Otis McNutt

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Posts posted by Otis McNutt

  1. 1234.jpg

    Good one!! "Remember, remember the 5th of November!"

    How about these.


    The Stargate from the movie and TV series.

    The most Recognisable horror movie symbols




    And lastly a prop from the greatest movie never made!


  2. Sometimes movie props are more prolific than the characters.

    Who here remembers Wilson the Volleyball from "Cast Away"


    or The DMC Delorean from "Back to the Future"


    Even the Proton Pack from "Ghost Busters"


    as famous line "Don't cross the streams" is one of the AFi's 100 best movie quotes.

    Find pics of your favorite movie props and post them here.

  3. "NICE" are you daft, it freaking awesome. Jason and Freddie don't stand a chance, Ashley Williams is gonna kick their corpsey asses!

  4. One of the best SciFi series of recent years will air on SciFi starting on Friday. Odyssey 5 follows a group of NASA astronauts who while in high orbit above the Earth are shocked to see the planet suddenly explode. As the shuttle starts to lose power and the air runs out they are saved by an alien. This alien is hunting the invaders who destroyed his planet, the same ones who destroyed Earth. Being a lifeform of pure energy the alien is unable to use his own time displacing technology but since humans are carbon based physical beings he uses his machines to "beam" the astronauts conscience minds back 5 years into their past selves to find and eliminate the alien threat before it's to late. So tune to SciFi Channel Fridays at 8.

  5. The closing seconds of the series 3 finale was3 so weird. The Doctor is alone in the TARDIS when *bamm* the bow of a ship smashed through the wall. Picking up a lifesaver that read Titanic the Doc and Ii said the exact sane thing "WHAT?!" only i added "the #%&@" to that sentence.

  6. FACE!!!!!!!!!!


    How about this one, "What you're telling me, essentially, is that Napoleon was a short, dead dude?"

    And this one, "Pardon me boy, is this the Transylvania station? (to which the boy replies) Yah, yah, track 29! Oh, can I give you a shine?"

  7. "theres an arrow in you butt!" rofl pretty obvious

    Easy as pie! it's Shrek, how about this.

    "Then let's head on down that cellar and carve ourselves a witch!"

    And this one.

    "we changed it in the 9th century, it used to be *beep*-house."

  8. I love Friday the 13th movies. Those kids are so easy to kill you can strangle them with a cordless phone. And if you are a fan of Freddy, Jason, or the Evil Dead check out "Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash" a six issue comic miniseries by DC and Dynamite Entertainment. Ash Williams the hero of the "Evil Dead" movies discovers that the Necronomicon still exists and was used by an insane woman "Pamela Voorhees" to resurrect her dead son Jason. But when she brought him back the book changed him into an immortal, super strong engine of murder and destruction. Jason has been in hiding for 5 years after a serial killer battle Royal between him and demonic dream master Freddy Krueger of which he was the victor. But Freddy has a few tricks up his sleeve, using the last ounce of his power he left his body and hid in Jason's subconscious. There he discovered hidden memories of Pamela and of the Book of the dead and the power it holds. Power Freddy can use to reign supreme , the power to raise an army of darkness and rule a hell on earth


  9. Every year around Halloween, I place these drawings as well as many other decorations in the stairwell leading to my door. I posted them here for you guys to print and use for your own.

    1. Camp Crystal lake sign ("Friday the 13th")

    2. Jason Voorhees drawing (Killer, "Friday the 13th")

    3. Jason Voorhees painting

    4. Haddonfield Ill. Sign (Town from "Halloween"

    5. Michael Meyers drawing (Killer from "Halloween")

    6. Michael Meyers painting

    7. Elm Street Street sign ("Nightmare on Elm Street")

    8. Freddy Kreuger drawing (Killer from "Nightmare on Elm Street")

    9. Freddy Kreuger painting

    10. The Simpsons Halloween

    11. Grave marker "Hugh R. Deed

    12. grave marker "Cass kett"

