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Posts posted by NayruGoddessOfWisdom

  1. (( I like the idea of combining both too! And I like what I've read so far Knuckle, I look forward to seeing what you've got planned! ))


    Drizzle is pouring down over Faron woods as we set out headed towards Skyview Spring. It shouldn't take us very long to reach there, but still, apprehension bubbles within me. I'm curious as to what exactly Sheik meant by the suspicions of the elders and us all prospering from the quest - and why wouldn't he want to tell us all in advance? Normally, Sheik divulges such information to me at least, but I think he believes that I'm less capable, less collected recently. What really scares me is that right now, I feel like he might be right.

    Link and Zelda walk at the front of the group, talking secretively, whispering in the way that only lovers can. It makes my gut ache. I haven't seen or spoken to Melaina since the awful ordeal yesterday. Even though she's not herself right now, I need to respect her decisions and give her space. What kind of an awful person would I be if I didn't at least give her that?

    After a while, we come to a halt on the white marble pathway just in front of Skyview Temple. We all look up at the tangle of branches and greenery that grows from the top deck of the temple. Link is the first to step forward.

    "Come on!" he says. "Let's get in there!"

  2. The sky is streaked black and midnight blue as we make our way outside. Some of the brighter stars peek through the clouds, but it's hard to see most. We make our way back along the shores of the river, the pale moonlight glistening on the the water as it gushes and bubbles and froths. The river isn't particularly deep, in fact it's rather shallow, no further than knee deep, but it's got strong currents.

    We walk until we reach the crossing point, the stepping stones dotted out in a diagonal path across the wide river. My boots are still sat on the other side, waiting for me. Leoni crosses first, followed by me and Caoilainn. The three of us hop from stone to stone, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the silky feel of wet moss beneath my feet. Caoilainn grips my arm to steady herself, so I focus on helping her to get across safely without pitching over and breaking her neck. It's significantly harder in the dim moonlight. I'm facing backward, stood firm on a rack with my arms extended outwards to guide Caoilainn to safe footing, when suddenly I hear a loud yelp behind me, followed by a significant splash.

    I make sure Caoilainn's secure before turning around, and I can't fight the laugh that escapes me. Leoni's shoulders poke out of the river, suggesting that he's sat down, but he's soaked through to the bone. His sodden hair sticks to his forehead like a wet seal as he spits the river water out from his mouth.

    "Wait, what happened?" Caoilainn asks, looking confused.

    "Leoni just fell in," I explain, stifling a giggle. "How did you manage that?" I ask.

    He reaches up to take my offered hand and I pull him up onto the rocks once again. "These things are covered in moss, it makes them so slippery!" he explains. Caoilainn giggles, and Leoni goes to take a step forward, but stops abruptly and yelps in pain.

    "What now?" Caoilainn asks.

    Leoni grabs his ankle, grimacing. "I think I twisted something..." he groans.

    I roll my eyes. "Come on then..." I sigh. I turn my back to him and help him clamber up onto my back. His wet clothes instantly soak through my shirt, but I don't have the heart to complain as he loops his arms around my neck, clinging on tight.

    "Okay," I say. "Let's just get back home."

  3. I guide her carefully into the cave. Unlike me, she has narrow shoulders so avoids getting her clothes wet as she makes her way through the gap.

    "How on earth did you get here?" I ask. "And how did you know where to find me?"

    She gives me a soft smile. "This was the first place I ever knew the Sheikah camp to be settled, so I remember it better than most places. I remembered how you used to come here to practice meditating." She stops for a moment, smiling. "I wonder if that little boy ever knew how powerful his meditation would be."

    I sigh. "Some power... I tried to help Melaina and I hurt her."

    The two of us huddle against the back wall of the small cave, a thin blanket that she thought to bring draped around our shoulders to keep us warm. She holds up an apple to me. "Hungry?" she asks.

    I nod, taking the fruit gratefully. "Thanks..." I take a bite thoughtfully, watching the water streak down in front of the now inky black sky. I sigh. "Sheik is going to kill us for running off when we get back."

    She nods. "Yup. But... I just needed to check if you're okay. I know that you didn't mean to hurt Melaina."

    I swallow my mouthful. "Yeah, but she doesn't believe that. She doesn't know me anymore... she doesn't even want to. It's just... it's the worst, because I still love her. I still love her the way that I did before, but to her, none of that ever happened. And now I'm forced to keep my distance... I don't know how to describe how terrible this feels."

  4. I don't know how far I walked from camp, but I walked for a good two hours or so. I'm not even completely sure where I am, but all I knew was that I needed to get away. I'm somewhere near a large, rocky waterfall to the west of the camp, but I must be a good distance away. I make my way across the slippery, moss covered rocks, my bare feet sliding about dangerously. I left my boots on the other side of the river to avoid getting them sodden and risking an infection.

    I'm acting like Caoilainn used to, and I hate it. I can't seem to think straight, I don't want to be around anyone but Melaina and she doesn't want me there. I hurt her... I was just trying to help and I hurt her. I made everything a thousand times worse. What is wrong with me? When did I start acting like this?

    When I was about eight, we set up our camp near here, and I used to come to this waterfall. It was the place where I meditated. Oddly enough, I don't feel like meditating now. But still, if I remember correctly...

    I hope further along the stones, being careful to maintain my footing and balance. And sure enough, I find a tiny gap between where the water gushes downwards and where the rock face pulls back behind it. A cave, it's entrance hidden behind the waterfall.

