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Posts posted by Sahaqiel

  1. In terms of my goals, I want to further the art forms I participate in, and to contribute something uniquely myself in what I create that persists in the artistic sphere as an influencing force. This is probably a direct side effect of evolutionary gene transfer being the primary driving force behind life in general: that you want to live forever through your genes, or through your legacy. But I don't really care about the implications, because they don't change my subjective experience.

    Life is literally a matter of your subjective experiences. Your life is ultimately a collection of past events that determine whether you're satisfied. You never live life outside of your subjective experience. So I would say experiencing life in the best way I can, and leaving a mark I'm most satisfied with, is the meaning of my life. As someone who suffers empathetically in response to injustice, I'll be more satisfied if I can counter it somehow, and leave the world a better place for others too. As someone once put it, "Some people are so poor, all they have is money." Wealth in experience is not only subjectively better in my own views, but I would argue objectively better in reality at large.

  2. Ganny wrote a script to quote your posts here.

    <Double54> !vipers

    <Ganny> He REFUSED to take back the money.

    <Guest00000> lollll

    <Ganny> ha

    <Guest00000> I don't know what it is

    <Guest00000> something about the way he types is just like, saturated with arrogance even out of context

    <Geust333> !vipers

    <Ganny> I mean, really?

    <Ganny> you're right

    <Double54> !vipers

    <Ganny> But almost every time they back it up by Scripture, which is definitive truth, so that's good enough for me.

    <Guest00000> for real though

    <Double54> !vipers

    <Ganny> I do follow Jesus' words.

    <Guest00000> every single line

    but hey man cool to see you again. Sometimes we'll occasionally reminisce about this thread and wonder what you're up to. I'm curious, have your views evolved any?

  3. <Guest00000>
    (tags: chill, mix, risé)
    <T1g> why rise
    <T1g> or is it a p4 mix
    <Guest00000> it's a mix with Rise on the video cover for some reason
    * T1g Quit (Quit: )
    <Guest00000> t1g simply couldn't stand to think that someone would just put Rise onto a video for no reason
    <Guest00000> stoically staring at the screen for three and a half minutes, he finally smashed his monitor and threw it into the garbage
    <Guest00000> screaming into the night, he woke everyone on his block
    <Guest00000> and then slumped over, defeated, onto his bed
    <Guest00000> still in his day clothes, his shoes still on
    <Guest00000> until finally, tears streaming down the side of his face, sleep overcame him
    <Guest00000> he slept a dreamless sleep that night, and would never be the same
    T1g and なべ like this

  4. I talked about it with kaffles and we both pretty much decided that it's probably for PR reasons, and we're not entirely sure if this guy would even have a say. I don't see why it couldn't have happened since


    season 2 spoiler


    Sour Cream was in all likeliness literally conceived as Greg was performing in the flashback episode.


    The show has a history of inserting things that are subtle enough for children to not understand and to retain plausible deniability.

  5. <Double45> why is sinkychan quoting a post thats in front of his
    <Double45> what did you do
    <Guest20292> heh
    <Fierce_Muffin> Heh
    <Guest20292> <Guest20292> heh jk ganny i'll take it down 'w`
    <Guest20292> <Ganny> you don't have to...
    <Guest20292> <Guest20292> you guys have just said so many silly things that can be taken out of context...
    <Guest20292> <Ganny> you can't keep posting these things and then removing them....
    <Guest20292> <Ganny> compromising your comedic integrity all day
    <Guest20292> <Guest20292> here now i'll confuse the dicks out of everyone and post it after sinkysink
    <Guest20292> consider your dick confused out of you
    <Guest20292> <Ganny> they're so confused, the dicks came right out of them!!
    <Double45> wow
    <Double45> i fell for his plan
    Fierce Muffin likes this

  6. Amethyst growing her hair out because she liked Greg's only deepens the sex scandal.


    This series is hilarious.


    But yeah some of these are more spoilers than trivia. I would have liked it if they also mentioned that the statue over their house is a fusion between all of them. Four sets of arms and huge curly hair.

  7. <Ganny> then she told me to lick it up as punishment, but she was joking
    <Ganny> I didn't realize that, so I drank it all up
    <Ganny> now she calls me dog pee slurper
    <Ganny> she's kidding of course, but that doesn't stop me from licking up all the dog pee I find ^.^
    Cassandra, Knuckle and Ganny like this

  8. <Zelda_6494> didn't even know he was a pedophile
    <Fierce_Muffin> Everyone realizes one day
    <Fierce_Muffin> Haha, right guys?
    <Fierce_Muffin> Am I right? haha
    <Zelda_6494> uh...
    <Cello> uh...
    <Double45> uh...
    <Nabe> ha  ha                                                       ha
    <Cello> you um
    Ganny and _17chan like this

  9. I showed 'im the Steven Universe thread he made. It's kind of funny how the thread flopped when you originally made it but after it was resurrected it got 4 pages of thoughtful discussion and legitimate excitement over the series.


