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Posts posted by Pizzza

  1. so which three of you would want to be in a squad with me for ranked battles u_u;;;

  2. Well, if you go on any thread anywhere that mentions Deadpool, most of the comments are "if they make a deadpool movie it HAS to be rated R cause of all the gore and jokes" and I'm like "those 2 things put together sounds tacky" and then i read a deadpool comic and im like "oh yeah deadpool is super tacky, as a character concept"


    hes got like, super cancer but also has Wolverine's healing factor (taken from Wolverine's DNA) so supposedly the constant flux between health and cancer makes his brain chemicals puppyed up i guess. I mean, fair enough- if i can buy into the healing factor AND super cancer ideas, i suppose that would be a logical outcome of the two- but he's just annoying af. I stay away from everything involving him. I was even reading the latest series of Secret Avengers, and it was really good! But then Deadpool shows up half way through the series and, you know, i was reading the first issue that featured deadpool and i just struggled through the rest of the issue. It was so annoying to read deadpool puppy. Never picked up another issue, it was so off putting. 


    But I mean, if you want a *soft* introduction to Deadpool, id still recommend that series and i can give you more info on it if anyone is interested. Its probably the best story you'll get featuring DP tbh.


    But yeah, imagine a super hero neck beard weeaboo (minus the actual anime) and its DP. OH i'm sorrry, "A N T I - H E R O" as if it even matters.

  3. Not only was Steven Universe comic vol 1 released on my birthday (July 28th) but apparently so was season 1 of JoJo on DVD (unfortunately not on Blu-Ray though).




    It contains all of season 1. 26 episodes I think it was? The first two parts combined, for sure. We can reasonably expect season 2 to contain the first 25ish episodes of Stardust Crusaders, with season 3 being the next 25ish episodes, i.e. Stardust Crusaders: Battle in Egypt. 


    This came as a huge surprise to me, as I heard getting rights to anything JoJo is almost impossible due to all the IP infringement featured very prominently throughout the story. You know, every other character's name or power being based on various western musicians, albums, songs and lyrics, as well as all the art the author referenced in the original comic, which a lot of people find questionable (personally, I'm judging his "references" on a case-by-case bases. But that's for another post lol). Not to mention how some Muslims have found parts of the story to be more than problematic (i.e. the scene where Dio is [accidentally] reading from the Quran, and the fight scene(s) in which the characters fight over and destroy mosques) which I don't blame them for. The combination of those two offenses, whatever the intention was, is still kinda a big deal here, in America 2015. Basically, it's just a cluster puppy, especially when trying to pander to the current fan base while using other resources to make it appealing to a new, larger, more general audience. Keep in mind that the original series was a commercial failure. But this is a new generation so it should be a pretty clean slate in my opinion. I'm really okay with them using the name spellings featured on Crunchyroll, which i'm pretty sure Warner Home Video collaborated with to promote the show in America. It kinda sucks that the music references get a bit watered down (though I really thought Esidisi was a great cover for A.C.D.C lol) but most of these references don't mean anything to the new target audience, which is even younger than we are! Like, if my dad wasn't always listening to old psyche/progressive rock and classic metal all the time, I probably wouldn't even notice most of these haha. However, It was part of why i found the series appealing at first, kinda a bit of nostalgia mixed with a more mature and slightly less ignorant taste in music, as opposed to when I was young and couldn't appreciate what my dad was playing on the radio. Haha what was I talking about? Oh yeah its great to know this is being dubbed! I heard that they premiered the English dub of the first 3 episodes of Stardust Crusaders at an anime convention a few years ago, but I hadn't heard anything about it again until recently. Those 3 episodes can now be found online too! But I'm glad they are starting with the first season, so hopefully it'll become popular enough to warrant a Blu-ray release of season 2+! 


    PS- I hope there is a feature where only the text is subtitled, but the voices are still dubbed. I absolutely ADORE

    "M M M M E E E N N N N A A A C C C c i i i n n n n g g g g . . . .   "

    T1g likes this

  4. Second screen comes across as being a lot harder than the first. I didn't play much of Skyward Sword, but I got the impression that it was a very soft game aesthetically, whereas Zelda WiiU looks like it'll be a lot sharper and harder, with deeper tones. I'm too lazy to verify this by checking videos though, and instead thinking back to my memories of it.


    This is a fair assessment, i think. But I prefer the more vibrant color pallet vs the more pastel colors of SS and even of WW to a lesser extent. I'm excited to look at it lol

  5. I just found out about this game today, as the news on it's Western release was recently announced lol. I'm hoping it's everything I was wanting/expecting Fantasy Life to be. So far it looks that way! And with a combat system that looks super fun, like a more accessible Monster Hunter, kinda.


