one Earth Lantern (2814). I bought a trade paperback at Barnes and Noble and learned more about Hal Jordan and even Alan Scott the Golden age lantern and his very weird outfit.


    Nice Red Shirt you got there....ummm Green Lantern!?

    Was it called fear itself? I have a trade that has stories for all 3 called Fear itself. Not sure if I've ever mentioned but I'm a huge JSA fan, so Alan Scott is my bread and butter.

    I liked the Wally West Flash because he's a nobody and because he eats hot dogs by the armful. Barry Allen, a cop whose mother was killed, is too angsty. DC's new cinematic universe needs less angst, in my opinion.

    Its interesting, you see, Barry died in 1986, and he didn't come back for a good 20 years, so he had no modern characterization when he came back to life. Geoff Johns was a big fan as a kid, so he did the best he could, but for some people it fell flat.

  8. Ganny your text is going off screen


    also scizor is pretty kewl dewd

    God like taste. Scizor is best. I'll also always be a Machamp mark

  9. I should have elaborated more in my post. I said they chose John, because at the time, several years after the Kyle episode, Kyle wasn't crazy popular. They do care about the comics insofar as they tended to pick whichever version of a character was active at the time. Aquaman was badass Hook aquaman, rather than orange scale-mail aquaman. Hal Jordan had been evil, dead, and Spectre over the ten years since he was Green Lantern, so the two character they used were the two people who were Green Lanterns in the comics. The Flash was Wally West. It was for the purpose of Diversity only so far as John Stewart was created in the 70s because they had very few black superheroes at DC at the time, and Neal Adams is a cool guy