    I make my way inside, water pouring down my left shoulder as I do so. Everything in here echoes, and my thoughts are drowned out by the gushing of the water. I take off my wet shirt and sit myself down on the ground, my back pressed up against the smooth, water-worn rock face. And it's there I sit in silence, watching the sky streaked with gold and pink through the running water as the sun slowly dips down.

  5. "We're really sorry," Zelda says softly. "Can we get you a drink?"

    Sault shakes his head, still looking rather dazed. "No... I just want to go back to camp."

    The mention of returning home has me suddenly alert. "Good idea," I say. "We'll start searching for allies on the Surface tomorrow." Above all else, I need to see Melaina. I need to see how her condition has changed, how she's feeling... I need to see if I can help her at all.

    We all get to our feet and Link and I pay for our drinks before we head out into the bright Skyloft sunshine. We all share Loftwings as we fly back to the Surface, touching down on the ground just outside of the camp.

    "We should probably go brief Sheik on what happened," Leoni says as we stroll into camp. Most of the others nods and agree.

    "Yeah..." I say gently. "I'll be there in just a minute. I- I need to do something really quickly..."

    Caoilainn does a double take. "Fintan?" she says, astonished. "Missing out on a briefing?"

    Guilt tugs at my stomach. "I promise I'll be quick - just... nature calls," I say, despite the fact that I'm terrible at lying.

    Everyone nods, though Caoilainn and Leoni don't look like they entirely believe me. The others make their way over towards the communal tent, and I wait until they've vanished from site before making a run for Melaina's tent.

    She's sat in her bed, head in hands as I pull open the tent door. She looks up immediately, her eyes glazed with tears. She sniffs softly. "Fintan?" she asks.

    "Yeah..." I mutter, a little relieved that she still remembers me. I can't help but wonder if she remembers how she felt when I kissed her...

    "Wh-what are you doing here?" she asks. "Where are the others?"

    "I- uhh... I need to do something," I mutter. I walk slowly over, sitting myself down on the edge of her bed. She looks a little startled as I take a deep breath. "I need you to trust me," I say.

    She look a little weary, but nods slowly. I raise my hands, placing them either side of her face. The tips of my index and middle fingers are pressed into her temples, my thumbs resting along her cheekbones. She's visibly nervous, but I close my eyes, trying to focus on the task at hand.

    "This may hurt a little..."

  6. Caoilainn and Zelda join us in the little cafe not long after we sit down. The two of them are smiling as Zelda slides into the seat next to Link. I get to my feet, helping Caoilainn to find her seat before sitting back down.
    "How'd it go with the Headmaster?" Link asks as he offers Zelda his drink.
    She takes a sip before replying. "He agreed to enlist the help of the nights in our year and above."
    "That's good news," I say. "Zurin's on our side too. When the time comes, we'll send out messengers to call them to the Surface, but for now it's good to know they've got time to prepare."
    "Agreed," Caoilainn says. "But we need to find a way to prepare too. We have to find some kind of weakness in Avani..."
    I swallow a mouthful of my drink, a sweet juice that the Hylians must have crushed from some fruit. "Well Zurin said he'll look into Avani and her power for us. He might be able to uncover something."
    "And we need to do something for Melaina too," Zelda says. "I just can't seem to help her! I don't know how to reverse Avani's magic!"
    "I'm not convinced that there's anything we can do for her memory..." Caoilainn mutters, a little timid. "I'm worried that what's gone... is gone, permanently."
    I swallow my mouthful, casting my mind back to the day of that awful battle. I remember so vividly the way that Avani passed through our minds, rooting through every memory and every emotion, trying to find something to exploit. But I remember the way that I mimicked her, rifled through her own mind that way that she did ours. I press my fingers into my temples as I ponder - if I can probe Melaina's mind, if I can find exactly how this magic is operating, how it's eroding her memory... we might be able to do something to reverse the magic, or at least stop it from getting any worse.
    "Fintan?" Zelda laughs nervously. "You kind of zoned out on us there?"
    I look up, glacing at my friends expressions. "There's something I didn't tell you," I say. "Something that happened in the battle..."

  7. We thank Sault for all his help, say our goodbyes, and then head out onto the island. I don't think I could ever get used to living somewhere like Skyloft. It's beautiful, remarkable - the pathways are paved with cobblestone and the streets are lined with bunting that ripples gently in the warm breeze. There's always a soft clicking noise from the flying air shop and the gentle trickle of a waterfall that makes no geographical or physical sense to me.

    But it's perpetually peaceful, or at least appears to be. It's wonderful, but somewhere so quiet would grow irritating after a while. I like having missions - things to do and problems to solve. I don't know who I'd be otherwise.

    Link leads me into the bazaar, a dimly lit, crowded building with a canvas roof. He takes me to a wooden table and orders us a drink each. We're here to kill time while we wait for the others to finish their jobs before we head back to camp.

    "What Zurin said still baffles me..." Link mutters as the friendly waitress lays down our drinks on the table. "How could Avani have risen to her lofty powers so quickly?"

    "I don't know..." I reply. "All I know is that she needs to be stopped, she's done enough damage already."

    I take a sip of my drink, but it doesn't ease the bitter taste behind my lips. I hate the thought of what Avani's magic did to Melaina, and maybe it's selfish, but above all I'm worried. I'm worried she'll never remember how to play the harp, she'll never remember her friends... she'll never remember how we fell in love. The very thought of that kills me inside.