    13. Trick or Treat

    14. Ghost Party















  10. I also believe in ghosts. One thing that I find interesting about that show...how they stage it to look like they've actually found real ghosts. I need to ask you LoZFan1989, do you also watch "Ghost Hunters" on the Sci-Fi channel? If you have, I can tell you that Jason and Grant do a better job at finding the real haunted places in the U.S. and without tricking the viewers at home. To be honest, I'm actually friends with both of them (Jason and Grant) and have them on my Myspace friends...on Jason's myspace page there's a link to a audio clip on a radio show they do on Saturdays and they've interviewed that lady from "Most Haunted" and proved that her show is in fact fake! If I need a good laugh on the Travel channel, I'll watch MH, but for the real ghosts I'll watch GH. Plus, Jason and Grant don't always find hauntings in some homes because they don't find any actual evidence that certain places are haunted and that's the best part of their show. Anywayz, enough of my ranting about "Most Haunted" and "Ghost Hunters"

    I love the episodes "Race Rock Lighthouse" and "Eastern State Prison" The coolest thing is I live in Connecticut, and these locations are just a few hours drive from where i live(Rhode Island being the next state over) . I've even seen the T.A.P.S van on the highway once, They were investigating a haunted firehouse in Berlin Connecticut once.

  11. I actually stumbled upon the trailer on YouTube...as I sorta do with mostly all trailers I see online. I gotta say though...at first, I didn't think this movie would be any good...mostly because I love Marvel Comics and the movies that are being made are awesome, I still don't want to watch Hellboy because I actually think that movie is crappy. I've been following all the Marvel movies that are coming out in the next few years and yes, they'll be making Spider-Man 4 in 2009...sources at IMDB.com confirms it. type in "Marvel Enterprises" in the company search and it'll list all the movies, live-action and animated, coming out in the future. Anywayz, back to my opinion of Ironman, I think it'll kick @$$!

    First of all Hellboy is a Dark Horse comic character and secondly the movie rocks. You should with out a doubt watch. My first love will always be the movies based on the Mighty Marvels, but be it well knowns like DC's Superman, Batman, Flash. Or Dark Horses Hellboy. Hell even comic characters you've probably never heard of like "Y: The Last Man" (great comic series about all males of every species dying all at once except a young guy named Yorik Brown and his male pet monkey Ampersand). So again give Hellboy a chance, you'll be glad you did.

  12. I agree, but all that I ask is that they cast UNKNOWN actors for the role or at least no Superstars. I don't wanna see "Staring Orlando Bloom as Link, Christopher Walken as Ganon and Katherine Heigle as Zelda" That would ruin it!

    Check these out it's from a real impressive fan movie called













    Here's the trailer from YouTube

  13. Maybe this will help.


    A massive explosion billions of light-years across gives rise to a whole new universe. Among a mass of swirling gas our galaxy slowly begins to form. The dust and gases begin to swirl around what will eventually become the sun, the other gases begin to form under the immence gravity of the sun the proto-planets. Those closest to the sun become solidified balls of magma while the further planets become gas giants, One Jupiter is a star that never ignites draws all the solar leftovers into it's massive orbit. The third planet proto-Earth and the fourth planet X cross orbits and collide at an angle the collision causes the two planets to melt together while a small chunk is ripped off in the violent marriage, this smaller piece is then held in the planets gravity. As the molten surface begins to cool water vapor escapes from volcanic mounds and from comets that melt in the dry volcanic heat. The vapor rises into the cooler upper atmosphere and condenses which falls again as rain. A massive planet wide rainstorm gives rise to the Earth's oceans as volcanic ash and smoke create vast ammounts of access static electricity which strikes at the primordial sea charging the dormant cells from comets. It is at this moment that life first arrives as the single celled organisims, protozoa. Fast forward a few million years as the first multicelled organisims begin to take shape. Later these organisims will become the first animals some of which will leavr the sea and walk on dry land and will give rise to the Dinosaur. But that which gives life can also take it away. A massive asteroid 10 miles across slams into what will one day become the Yukkotan Peninsula sendind dust and gasses into the air killing of vegetation which kills off their herbivore and in turn kills the Carnivore. But the small mammel with it's thick fur and warm blood help it too survive. Not all dinosaurs die, some evolve sponge like bones and their scales form feathers.