    Quote from Wikipedia


    Final Fantasy Explorers is an action role-playing video game featuring single-player and multiplayer modes. The player starts the game on an island featuring various locations, but can access other areas beyond the island on foot. The main aim of the player is to collect crystals scattered across the world. Unlike other narrative-driven entries in the Final Fantasy series, Explorers follows a quest-driven structure similar to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Capcom's Monster Hunter series. Quest difficulty can be manually adjusted. Unlike previous entries in the series, chocobos, a recurring galliforme bird in the series, will not be available for riding. Player characters engage in fights with classic Final Fantasy enemies and summons including Ifrit and Bahamut.

    There are eight character slots available, with monsters defeated in battle assigned to four of them. Characters are assigned character jobs as with early Final Fantasytitles, including the White Mage, Black Mage, Monk, Paladin and Dragoon among others. Aside from these, there are also character jobs exclusive to the title. Players start the game as a Freelancer, able to adapt themselves to various skills before choosing specific jobs. There are over five hundred different pieces of equipment available for creation from material that is either found on the field or won in combat. The characters are given a maximum of eight skills to be used in battle, and can learn skills for certain jobs which can be used with other jobs when mastered. Using abilities costs a certain amount of magic points, but costs less if a character uses a skill linked to a specific job. Skills can also be cancelled in battle. For multiplayer matches, a maximum of four players can use both the Nintendo Network and conventional Wi-Fi to enter a playing session.



    I'm super excited!

    Michael and Teto like this

  6.  the happy medium art (realistic and cell shaded) of Skyward Sword. I hope Zelda Wii U (or NX) will be the same.


    It looked that way according to the footage that was shown a while back

    Zelda 2015 (lol) has a much better art style than Skyward did imo. It's more literal cell shaded, but still pulled off really well like Ni No Kuni. Skyward Sword, i mean i guess it was kinda cell shaded, but very lightly. The graphics were only cell shaded in the shadows, mostly.


    It's cell shaded but still very much relied on textures more than shading in it's presentation. While 2015 is very much more cell shaded. Like a more literal translation from typical anime to 3D graphics.


    Like, look at Link's shirt here. It has a pattern, but a very light pre-rendered texture. It's depth and substance is almost entirely defined by the model itself with major help by the cell shade rendering. I know this was just a pre-rendered cut scene, so I can only hope the actual game will look this good.

  7. I like that comic book movies are taking a more literal approach to interpreting the comic costumes, especially considering that X-Men kinda started the trend of "realistic leather jackets" and are only now starting to join the "literal" trend started by the MCU. (I mean, aside from Batman and Superman movies) But this version of Apocalypse is just TOO literal imo. Late 80's and 90's X-Men were SOOOOOOO anime (of that era) looking. Like, look at Onslaught-


    There is no way to interpret that "realistically" AND aesthetically pleasing without changing up the fundamental design. Obviously i wanna still be able to look at the character on screen and instantly recognize them based on their costume, but i shouldn't be ridiculous and ugly. These two characters, and a few others, just don't translate super well across era and medium. I'm sure it CAN be done, the Sentinels looks pretty good in DOFP, both the past and future designs (with the former being a lot more faithful to the comics, but the later making perfect sense as well!) but I can imagine it's a challenge. Idk, just my 2 cents.

  8. There is an IKEA a few hours away from here, but they also announced to build one at the Mall area that I usually go to (over the other malls nearby. Central Ohio has a lot of malls lol)

    It'd be neat to draw in, yeah. But i think it'd be even better with other people there. It would encourage breaks between furniture drawing to practice, what are those called? like quick sketches of people, as they walk by. I remember in the few art classes I took, they'd have a model pose for about two mins before reposing. Contours? I think they were called contour drawing? But yeah the passer bys might be fun to sketch super quickly too!

  9. im sorry if ive hurt your feelings. lets continue this in private. 

    also those pics of Pheo are rad af

    Teto likes this

  10. Except most people don't do drugs to feel bad. They do it to alleviate stress or experience new perspectives or to just generally have a good time. If you're doing drugs for the purpose of self harm, then you're doing drugs irresponsibly and should probably stop and seek help from a trained psychologist and/or psychiatrist. Contrary to "popular" belief, not all drug users are nasty punks who hate the world and want to hurt themselves. Saying shit like that only perpetuates the stereotypes born from the American War on Drugs.