  8. I'm not entirely that familiar with Skyloft, but Sault and Leoni wanted to pair up, as did Caoilainn and Zelda, leaving me and Link. Each pair has at least one person from Skyloft, which is a bonus. Although I'm not all too familiar with Link, he and I have never really communicated apart from where necessary. He watches me with a cautionary expression as we make our way across Skyloft to Zurin's little house.

    "He lives just the other side of this river," Link says, motioning to the little bridge just ahead.

    "Uh-huh," I mutter. I still can't shake this lingering anger, the annoyance, the slight bitter sting of rejection. How could she forget?"

    "Do you want to... talk about something?" he asks, a little weary.

    I shake my head. "Nope. We've got a job to do."

    He nods, admitting defeat as we cross over the bridge and head up to Zurin's home. Judging by the state of it, it must be the newest house in Skyloft. Link knocks confidently on the door, and it's opened by a tall, pale man who greets us with a warm smile.

    "Link!" he beams. "It's good to see you! And its... Fintan, am I right?" I nod, and he steps back, inviting us inside. "Come on in," he says. "What can I do for you?"

  9. She wriggles away from me, pushing my hands from her arms. She forces herself out of her bed, putting her weight on her good leg. Her arms hug her body protectively as she stares me down with a look of confusion and slight annoyance.

    "What the hell was that?" she spits.

    "I- uhh..." What am I supposed to say? I try my best to swallow the lump in my throat, to formulate a sentence, but I can't utter so much as a word. How could she forget?

    Her jaw pushes forward as she glares at me. "What the hell was that?" she repeats. When I don't say anything, she continues. "You think you can just kiss me like that? You can't do that Fintan! Don't you have any semblance of respect for me?"

    As I look at her expression I feel a bubble of anger forming inside of me. Not at her, but at Avani, at Majora, at the Bokoblin who slashed at her leg. I'm angry at the magic, that corrosive magic that's seeping through her mind. The magic that made her forget her home, her friends, that made her forget me. Everything that transpired between us has been wiped from her memory like crumbs dusted from a table. And the very thought of that makes my blood boil. I clench my fists into tight balls as she softly shakes her head.

    "Maybe it's for the best that you're not going to be here... I think you should leave."

    I turn, ripping open the door of the tent as I make my way outside. My pulse is throbbing through my skin as I march into the blinding daylight. Most of the others are already congregated in a group outside, apart from Sheik who we decided needs to stay at the camp. I march right over, and everyone turns to face me as I approach.

    "Let's go," I order, not wasting time with a greeting.

  10. I chew the inside of my cheek. "I would recommend the Sheikah to help, but they've suffered enough losses... I don't think the camp is fit to battle yet."

    "I agree," Zelda replies. "But we have Knights in Skyloft. They're usually trained for airborne combat... but I know they'd be willing to help if we explained the situation."

    "Who knows?" Sault asks. "The flying angle may even be useful!"

    Sheik nods. "True. And we may be able to enlist the help of the Gorons - they have some remarkable weaponry."

    "I'm sure Zurin and Batreux will loan us their magic," Leoni interjects.

    "And the Dragons of the Surface could be persuaded," Link adds.

    I nod, taking it all in. "This is all helpful... I think it's safe to say that whatever we're facing here isn't just a threat to us and to our tribe, but to Skyloft and the rest of Surface as well. I never realised how big a war is waging here... but Demon Kind is hungry for revenge. We need to act fast. I suggest we congregate in the morning and divide up into smaller teams, possibly pairs, to set out to convince other forces to ally with us."

    "It's a plan," Sheik says. "But for now, you all need to rest up. Take an early night so we can be ready bright and early tomorrow."

    Everyone agrees, breaking off into smaller groups to head to their tents. I decide that I should probably let Melaina know where we're going, seeing as there's no chance that she can come with us tomorrow. I make my way over to her tent, pushing back the door and walking slowly over to her bed. She smiles at me as I perch on the side of the bed, taking one of her hands.

    "We've just had a briefing," I say. "We're heading out tomorrow to find allies to help us in the battle against the Demons." Her face drops a little, but I can't blame her for being disappointed. "I know you don't want to stay here... but I think you know as well as I do that it's for the best. I won't be gone for long, I'll be back at the end of the day."

    It's only then that I realise tears are welling in her eyes. I frown, placing my other hand over hers and cupping it tightly. "Melaina... please don't cry..." I whisper.

    "I'm so scared Fintan..." she whispers back. "I don't want to forget, I don't want to forget everything... I feel like my life is slowly slipping through my fingers and I just can't stop it..."

    I take my hands from hers, cupping her face gently. I plant a soft kiss on her lips, before reaching down to trace my amber necklace that hangs around her collar bone. "If you ever feel scared... just remember that this necklace will give you strength."

    She glances down, lifting the necklace a little to look at it. "My necklace?" she asks. "Why would it?"

    "I-" I mutter, reaching up and carefully untying the necklace from around my neck. "I wanted to give you this... The juniors gave it to me to make me feel better... I thought you might like it for luck."

    My blood chills in my veins for a second, my tongue turned to dust. I swallow hard, shaking my head. "N-no reason..."

  11. I blink at her in silence for a few moment, unsure of exactly how to respond.

    "Caoilainn..." I say. "That was Caoilainn."

