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Posts posted by Necropolis

  1. Some youtube videos don't seem to embed like they used to. Its not universal, but I've seen it a few times

  2. Yeah totally. Having a cartoon fetish totally means they are pro LGBT. Its why we queers love yaoi fan girls and aren't creeped out by them at all!

    lol but yeah ill try to remember to watch this soon

  3. Yeah, the state of Konami is insane.


    But mostly I just wanted Zone of the Enders 3

    Which went from never happening to SUPER never happening.

    T1g and TIerkreiss15 like this

  4. And that's season 1 finished. Jasper was a fantastic villain. I hope she stays trapped for a season or 2, it'll make it all the better when she makes her grand return. In the mean time Peridot and...Yellow Diamond? I assume thats the Ruler of the Gem homeworld.

    Gonna watch something else for a little while and then get started on season 2. Probably when they get off of hiatus

    Pizzza likes this

  5. Yeah. It hasn't massively detracted from the experience or anything though. If any thing, only added some interesting context

  6. I kinda got spoiled as to Garnet's origins, but I will say, it does give an interesting insight in this Stevonnie episode.



    T1g likes this

  7. Now about 70% through season 1. Great show. Last thing that happened was the Mirror Gem/Lapis Lazuli episode. Some interesting implications there

  8. It's not even really the characters themselves as much as the world around them. Like the two big ones are Garnet and Amethysts weapons. Garnet had these really cool Golden gauntlets, and amethyst had a light whip. Then in episode 1 proper the gauntlets got big, blocky and pastel-y and now the whip is sort of like a thorn whip with several tails. They almost feel kinda...nerfy? But I guess that's probably easier on the animators and much easier for toys, so its not something I begrudge them. And that is a very minor gripe. Didn't stop me from watching 10 episodes in a row.

  9. Deadpool....deadpool...........This is all Daniel Way's fault. One bad writer and people's perception of a character is blitzed. Alright, so deadpool is good. The character at least, at different times either he or his book have been in dire straits content wise. So deadpool was a Rob Liefeld Deathstroke rip off. It was decided after a few appearances that to avoid lawsuits, they would try to make him different. This was done by making him funny, and that's an important keyword, he wasn't just trying to be funny, he WAS funny. Most of his early stories were by Joe Kelly, who introduced a lot of character concepts, Deadpool is an inherently lonely sort of guy, so he kidnapped an old blind woman to live in his house. This seemed a normal thing to him. Another aspect of his humor was he would occasionally break the 4th wall and talk to the audience. He would sometimes do this drastically, telling someone who asked him when the last time they met, "19 issues ago." This wasn't done very often though, so it was always funny. After Kelly was Cable and Deadpool, which was like the perfect buddy cop series. Then we got like, 3 years of Daniel Way, a writer most well known for taking one central aspect of a character and then putting a magnifying glass on it to the exclusion of everything else. So Deadpool became this semi retarded meme machine. At the same time as this Rick Remender was writing a fantastic nuanced Deadpool in his Uncanny X Force. So its not just the character, its the writer. The fact that his skin is all scarred up actually has me optimistic, because in Way's run he just looked like a bald guy.

    T1g and Agent Zako like this

  10. Quite a bit. Did 10 half episodes. Tiger Millionaire was great. I sort of liked the pilot designs a bit better, but I'm sold on everything now.

  11. I've resisted it for so long, but I've finally been sold on the show. Guess I'll watch it now

    Teto likes this

  12. The problem is no one has said anything outright contradictory in such a manner as to cast suspicion, only done things that can be neither proven nor disproven. Lets throw a wrench in the mix, see if we can't glean some information here. Who is currently in a secret meeting with someone else. I am, though I think I'll abstain from naming my partner.

    pheonix561 likes this

  13. On my phone, so I can't do color, but I agree on Protecting Tywin Lannister.

    Brodongo, is Guy Targaryen The mummers Dragon? Don't look that up BTW, anyone who doesn't know what that means.