Establishing Hyrule

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"I understand how you feel, Fintan," I say, walking into the cave. "You picked a pretty cool-looking place to meditate, I must say."

"Leoni? How-" Caoilainn starts.

"I meditated myself and searched for your auras. I knew it was getting close to the time when everyone would get worried, so I told them I would look for you. i'm not here to drag you back right away, I just wanted to make sure you weren't kidnapped or something like that," I reply, sitting beside them.

"The girl I love is gone, but I still feel love for her... It's the most horrible feeling I have ever experienced," Fintan says. 

"I have an idea about Melaina's memory as well," I begin. "If it is an evil power that has caused the loss of memory, then a divine power might be able to bring the memories back. Zelda has told me that when she went to the springs and purified herself in the water, she regained a lot of memories from her past. Maybe if Melaina did the same thing, she might remember everything." Fintan smiles, if only a little bit. 

"I never even thought of that..." Caoilainn says.

"We'll try it tomorrow," Fintan says. "But we really should get back; tomorrow may very well be a huge day."

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The sky is streaked black and midnight blue as we make our way outside. Some of the brighter stars peek through the clouds, but it's hard to see most. We make our way back along the shores of the river, the pale moonlight glistening on the the water as it gushes and bubbles and froths. The river isn't particularly deep, in fact it's rather shallow, no further than knee deep, but it's got strong currents.

We walk until we reach the crossing point, the stepping stones dotted out in a diagonal path across the wide river. My boots are still sat on the other side, waiting for me. Leoni crosses first, followed by me and Caoilainn. The three of us hop from stone to stone, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the silky feel of wet moss beneath my feet. Caoilainn grips my arm to steady herself, so I focus on helping her to get across safely without pitching over and breaking her neck. It's significantly harder in the dim moonlight. I'm facing backward, stood firm on a rack with my arms extended outwards to guide Caoilainn to safe footing, when suddenly I hear a loud yelp behind me, followed by a significant splash.

I make sure Caoilainn's secure before turning around, and I can't fight the laugh that escapes me. Leoni's shoulders poke out of the river, suggesting that he's sat down, but he's soaked through to the bone. His sodden hair sticks to his forehead like a wet seal as he spits the river water out from his mouth.

"Wait, what happened?" Caoilainn asks, looking confused.

"Leoni just fell in," I explain, stifling a giggle. "How did you manage that?" I ask.

He reaches up to take my offered hand and I pull him up onto the rocks once again. "These things are covered in moss, it makes them so slippery!" he explains. Caoilainn giggles, and Leoni goes to take a step forward, but stops abruptly and yelps in pain.

"What now?" Caoilainn asks.

Leoni grabs his ankle, grimacing. "I think I twisted something..." he groans.

I roll my eyes. "Come on then..." I sigh. I turn my back to him and help him clamber up onto my back. His wet clothes instantly soak through my shirt, but I don't have the heart to complain as he loops his arms around my neck, clinging on tight.

"Okay," I say. "Let's just get back home."

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We arrive back to camp after a while, and even without seeing the glares, I know they're there.

"Fintan, Caoilainn," Sheik addresses us. "I'm not going to ask you two to explain yourselves... But try to stick with us for now, would you? Your group is to head to Faron Woods tomorrow: for one, we must try to restore Melaina's memory; and we must also secure Faron as an ally."

"That won't be easy," I hear Link say. "Faron can be difficult to deal with..."
"For now, you should all get some rest before you set out in the morning," Sheik advises. "Good night, everyone."

He leaves, footsteps fading, and Sault lets out a sigh. "Well, we'd better do what he says! Do you want a hand getting back to your tent, Caoilainn?"

I locate Sault and take his hand, and our group splits up as we all head to our respective tents.

"So, Caoilainn; how are you feeling?" Sault asks me as we walk. I frown in his direction, sceptical.

"You offered me a hand so you could ask me about my feelings, Sault?" I reply. 