    Her expression is blank. "Caoilainn?"

    I don't know how to respond to that. Slowly, her expression deteriorates into a shamed, panicked expression. Her hand draws back from mine as she buries her face in her palms. "I knew saying something was a mistake..."

    I sit down next to her, wrapping her huddled body up into my arms. "Hey..." I breathe, "hey..." I stroke her hair gently, trying to quell the worry bubbling inside of me. "Why didn't you tell me you were struggling?"

    "I didn't want you to worry..." she says, close to tears.

    "Hey, hey! Look at me," I pull back, tiling her face up to meet my gaze. "I'm always going to worry about you... but I need to know these things so that I can help."

    She nods, looking a little defeated as she wipes her eyes. I give her one last hug, hoping that she can't hear how fast my heart is pounding. This is bad... very bad...

  12. I chew my bread thoughtfully as I sit in the communal tent. I just ducked out of Melaina's tent to grab a bite to eat, but my mind is still swimming with the events that transpired earlier today.

    "Hey Fintan," Leoni says, sliding into the seat next to me with a bowl full of chopped fruit. "What's up? You look a little confused..."

    I swallow hard. "I bought Melaina her harp earlier. She's been recovering so well that I thought she might like to play it... but she just stared at it like she didn't have a clue where to begin..."

    He shrugs. "She must just be tired. It's difficult with her condition, she's only concious half of the time, she's slipping in and out of our lives and is struggling to keep up with everything going on. She'll be okay, just don't over think it."

    "I suppose you're right," I say as I get to my feet, clearing my plate before I make my way back over to Melaina's tent. Caoilainn is just leaving as I make my way in, and Melaina greets me with a warm smile.

    "Sheik told me that the rebuilding of the Spiti temple is going well," I say as I walk in slowly. "He thinks it'll be up and ready within a week or two. That's pretty impressive, huh?"

    She nods, smiling, but there's something that I can't quite pinpoint behind her smile. I take her hand gently. "You'd tell me if something was wrong... right?" I ask.

  13. I don't know how long I sit there crying for. I honestly couldn't say. Somewhere along the lines I just lost track of time, but it doesn't make a difference anyway. Eventually, the tears run dry and I drag my sleeve across my damp cheeks, sniffing heavily.

    "Do you feel a bit better?" Caoilainn asks softly.

    I shake my head. "Not even a little."

    She gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze and I force a weak smile. It says a lot that she'd be there for me, even after everything. It might take a while to be friends like we used to, but I think we're at least okay.

    "Leoni found some medicine for her. We don't know how much good it will have done though. She's been ill for quite a while... I don't want you to get your hopes up in case-"

    "I know," I cut her off, not wanting to hear the end of it. "Do you think I could see her now?"

    She nods. "Sheik's done all he can. She's just under supervision for now... I think Sault is in there."

    She helps me to my feet and I guide her into the tent. Sure enough, Sault is sat by Melaina's bed, washing a cloth in a bucket of cold water. He looks up as I make my way in.

    "Fintan," he says. "I take it Caoilainn's told you?"

    I nod. "I don't want to be rude, but I'd really appreciate some time alone with her."

    He nods understandingly, pressing the cool cloth into my hand. "Don't lose hope," he says, as he and Caoilainn make for the exit.

    And suddenly I'm alone with her. I fold the cloth in half twice to form a narrow strip which I carefully press onto her forehead. I settle down on the chair by her bed, reaching out to take one of her limp hands. She doesn't appear to be in pain like she was before, but she shows no sign of consciousness. I feel like a cracked pot, like I'm holding myself together but fit to break any second. I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself, but it doesn't do much.

    I close my eyes, feeling warmth prickling around the edges of the lids. I'm fully aware that talking to her is absolutely pointless, that she can't hear a word that I'm saying, but I can feel the words forming on my lips and I'm compelled to speak them aloud:

    "Please," I whisper, "don't leave me... no one else knows me like you do, Melaina. You know, better than anyone else, that I struggle to admit to anyone when I'm feeling hurt, or alone, or angry. You changed that... you're the only person I can be real with, I'm only really me when I'm with you." I take a deep, shaky breath. "And maybe it's utterly selfish, but I don't want to have to live without you, without your cheeky jokes, your bright smile, your beautiful harp playing. I just..." I squeeze her hand tighter, clinging on to any shred of hope that I can muster. "I've known for a very long time that I love you, and if you die before I can tell you that... I'd never forgive myself."



  14. "No," I say. "No... no!" I push past Caoilainn, grabbing Melaina's trembling hand. I press my other hand to her cheek, which is coated in a thin layer of sweat. "She's not going to..." the words get lost in my throat. I swallow hard. "We won't let that happen! We can help her... Zelda? What about your magic?"

    I glance desperately to my blonde haired friend, her eyes full of worry. "Maybe..." she says, tentative. "But I barely know how to use my powers, I've never treated anything like this... I don't know what to do with poisoning..."

    "You can try!" I shout, taken aback at the tone and volume of my own voice. Zelda blinks softly as Link wraps his arm around her. I sigh, pressing my fingers into my temples. I can't think straight. "I'm sorry... I just... Sheik?"

    He studies Melaina's wound with a furrowed brow, his lips pressed into a firm line. I can't tell what he's thinking.

    "Sheik!" I snap.

    "We'll do what we can, Fintan," he says firmly. "Sault, go get me a box of medical supplies." Sault nods and ducks out of the tent. Sheik looks up, his eyes meeting mine. "You need to calm down."