    I smoke marijuana to alleviate stress and stabilize my mood. Sometimes I do it to vastly improve my mood and have fun. I very occasionally take psychedelics to experience a new state of being. It may sound cliche, i know, but shrooms, acid, and the like can open your mind to new ways of thinking and make you feel as if you are on a different plane of reality. You don't come out the same, and its usually a great way to bond with others you are doing it with. Sometimes, it's almost as if you share a consciousness. You can have a bad trip, obviously, but people have bad days all the time. Life is a gamble and you're only guarantee to lose if you don't play the game. I'm not telling you guys to go out and do hard drugs on a whim. But at the very least, don't act like you're superior just because you experience life without enhancers. You shouldn't give people shit for taking anti depressants. Likewise, don't give people shit for doing illegal substances. 


    Obviously drug use can BECOME a problem on an individual basis. But so can sex addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, over eating, shopping addiction, etc. But most people don't get shit for having sex, drinking, gambling, eating, or shopping. Everything in healthy moderation.


    TL;DR- talk shit? puppy off.

  11. I assumed Punisher and Daredevil won't be on a team. I figured he'd be a major antagonist from Daredevil's perspective. I'll read the rest later, I'm at work.

  12. tumblr_nrgtmw2YIt1qawplno1_540.png


    Is that the game were you play as Raiden (?) and it's like a hack and slash kinda game, as opposed to the normal MGS stealth games? If so Kill la Kill would be perfect for that kinda game like 100%!

    Status update- I finished JoJo battle tendencies, Kars is the coolest. I mean all the characters are fairly cliche, and the story is very predictable for the most part, but it's still really charming! Those "faults" may even work in its favor!

    So I finished BT, and picked back up where I left off on Stardust Crusaders, and am now just starting the second half, battle in Egypt. I realized recently, that Jojo could easily be considered a horror series just as much as a fighting series. But not in the typical emo anime fashion (like bleach or soul eater) but more in the "weird as puppy Japanese slasher" kinda of sense. thematically it reminds me of stuff like the grudge or the ring or uzumaki. You know, weird scary shit that has "rules" applied to it, like how each specific stand functions to scare you and tear your flesh apart. Lmao it's really fun, my favorite genre mixed with the classic fighting genre, and add a little (a lot) of homoeroticism to boot! It's like this show was made for me. Haha I can't believe I gave up on it before. I mean I can't marathon it past three or four episodes at a time. But it's simple enough to follow while high, but trippy and weird enough to make it worth being high while watching it. Like I said, perfect show for me! Thanks, Eric, for pushing me to get back into it.

    Can someone make a Jojo anime thread? I won't use it till I'm caught up on it, but I'm excited to talk to someone about it when I get there. I wish the show was dubbed so I could enjoy it with my irl friends.

    Agent Zako and T1g like this

  13. Oh I guess that makes sense. I never thought of it that way. "High" fantasy, to me, was always like Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, etc. Stuff that pretentious people would validate as better than "general" fantasy series, bit ultimately come down to just being a bunch of white bros talking politics (usually in New Zealand). But yeah your explanation is much more defining and makes more sense as a label.

  14. I'd recommend small coins or something like that. Keep 'em organized by coin type or whatever, that way you can collect boxes and coins at the same time.

    Probably a good idea if I weren't always so broke lol. I collect my change in a tin box, and then dump it in a coin star when I need a few extra bucks for weed or comics lol.

    I bought a mixed set of single serving cereal boxes once, to sneak into a theater. I saved three of them cause they were so cute, but I dunno what to do with them! Maybe I'll do something nice and creative, like put small gifts in them, maybe wrap them, and give it them to friends.

    Maybe like some tiny art and/or trading cards to play with? Any other ideas? Something cheap but not trashy.

  15. D&D, last I checked, does pre made campaigns where you can go into a participating game store and join a session with a pre made character that they supply you. It's designed so you can enjoy the campaign as a whole or just join a few sessions randomly. It's great for new players! I believe they do this a few weeks each year, but I don't actually know the details or if they still do this (did it at least 2 years ago I believe) so you'll wanna check the D&D website if you're interested. Should also have a list of participating locations, I would think.

    Otherwise, just go to a game shop and ask the staff if they have any game events (for D&D, or just in general) that are welcoming to newbies. To save you time, you might even wanna check out the store's Facebook page. Their may be a fee to participate, but it shouldn't be much. Just enough to collectively cover the cost of service and use of space. Good luck!

  16. Lol don't worry about it Aethix, just play with us!