He laughs at that, if a little nervously. "I'm just wondering, is all. I didn't get to speak to you much after the whole affair with Ardaia, and your return to the camp."

"I'm alright," I tell him. "Even for me."

"Well, if you insist," he says, his tone laced with doubt. "We're here at your tent. If you need to say something to me though, don't hesitate!"

"I won't; thanks Sault," I reply, giving him a brief smile before I step inside. 

Worn out, my back aching from leaning against the wall of that cave, it doesn't take long before I'm fast asleep.

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(( Guys, I'm not sure how to reply now, it's hard to write while she's so confused. I think that Elwayguy's idea is pretty good! You guys can choose, maybe a combination from the sacred spring and Fintan's power? Or just one? Anyways, I'll reply as soon as I can! Just remember, she's sad and angry that she's so confused, but I know you guys are brilliant writers so you guys can write something good ;) ))

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((Thanks... O////O I just remembered that one of us had had Zelda talk about it at some point, and it popped into my head))

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((I think I've got some creative juices flowing and want to try writing something up here, Let me know what you guys think!))


It's a dreary morning when everyone congregates in the center of camp. The weather seems to amplify the melancholy of Sault and his friends, even as Sheik appears to brief everyone on his decision. "Your destination is the Skyview Spring. Overnight, scouts were dispatched to contact Faron and ask her to meet you there. She will hopefully comply, and also aid you in using the spring to restore Melania." Sault ought to have been relieved about such news, but a speck of doubt bothered him. "That's awful nice of her, especially given this is Faron we're talking about..." He let slip with skepticism.


"There are other possible benefits to using the springs that I'd rather not divulge." Sheik replied bluntly. "If the suspicions of the elders are correct, everyone will prosper from the results of this quest." Fintan snapped back into his usual personality at this point, giving out instructions for preparation. After getting his own orders to pack food, he quickly made his way over to the quartermaster with noticeably more vigor than the last few days had allowed him.


((I like ElwayGuy's idea a lot but I think we can incorporate both as well. This post kind of progresses in a direction that allows us to combine both, but if it needs additions or subtractions I'll add them! ))

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(( I like the idea of combining both too! And I like what I've read so far Knuckle, I look forward to seeing what you've got planned! ))


Drizzle is pouring down over Faron woods as we set out headed towards Skyview Spring. It shouldn't take us very long to reach there, but still, apprehension bubbles within me. I'm curious as to what exactly Sheik meant by the suspicions of the elders and us all prospering from the quest - and why wouldn't he want to tell us all in advance? Normally, Sheik divulges such information to me at least, but I think he believes that I'm less capable, less collected recently. What really scares me is that right now, I feel like he might be right.

Link and Zelda walk at the front of the group, talking secretively, whispering in the way that only lovers can. It makes my gut ache. I haven't seen or spoken to Melaina since the awful ordeal yesterday. Even though she's not herself right now, I need to respect her decisions and give her space. What kind of an awful person would I be if I didn't at least give her that?

After a while, we come to a halt on the white marble pathway just in front of Skyview Temple. We all look up at the tangle of branches and greenery that grows from the top deck of the temple. Link is the first to step forward.

"Come on!" he says. "Let's get in there!"

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It seems Link and the other Hylians are quite familiar with Skyview Temple, though I'm baffled in regards to why one would want to become familiar with a place like this. For once I'm glad I can't see, because the dampness and moisture in the air make the trek unpleasant as it is.

"So, what's Faron actually like?" I ask after a while. "I've never met her."

"She's..." Link trails off, seeming unsure. He walks at the head of the group, leading us along. "A little hard to describe. She can be a little demanding, at times, if I'm honest, and somewhat hard to work with. She definitely appreciate good manners too."

"I'll remember that," I say, though in reality I'm simply making a note to myself to say as little as possible to the dragon.

"She could be a pretty useful ally, I bet!" Sault says from beside me.

"Or she could be as demanding and difficult to work with as Link said," I reply drily.

As we walk along some sort of pathway, I yelp when my foot misses the path completely and for a moment, I begin to tip over into what I assume is water below me.