    "Calm down?!" I choke. "How can I calm down? I can't lose her!"

    "Get him out of here..." Sheik mutters, turning back to Melaina's wound.

    "You can't kick me out!" I spit, but Caoilainn wraps a hand around my arm, feeling her way to the exit. She drags me out, despite my verbal and physical protests. The cold evening air hits me, in sharp contrast to the dense heat in the tent. I shiver as she drags me a little way from the tent before turning to me with a growl of annoyance. She thumps my arm with her fist, eliciting a yelp of pain from me. It reminds me of the time Caoilainn followed me from Goron territory, back when everything was uncomplicated, when Melaina wasn't close to death...

    I rub my arm furiously. "What did you do that for?!" I snap.

    "You need to sort it out, Fintan," she hisses. "This is so unlike you! You don't lose your temper, you don't yell... what has gotten into you?"

    "I can't believe you'd even ask that," I say through gritted teeth. "Melaina could be dying in there and Sheik just kicked me out!"

    "Because it's of no use to him to have a hysterical person in the tent while he's trying to treat a patient on the brink of death! Goddess... Melaina was just the same with you when I-"

    She stops still, unsure of how to finish that sentence. She waits for me to snap some bitter remark, to storm off, to shout. But I don't have the energy to be angry at her anymore. I can feel myself crumpling inside like a used tissue. I don't want Melaina to die. I don't want to have to live without her. I can't even imagine a life without her. It's only as I drop down to sit on the dusty ground that I realise that I'm weeping like a child.

    Caoilainn sits down softly next to me, pulling me into a hug. She feels rigid, like she's nervous at how I'll react but I'm beyond the point of caring. I cling tightly to her, weeping onto her shoulder.

  15. My mind still swims with Caoilainn's words. I know... I know she's trying as hard as she can, and I am too. I want to forgive her, more than anything. I don't want to be so uncomfortable, so self conscious, but it's difficult. Each time I bend over, the pain is a constant reminder. As I slip into the communal tent, I find that the surviving tribe members are congregated here. All eyes are turned to Sheik, who stands on an upturned crate facing the crowd.

    "Ladies and gentleman," he says, his voice low pitched. "Firstly, I need to thank you all for your continued support; for your efforts to rebuild the spirit temple, to treat the wounded, and to establish a new camp. Even in such terrible times, it's comforting to know we've such a strong community here. But such a strong community suffers more at times such as these. We've lost a lot of good people today, brave men and women have fallen defending the camp, defending the surface..." he reads from a list of names, his voice becoming more and more strained as he proceeds. Cale's name is among the fallen. "It's truly a terrible blow. But they died proud, brave, and true. They died heros, and we will remember them as such. There will be a ceremony of passing tomorrow at dusk by the shores of Lake Floria. All, of course, are welcome."

    And with that, he steps down, and the crowd breaks into smaller groups, each of them conversing quietly. I weave through the crowds, ducking between the different groups. Eventually, I reach Sheik. He gives me a half hearted smile as I straighten my shirt.

    "Sheik, I think we have a problem..." I say.

    He lets out a hollow laugh. "We've more than one."

    I glance around, leaning in a little closer so I can lower my voice. "No," I say. "Melaina... there's something seriously wrong with her."

    He shakes his head slowly. "She's been through trauma, she's probably just in shock."

    I press my lips together, insistent. "Trust me, I know her, through and through. This is something else... she's got a fever, she's having nightmares, she's forgetting things. Things she shouldn't forget..."

    He puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I understand that you're concerned, but I'm sure it's just trauma. Give her a few days, take good care of her, she'll recover."

    He gives me a thin smile before he turns away, but I'm just not convinced.

  16. "Link and Zelda are with Caoilainn now. Zelda wanted to heal her wounds, and I think Link was just relieved that Zelda's okay."

    Melain nods understandingly, but I can see that's she's struggling. She's definitely got a fever, something must have gotten into her cut because she doesn't look well.

    "Melaina, you need to get some rest," I say, squeezing her hand gently. "You're not well..."

    "Fintan, I-" she stutters.

    I shake my head. "No... I'll redress your wound, but then you need to get some sleep."

    I turn, taking a roll of bandage from the station in the middle of the tent. She winces in pain as I roll up her trouser leg, pulling off the hastily applied piece of fabric. Her wound is nasty, it's bleeding heavily and weeping a little. I take a deep breath and begin wrapping the bandage around. I wrap until the roll is finished, then carefully pin it into place. As I gently roll down her trouser sleeve and glance up, Melaina's already asleep. I lean in and gently kiss her forehead and tuck her under the sheets before walking slowly to the exit.

    As I near the door, I spot Caoilainn sat up in the bed closest to the door. Link and Zelda must have left by now, because she sits alone. I swallow hard. I still struggle to talk to her, I don't want to be near her right now... but I know what I've got to do. I make my way over, wiping my sweaty palms on my shirt.

    "Caoilainn..." I mutter. "I uhh... there's something I've got to say."

    She frowns. "Fintan? Is that you?"

    "Yeah," I reply. I step a little closer, perching uncomfortably on the edge of her bed. "I just... uhh..." I can't seem to fathom any words. I don't even know what to say around her any more.

    "...Fintan?" she asks, looking baffled.

    "Sorry," I mutter. "Well, Melaina told me what you did for her. I just... I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for saving her."