    You haven't missed much Phanta. We have a new youngin', and her name is Snow White Queen. We had some trolls but they were all turned into the Super Hyper Special Weenie Force.

  10. yeah idk, I've mostly stuck with straightforward english words. Making up words that sound nice is hard.

  11. since it modifies for ownership and also for an adjective it could be read "Ishinomori's Less", "Ishinimori of Less" or "[an] Ishinomori(adj) Less", as in Ishinomori owns a Less, his birthplace/where he's from, or in the sense that Ishinomori is some weird adjective. I don't think it could be read as "Less of Ishinomori" though, that's kind of like saying Ganny's response could mean response's Ganny... Or maybe I'm just chibbled right now and I can't see the real structure here;;; nvm yeah i see what you're saying


    also I should probably bail this isn't a japon thread

  12. There are a few things that discredit that though, like that the third-eye chakra point is for thought and perception. If that's true, it's entirely inconsistent with the characters. Garnet literally has a third eye and has heightened perception (future vision). Garnet isn't a healer, Rose was, and she doesn't have particularly strong regenerative capabilities like Amethyst. Amethyst's is pretty much spot on though. I think their character dynamic may have been decided on a loose psychology, but overall I think they're just supposed to balance each other out, so naturally that dynamic came out of it. Steven is definitely the disruptor here though. He's there to unite them above their sense of camaraderie, as someone they need to protect and teach, but also there to give them a human perspective so they can be suitable protectors of the earth and understand humans better, especially with Rose gone.


    I think purely from that Pearl's gem is on the third-eye position that they probably didn't really think of the chakra points, or if they did, they did so loosely, because it's entirely inconsistent with Garnet as I mentioned before. But I'm sure they researched into the birthstones and came up with personalities they imagined they represent.

  13. Steven is named after/based on a younger version of Rebecca Sugar's brother, Steven Sugar, who is also the lead background artist on the show.


    in response:

    Phanta actually told me that every time a gemstone reforms itself (say, via fusion or after being "poofed") their outfits change. Pearl's outfit has been different since early in S1 and Opal's changed after reforming a second time. Garnet's re-fusion also gave her a clothes change.


    I wouldn't be surprised if this theory was correct, and if it's true then the pool of available castes is even lower for individuals because some gemstones are fusions, and fusions of fusions, etc. Perhaps those fusions can exist individually too, except more stylized to one person? For example, Garnet. I might think there are individual Garnets that aren't fusions because Garnet only has two arms as opposed to four from being a fusion of two gems. All the fusions we've seen other than Garnet and Stevonnie have more than one set of limbs. And maybe it's possible for two weak gems to fuse into a Pearl, or a Rose Quartz. Gems' strengths are vaguely represented by their size, and Rose Quartz IS gigantic, so who's to say a Quartz and idk, a Ruby, could fuse into one? Alternatively, who's to say there couldn't be an Alexandrite that's Pearl's height and only has one set of limbs?


    On that topic if it's true, I would think that perhaps their births do insert them into castes, but maybe different individual gems could come in different shapes and sizes, as most real gemstones do. There could be a Pearl who is malformed and small (more akin to Amethyst) but there could be another Amethyst that is large and has a completely different style from our Amethyst. The castes determining their personalities and what their jobs are could still be true. Garnet doesn't really seem much like Ruby or Sapphire from what we've seen. She's a good blend but still retains a lot of individuality, so maybe Garnets naturally act somewhat like our Garnet.

    Pizzza likes this

  14. Ahhh fr*ck like I just imagined this game's narrative was in first person and the conflict becomes a confusion over whether there are even different characters. Whether you're not just trapped in someone else's body but you can't even take off your space suit to check. Sent chills down my spine. That would be intense. 

  15. 20121_1574641386157291_13589186373121411


    dis is the poster my friend made. There I am as Delinquent Music. It looks better than I thought in my head. I forgot he likes to use screenshots. The last one he did was a screenshot of Xenoblade, I think. But this'll be posted up in the bar on a few walls in the bar to advertise the sequence of DJs for Tokyo Tuesdays, which is when they play anime on their 5x5 wall of old CRT monitors and two projectors on different walls while the DJ plays music. Last time I went they played REDLINE and the silly new DBZ movie. My friend picked the selections, which is cool because I'm the one who showed him REDLINE. :3 But yeah said friend says that since we use the same software we could totally tag team if I say, vomit into my jogwheels in shame.


    I acknowledge that this is practically nothing, but it's a start. Deciding on a name is important to me because having one makes me feel like I can push my image and notoriety further than just being that random DJ that makes cool music sometimes.