At the last moment, however, I'm caught by the wrist, and I hear Sault's sigh of relief. He pulls me up with a laugh, setting me down again.

"I swear to Hylia, Caoilainn," he says, "you do love giving us frights!"

Scowling half-heartedly, I lengthen my stride to catch up with the others, ignoring Sault's chuckles and focusing on walking in a straight line.

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This temple is awfully damp and dark for a place called 'Skyview Temple,' and Sault takes it upon himself to help Caoilainn navigate. Her ability to navigate was mostly still impressive since her hearing had become more astute, so it was of minimal inconvenience; frankly he was amazed at her skill. They'd always made a good vanguard together during missions; he still remembered at the start of all this madness when both of them had teamed up to batter those Demon Lords. Not to mention having a person nearby who'd gone through the same motions of feeling like an outsider was comforting. How odd that he'd never noticed before all the things they had in common...


Eventually the team stumbles into a trio of nasty beasts with slithering bodies and multiple heads; apparently they were called Staldra. "Split into groups and take them on!" Link suggested, and as the two were right next to each other already both Sault and Caoilainn charged one of the vicious dragons. The lumbering of the heads made it easy for Caoilainn to sense their movement through sound, and it was easy for her to grapple all three in her arms while Sault cut the heads with his new flamberge. "Heh, no match for a couple of seasoned veterans." Sault remarked with a grin. 

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The last temple room is more open than the rest, and contains a few side rooms and lots of tangling vines covering the walls and trees and almost every surface. The most noticeable feature about the space is a vast, open space in the centre, a sheer drop plummeting down beneath our feet. The only other exit to the room is across the space, so I'm guessing that this is our way forward. The sole way to cross it? A thing tightrope that spans the gap.

"It's safe, trust me," Link says. He goes first, his arms spread wide either side of him to help him balance out his weight. He steps slowly and carefully, wobbling a few times, but he makes it across safely. Zelda follows, then I step up. The ropes sags a little under my weight, and it makes my stomach lurch to think about how easy it would be to topple over.

"Keep moving!" Link calls out. "Don't stop!" I nod, putting one foot in front of the other. Slowly, surely, I find my way to the other side, breathing a sigh of relief as my feet touch solid ground. Link claps me on the back, grinning. Leoni is next to cross after me, then Sault follows, leading Caoilainn. Once we're all on the other side, Link turns to the door.

"Faron should be just through here..."

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We pass through one final chamber, and then we're outside in what feels like a very tranquil, peaceful place. That is, until a booming voice that could only belong to a dragon breaks the silence. 

"Ah, well met, hero! And the mortal goddess!" Faron exclaims. "Who are your companions today?"

Fintan introduces Melaina and himself to her, and the rest of us give her our names after that. She makes a noise of approval, and is silent for a moment. 

"You there, Caoilainn," she says, and I jump a little.

"Er... yes?"

"Your aura is a dark one," Faron notes. "Considerably darker than that of the others."

I falter for a moment, biting my lip. "Would you mind if we discussed that later? I think Melaina's situation is a little more pressing than mine, honestly."

"Hmm... Well, let's get to it, then. Fintan, was that your name?"

Fintan steps forward, whispering something to Melaina as they approach her. 

"I understand that your skill lies in the realm of telepathy," Faron says. "Very well; let us see what can be done for your friend."

I follow the sound of the other's footsteps and stand with them while Fintan, presumably, is readying himself. I hear a gentle splash after some soft discussion - Melaina must have stepped into the water. I can only imagine how confused she must feel, receiving all of these instructions, meeting a creature like the water dragon...

"Alright," says Faron, "with the help of the spring's water, you should be able to do this."

There's a moment silence, and I frown, not sure what's happening. Then Fintan speaks up.

"I... I can't... What if I hurt her again..?"