    "Don't mention it," she says, smiling.

    "I guess," I mutter. "I guess that's all..." I get up, heading over to the door of the tent.

    "Fintan?" she asks. I turn back, glancing over my shoulder.


  17. I want to scream, I want to wail and sob and punch someone over and over. I want to chase after Avani and beat her down to a bloody pulp. But she's gone, and none of that would ever truly help. I push forward, holding back everything as I make my way over to where the group has congregated. The numbers are smaller than they were. I can see bodies, but not nearly enough of them to make up for the missing people. I don't want to have to face this.

    One lie's in my path, crumpled, hunched over, but I can still make out his face. Cale. His eyes, that were once so eager are now glazed, blind and unseeing. It's then that I drop to my hands and knees, retching, gagging, but nothing comes. I force myself to my feet again, staggering over to join the others.

    And it's only then that I realise that Sheik is crying. It's something I've never seen before, something that I never thought would happen. And yet here it is... Caoilainn awkwardly pats his shoulder, but no one knows quite how to react. I push through, wrapping my old friend up in a hug. He clings on tight, his shoulders shaking as I try my best to reassure him. But even over his shoulder I can see the ruins of what was once the Temple of Spirit.

    He pulls away after a while, swallowing hard and nodding. His raises his chin a little, standing straighter. As I watch him, it occurs to me that a true leader doesn't bottle up their feelings, doesn't keep everything in. But they feel, they let it out, and then they move on.

    "I'll show you all to the temporary camp," he says, taking off at the head of the group. Everyone gradually trails after him, but I turn back, looking for Melaina. As the crowd of weary warriors thins, I find her leaning against Caoilainn for support. My eyes drift down to find a blood stained rag tied just below her knee. My eyes widen as I step closer.

    "Melaina..." I say. "What happened to you?"

    "I'm sorry..." she breathes. "You said stay safe but... one of the Bokoblins got me..."

    I take one of her hands comfortingly. "How bad is it?"

    "I don't know..." Caoilainn mutters. "But she was in a lot of pain, it must be pretty deep."

    "You've bled right through the cloth," I mutter. "You can't walk like that..."

    "I can!" she insists.

    I shake my head. "When I was injured, do you remember what you told me?" She shakes her head. I smile. "It'll only get worse when you force yourself and you know that."

    She rolls her eyes, admitting defeat as I stoop down. I put one arm just above her knees and one arm behind her back, lifting her up. She hooks her arms around my neck for extra support as I carry her, following the others back to camp.

  18. My head snaps around as I hear Sault's plea, but I can't see him anywhere. That's when I notice the new crack that's ripped open in the earth. My stomach drops as I spot his fingers clinging to the edge. I break out into a run, dashing across the camp, leaping over the fallen pieces of the forge. As I reach the edge of the fissure, the sheer drop makes my stomach churn, but I don't have the time to hesitate.

    I lay myself down on the ground to give good rooting before grabbing Sault's arms. His forehead is slick with sweat as he gives me a relieved smile, his feet scrabbling to find footing on the cliff edge, but there doesn't appear to be any. I put all my effort into heaving him out, and it looks like it's getting somewhere. But as his stomach reaches the top of the cliff edge, a strong gust of wind blows through and makes me lose my grip. Sault lets out a yelp as he drops down again, his chin smacking into the edge on the way down. He manages to get a grip with one hand at the last second.

    "Sorry..." I gush, wiping my palms on my leggings. I reach down and grip onto his arm, but that's when I feel a shadow over my shoulder. I glance around, expecting the worst, but it's Sheik who lays down beside me, taking Sault by the other arm.

    "On three," he says. "One, two, three!"

    We haul together, and it's still no easy task to drag him back up, but it's easier with two doing the lifting. As soon as he's able, Sault throws himself back up onto the grass. His fingers cling to the ground like he's afraid he'll tumble right off again.

    "Thank you," he says between pants for breath.

    I'm about to tell him not to mention it, when suddenly a blur of blonde rushes past us, wearing a fierce expression of determination. I scrabble to my feet, chasing after Zelda as she storms towards Avani.

    "Don't put yourself within her reach!" I yell.

    "Trust me!" she shouts back, before turning to face Avani.

    "Avani, Demon Lord," she yells, her voice carrying over the battlefield impressively. "Enough of your games."

    Avani raises a hand, twisting her fingers. Behind us all, I hear the unmistakable sound of crumbling stone. And I look up just in time to see the spire of the Temple of Spirit plummet to the ground, shattering into a pile of rubble on impact. Avani gives a most malicious smile as Zelda raises her hand.

    The light that follows is blinding.

  19. "Fintan?" Melaina yells, squeezing my hand. "I was so worried."

    "I'm okay," I call over the howling wind. From further away I hear the startled cries of the younger warriors. "I can't stay here... just stay safe," I plead. I give her a quick kiss before racing back over. My mind is still swirling. She killed my parents. Avani killed my parents. I'd heard the stories of the attack on the camp, I knew they'd been killed in the attack... but I never knew she was the one to raise the blade...

    'It's fascinating, boy,' Avani's voice powers through my mind, causing me to stop in my tracks, halfway across the battlefield. 'I've never met a Sheikah who had the power to do that...'

    "FINTAN! MOVE!" Leoni yells, wildly gesturing for me to get out of the way, but my feet feel like they're rooted into the ground. I snap my head around, glaring at Avani.