  14. For the first time in 12 years the Boston Red Sox have clenched the AL East Crown, They beat the Minnestoa Twins last night which brought the magic number (Number of games needed to win the division) down to one. Then the second place New York Yankees who had a solid 9 to 6 lead over the Baltimore Orioles saw their hopes shattered as the O's came back to tie it up 10/10 in the 10th inning. With runners on all bases the Yankees were unable to get a run home to win the game. So as the cheers of Boston fans combined with the cheers of Baltimore Fans the Baseball gods smiled down on Baltimore and after a base hit and two walks the bases were loaded with Orioles and two outs were on the board, Melvin Mora steped up to the plate and as the ball hurtled towards home plate Mora swung the lumber and...bunted down the third base line the runner from third running like he was being chased by death himself crossed home plate and the game was done. The dreaded New York Yankees, once the most popular team in baseball had their hopes of a Division Title dashed again for the 9th year. Then Like a flash of lightning, back at Fenway Park in Boston Mass, playing on the center field scoreboard those who stayed were witness to the O's victory and the celebration that followed. In the Red Sox locker room, the champagne and beer flowed like water as the titans of the game celebrated their and (to a lesser extent) the Orioles victory. So starting October 3rd the race for the World Seriesbegins.


  15. So I'm playing Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 for the Wii and i'm really kicking Butt, then i get to Majin Boo saga and road block, i have to fight and beat Android 18 with Hercule! It can't be done, if anyone here has beaten her please tell me before i break this #$%& game.

  16. Anybody here watch Dr. Who? Not the classical ones, season 2 all the way to four (now). I personally think Dr. Who is awesome.

    (I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot of Responses from British people)

    I have never seen an episode from the original series.(but i am renting from Netflix) I started watching the Doctor on SciFi channel 3 years ago. Only two episodes till the series 3 finale will the Doctor be able to defeat the Master? You better believe it. How about the "Weeping Angels" episode pure electric dynamite, That and the William Shakespeare episode with the witches, quoting the series 1 doctor "Fantastic"!!!

    You like my Whoniverse sig?

  17. "What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you can slide into a thousand different worlds? Where it's the same year, and you're the same person, but everything else is different? And what if you can't find your way home?"

    Do your part Hyrule.net users. Go to http://www.tvshowsondvd.com register and vote for Sliders Season 4 DVD. Together we can see the 4th season of this groundbreaking series finally released!


  18. Remember when Mastercard had those commercials that always ended in "priceless" write your own and post it here.

    Blue Potion...10 Rupees

    Hylian Shield...500 Rupees

    Saving the world and getting the girl... Priceless!

    Even heroes need help sometimes, for everything else their's Mastercard.

  19. I think Wind Waker had a good ending, when Link tosses his shield aside rolls and then jumps stabbing the Master Sword into Ganon's skull. Every time i do it i shout "Boyah"! Also Majora's Mask was cool when you call the guardians to hold up the moon.

  20. I'm offended :o!!! The chupacabra isn't just in texas! It also includes surrounding regoins. . . like new mexico, for insance.

    I wasn't insisting that Chupacabra is ONLY in Texas! They have been spotted as far south a Chile and as far north as Maine.

  21. Yeah Kangaroo Jack, that movie got a bad rap. I loved it, when people saw him talking in the trailer they were probably turned off not knowing that it was a delusion of Jerry O'Connells character being out in the hot desert.

  22. Some sneaky programmer working on the educational kids game "Shrek's Dragon's Tale" for the "V-Smile Pocket" Stole music from the Ocarina of Time!!!! It been a while since I played OoT but it sounds like the music for Kokiri Forrest and Hyrule Castle Town, Unless I'm mistaken.

    http://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='article_ID=729724&downloadURL=http://wiimovies.ign.com/wii/video/article/729/729724/bozonblog_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360' >