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"Everything will be fine, the spring will not allow her to experience pain." Faron assures him. Fintan reluctantly dips into the pool and raises a hand to rest on Melania's forehead. Both of them seem to enter a deep state of concentration as the pool begins to glow; the brightness increases to an intense shine and everyone else but Caoilainn and Faron covers their eyes.


When Sault is able to see again, the scene is shocking. Skyview Spring is now just a dry lakebed, and Melania is looking around wide-eyed. "Fintan? Caoilainn? Sault? Where are we, and who are these other people?" She asks, apparently not remembering Link or the Hylians. "As I suspected, the spring has served its final purpose and is used up." Faron interrupted. "Do not fear, this was expected. You must continue to the Earth Spring and repeat this process once more." 


It seemed the events had confused most everyone else just as much as it had confused Sault. He couldn't help but second guess the dragon if their actions really had just used up the sacred spring, as she said. But why were they being encouraged to do such a destructive thing? What did all of this mean?

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"There's actually one more thing we wish to speak with you about," I say, watching as Faron, in all her majesty, turns back to face me. She looks down on me in such a way that makes me feel tiny and insignificant. I can see what Link meant about her...

"And what would that be?" she asks.

I take a deep breath, gathering my words. "We're facing a threat," I say "a threat that's bigger than any we've faced before. It puts both the surface and the land of the sky at risk, and we need a lot of help to destroy it."

She narrows her eyes, looming imposingly over me. "Where are you going with this, boy?"

Link steps forward. "We need allies if we're ever going to protect the Surface. We were hoping you would fight alongside us, after all, your power is immense."

She seems to respond well to the flattery, a small smile spreading across her face. "Very well then."

I nod. "Thank you. We'll send a messenger to warn you when the time comes."

She gives a curt nod, before she takes of, leaping into the air and vanishing from view within a matter of moments.

Caoilainn lets out a sigh of relief. "You weren't wrong Link, she's... difficult."

He grins. "Yeah, come on then."

As the group takes off, Melaina glances at me, confusion evident in her eyes. I offer her my arm as we clamber up from the now dry spring. "How are you?" I ask.

She swallows hard, taking my arm. "A little... baffled?"

I smile. "It's kind of a long story... let's start walking, I'll explain it to you on the way."

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"So when I got hit with the bokoblin's sword, my leg got infected?" I ask. 

"Yes, you got blood poisoning from it, and because the sword was enchanted with some sort of demon magic, it wasn't easy to remove. But now you've got at least one part of your memory back," Fintan says. His voice sounds weird. Like he's scared or something. But scared of what? That some parts of my memories won't come back? 

"So we need to take you to the Earth spring so you can get the rest back too," Sault says. 

"And where is that?" I ask. "Is it far away?"

"I think it's best if we find a bird statue so we can fly there. It'll be much quicker," a blond guy dressed in green answers. 

"Okay... Hey guys, I'm sorry that I forgot who you are," I sigh.

"That's okay, it wasn't your fault," Caoilainn says. She's wearing a blindfold, and I can't remember why she does.... But I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone anything. I'm scared that I'll find out what else I forgot.

I try to smile, "I know, but still..." 

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After reminding Melaina of the way we've been travelling as of late and getting her safely onto Bryarly's Loftwing, the rest of us partner up and begin flying to the Eldin region, headed for the next spring. I ride again on Zelda's Loftwing, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair as we travel.

"We're almost there, Caoilainn," says Zelda over the noise of the wind. We must have come to the portal for Eldin, because Link shouts to the others to fly to a specific point over the Eldin region. Zelda gives the command and I take her hand, leaping off the bird's back and hurtling downwards until the Sailcloth is pulled open to slow us down. 

"Well that was... something," Melaina says. "Is this how we've always travelled?"

"More recently than not," Fintan tells her. "Now, lets get to the spring and see what else we can do for your memory, Melaina."

"It's going to be absolutely boiling in here," I say with a groan.

"It could be nice!" Sault replies. "A good change from Faron, anyways, the weather's always the same there."

"Let's get going, guys," Leoni pipes up. "We're losing time as it is!"

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