    'Keep out of my head,' I growl, but my lips don't move.

    Her laughter rings in my ears. 'But what really fascinates me is how you're still here... I knew you, felt your aura as I watched the life drain from your mothers eyes, and yet you stand before me now. The only Sheikah powerful enough to speak telepathically... how is that even possible?'

    I press my fingers to my temples, willing her to leave me in peace.

    "PLEASE FINTAN!" Melaina yells, dragging me back to reality. I pull my heavy legs into action, dashing back to the forge.

    "What the hell was that?" Caoilainn asks.

  20. As the earth cracks just ahead of us, I feel something cold and metallic thrust into my palm. I turn quickly to find one of the volunteer Sheikah ducking back into the forge. I glance down at my palm, finding a long, menacing looking silver sword with a blue hilt, a red Sheikah eye engraved into the handle. I glance around at the others, before leaping forward and handing the weapon to Link.

    "Go, go go!" I call out, and he dashes out to join Melaina and Leoni.

    I stand a little straighter as I watch him go, pushing back my sodden hair. "Avani!" I call out above the chaos. "This ends now."

    She cackles, a penetrating sound. "This doesn't end until I get what I came for."

    She raises her hand, launching another mental attack. Her icy fingers push through my mind, but this time it's a little easier to bear. I grit my teeth, focusing on what she's doing, how she's doing it. As she retreats, I ready myself, disappearing to the back of the group.

    "Fintan, what are you doing?" Caoilainn cries.

    "Trust me!" I shout back. I stand perfectly still, trying to zone everything out. I block out the pounding rain, the thunder, the cries of the warriors and shrieks of Bokoblins. I open out my mind, projecting myself outward, forward, to her.

    Everything else fades, and I'm inside her head. I can touch each of her memories, letting the pictures wash over me. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm looking for something. And as I search, it occurs to me that for every memory, I can't feel a single emotion. Not one hint of pleasure or pain, no remorse for what she's done. And then I stumble upon something I didn't want to see.

    A heavily pregnant woman, pleading for mercy, her husband lying dead in the corner. The way she screams as the knife slashes across her throat. I watch, feeling sick to my stomach as she falls still, her eyes remaining open. Those unseeing amber orbs are harrowing, because I'd know those eyes anywhere. They're my eyes.

  21. I take up a fighting stance, standing ready in front of the door of the forge. It's strange, the camp has almost been stripped bare. All that remains are the smouldering ashes of the campfire, the Temple of Spirit, and the blacksmith forge. I watch as Melaina and Leoni dash off into the centre of what was once our camp. He with dagger in hand, her wielding her bow. A few more Sheikah gather around us, ready to fight.

    "We're not letting our camp go down without a fight," one of them says. A young boy, fifteen with bright eager eyes. Cale, we trained together when we were younger. "What do you want us to do to help?"

    I glance around at the others. "We need to defend the forge until the weapons are complete, some of you head inside and help the blacksmiths, some of you stay out here."

    They nod, splitting up and taking position. Suddenly a loud rumble sounds out, and the skies crack open. Rain begins pelting down from above, like bullets pounding onto our shoulders. I push my already sodden hair back from my eyes, doing my best not to let the downpour deter me.

    The door of the Temple of Spirit is thrown open, and Sheik comes running out towards us.

    "What are you doing here?" Caoilainn yells over the pounding rain. "Shouldn't you stay with the tribe?"

    He shakes his head, pulling his hair back and tying it into a stout pony tail. "No. My camp is under attack, I'm not going to flee and hide. Like a sea captain, I'll go down with this ship." I watch him as he readies himself, feeling nothing but admiration. One day I hope I can be as good a leader as him.

    But before I can think about it any more, a mighty rumble of thunder resounds through the camp, sending a shiver down my back. Moments later, lightning flashes, blindingly bright. When it fades, she's standing in the middle of the camp. She's tall, lean, with deathly pale skin and long silvery hair. She's dressed all in red, gold, and white - true to the demons we've encountered before. But her eyes aren't dark like the others... they're bright gold, glistening orbs in the raging storm around her. Her left arm is tattooed with four images - a tree, a flame, an ocean wave, and a gust of wind: her elemental power.

  22. "So she's supposed to spend the rest of her life with a blindfold on?" Melaina says. "That's not right Fintan..."

    "I know," I reason. "That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that people need to know before she takes it off, especially the children..."

    "I suppose he has a point," Sault says. "If it really scared Thadea that much..."

    He says something more, but I don't hear the rest of it. Something snatches my attention, though I can't quite pinpoint what it is. It's enough to make my skin run cold, the hair on the back of my neck standing up as I glance around the room. There's nothing visible here... but I still feel on edge. A prickle works it's way down my spine, and I leap to my feet.

    "Excuse me," I mutter, pushing out into the small patch of garden behind the temple. My little patch... the best place to meditate.

    I settle down on the ground, tucking up into the lotus position. The late evening sunshine is streaked across my face as I close my eyes and press my fingers into my palms. I allow myself to relax, focusing on nothing but my pulse, and slowly I sink into my Palace of Balance. But it's not the same as it always is. I don't feel the familiar warmth, the sense of comfort. Everything feels slightly off balance, slightly out of synch... like one instrument from a group playing in the wrong key.

    And then I hear it.

