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Posts posted by Twili

  1. oh look i'm typing in all colors what's wrong about it? just make the colors that are difficult go away not all colors i mean black is easy to read and so is red and cg's color so i say just delete the ones that are difficult to read

    You do realise that aside from Cat Girl's colour, you just picked the ones that are the hardest to read.

    When people posted in red I had to highlight the text before I can read it. As for black, that too is difficult to read.

  2. Oh my God.

    I have not seen her in ages.

    I really hope she stays active. I miss the old members.

  3. Gingerlink, this would be topic-worthy if it was set as a discussion thread for the game. Which it is now.

    Before it was just Frost Giant saying he liked the game.

    EDIT:Wait $20?

    In Australia it's $50.

    The dollar value difference isn't that much.

    I feel ripped off.

  4. No.

    For the love of god do not make a move on valentines day

    One day just walk up to him and strike up a conversation, then invite him out to something somewhere. Give him a specific date and time, and if that doesnt work, offer alternate options on the spot. Do not just agree to "meet up later sometime".

    Also, if this works remind him. Bad memory is often misconstruted as insensitivity.

  5. R.O.B. looks awesome. He has huge edge-guarding capabilities.

    I don't like toon link, and the fact that he isn't even Cell Shaded worries me. Yet his FS is cell shaded?

    Wolf is a cop-out character, we didn't need another Fox Clone. Hell, I would love it if Star Wolf's smash was a giant MSPAINT picture of his butt that floats around the screen and deals 999 damage to everything it touches. I can get they didn't have enough time, that sort of thing, but honestly, even a little difference would make me feel a lot better about "clones" not being "clones." For all the time that they are delaying the game I think we at least deserved no clones and to have Ganondorf use his sword.

    Lucario's FS is a blatant rip-off of Deoxy's Hyperbeam.

    Ness' FS sucks.

    Hell, Ness and Lucas don't have a single move that are their own, less PK Flash which is useless anyway since it is so slow.

    Marth's FS is in desperate need of balancing. I mean seriously, it's ridiculous.

    Luigi's FS, WTF?!

    DK- You suck. FS aside.

    For all the showiness of Pokemon Trainer's FS, it is crap.

    Game and Watch, FTW!

    Jigglypuff, you are worthless. Your FS doesn't cause any damage, and unless it's a tiny stage it's a waste of a Smash Ball.

    Ganondorf's is awesome, but too short,