    It's faint at first, but I focus, pulling my mind closer to the sound. And the closer I get, the clearer it becomes. It's laughter, a cackle, layered in multiple tones and volumes. It fills my mind, penetrating every hidden corner, pushing through closed doors. I feel her touching every memory, every emotion. She's gone within a matter of moments, leaving a black misty trail behind her.

    I break the surface, forcing myself back into reality. How could I possibly be so stupid? I should've known the warnings, I should've raised barriers. But I didn't. I let Avani into my mind, I let her read everything. Now not only does she have elemental power... but she now knows our weaknesses, she knows exactly what to exploit...

  23. (( Sorry again D: I finished my exams of Friday afternoon, but since then I've had work, a sleepover, visiting a friends baby and a family meal... this is the first I've been on my laptop! But updates should be more frequent from here on out! Sidenote: How was the AP World History exam? ))


    "As far as weaponry goes, the Sheikah don't use much..." Melaina says. "I think if we have Leoni's dagger, we need a long range weapon. Maybe we should put shards of the plumes into arrows for Caoilainn and I to use, and put the rest into the blades of two swords? That should be enough to last us provided we're not wasteful."

    But before anyone can reply, there comes a shrill shriek from outside, the unmistakable sound of a child's scream. I leap to my feet and dash out of the temple despite the sharp pain that erupts by my hip. As I arrive outside, one of the Sheikah juniors runs right into my legs, her face streaked with tears. As I kneel down to comfort her, I realise that it's Thadea. She's six, I've trained her in meditation a few times.

    "Fintan, she's got no eyes!" she wails. "Caoilainn's got no eyes!" She throws herself around my shoulders and I give her a hug to calm her down. "We were playing hide and seek and she found me, so I pulled down her blindfold to surprise her and she had no eyes! It was really scary..."

    "Thadea it's okay," I say as she pulls back, sniffling. "It'll just take some getting used to."

    She nods, seeming somewhat comforted, and trails off to find her friends. I watch her go, scratching the crown of my head as I think. It's not going to be easy for Caoilainn to settle back here...

  24. (( I'm so sorry for the lack of recent replies... I'm sitting my A-level exams right now and by some hideous twist of fate all of my exams are in one week :'( So PRESSURE right now... but it'll all be over on Friday and I'll only have to go in for my drama classes for three weeks after that! Anyway, I just wanted to explain, I swear I'm not just being lazy! ))


    I run a hand through my hair, feeling the stress begin to creep in. "Look," I say, sighing. "I think we're all agreed that we're just not ready to face Avani yet. Caoilainn needs more training, as does Zelda, and we all need better weaponry. Not to mention the fact that we need to know more about her first. My advice is that we stay here for a few days. Sault, Link and Bryarly will need to time to recover after the ordeal they've been through, as will Caoilainn. I wasn't even supposed to be on the mission today. I think the smart thing to do is rest and recover. We'll resume the mission when we're ready."

    At that moment, Caoilainn makes her way out of the back room of the temple. Sheik has cleaned her wounds and greets us all with a stern expression, his hands on his hips.

    "You've all got some serious explaining to do. First of all, some of you have had an awful attitude to Caoilainn," he cuts Melaina a glare. "Personal issues should be put aside, you shouldn't allow this to affect your work! Secondly, you all go rushing off on a mission without first briefing me - despite, Fintan, my expressly forbidding you leaving the camp. And then, when you finally return home, I find that one of my best warriors has been blinded."

    The room is silent, no one dares to meet Sheik's gaze. "Well?!" he snaps. "Start talking!"

  25. We've not been sat for long in the Knight Academy dining hall when Caoilainn returns, Leoni helping to guide her. She beaming, despite the earlier events

    "It's all fine," she says, sounding rather proud. "Ardaia, for all his faults, taught me to fight blindfolded. I can do this." Her smile falters for a second at the mention of Ardaia, but she puts it back quickly.

    "That's great!" Melaina says with a grin.

    I take a sip of the hot tea that Zelda made for us all, thinking for a moment. "I know that we're all planning on finding Avani... and I agree that it's the best course of action, but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. I think the first thing we need to do is talk to Sheik."

    "I agree," Sault says. "Briefing the tribe leader is smart."

    "Not only that," I say. "But Sheik faced Avani once before, that's how I knew about her elemental power. He was a young warrior at the time, working in a group... but he knows her powers, or, at least, what they used to be. I couldn't tell you what happened, but if we speak to him, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help us."

    "Sounds perfect," Leoni says. He reaches under the table, grabbing his satchel. "I say we waste no more time, let's head out!"

    We all finish of our drinks and the Hylians gather their gear. Within a matter of moments, we're all ready to head out.

    The group make their way to the door, everyone engaging in smaller conversations. I give Melaina a smile, reaching out to squeeze her hand, but before my fingers touch hers I feel a hand snake around my other arm. I turn, surprised, to find Caoilainn.

    "Who've I got?" she asks tentatively.

    "Uhh... m- me, you've got Fintan," I stutter.

    "I've got you," Melaina says, slipping behind me and taking Caoilainn's arm from mine. She offers me an apologetic smile as I scrub a hand through my hair. I push forward to the front of the group, suddenly feeling out of place. I can't help but listen as Melaina and Caoilainn quietly converse, and it makes my heart plummet like a stone. Everyone else can do it, everyone else can make it okay, even Melaina. But every time she speaks to me, I feel like she's clawing at my stab wound. This isn't how a leader should act. This isn't how a leader should feel.

    This isn't how I should feel.