Otis McNutt

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Posts posted by Otis McNutt

  1. One of my favorite cartoons was Gargoyles. I was so pleased when season one was released on DVD back in 2004. I bought it and then season 2 volume 1 and that was it, nothing for ten years. Volume 2 was finally released a couple months ago.


  2. I was chatting the other day on Facebook about old cartoons when my friend John mentioned that his son loves the cartoon Max Steel.


    Then I blew his mind when I told him Max Steel was actually a remake of a series from 2000


    Then we got to talking about old cartoons that we used to like as kids and I mentioned James Bond Jr.


    And King Arthur and the Knights of Justice


    You have any favorite old cartoon that few people remember?

  3. A million miles away

    Your signal in the distance
    To whom it may concern
    I think I lost my way
    Getting good at starting over
    Every time that I return

    Learning to walk again
    I believe I've waited long enough
    Where do I begin?
    Learning to talk again
    Can't you see I've waited long enough?
    Where do I begin?

    Do you remember the days?
    We built these paper mountains
    Then sat and watched them burn
    I think I found my place
    Can't you feel it growing stronger
    Little conquerors

    Learning to walk again
    I believe I've waited long enough
    Where do I begin?
    Learning to talk again
    I believe I've waited long enough
    Where do I begin?

    For the very first time
    Don't you pay no mind
    Set me free, again
    To keep alive, a moment at a time
    That's still inside, a whisper to a riot
    The sacrifice, the knowing to survive
    The first decline, another state of mind
    I'm on my knees, I'm praying for a sign
    Forever, whenever, I never wanna die

    I never wanna die
    I never wanna die
    I'm on my knees, I never wanna die
    I'm dancing on my grave
    I'm running through the fire
    Forever, whenever
    I never wanna die
    I never wanna leave
    I'll never say goodbye
    Forever, whenever
    Forever, whenever

    Learning to walk again
    I believe I've waited long enough
    Where do I begin?
    Learning to talk again
    Can't you see I've waited long enough?
    Where do I begin?

    Learning to walk again
    I believe I've waited long enough
    Learning to talk again
    Can't you see I've waited long enough?

  4. starry-night.jpg

    This is the famous painting The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh it was painted in June of 1889 from his room in the Saint-Paul Asylum in Saint-Rèmy-de-Provence.

  5. Chapter Two
    Thanks to dedicated doctors I had vanquished the dreaded Cellulitis from my body and was on the mend. 
    Unfortunately my relatively good run of luck was coming to an abrupt end, my new foe was called Cdiff.
    I knew that something was not right from the get go. I had very loose stools and would often mess myself. 
    In time I got so weak that I just had to go to the Hospital. 
    Amazingly i made it down the 18 steps of our second floor apartment and reached ground level and that was when the steam engine quit. I fell to my knees and couldn't get up. An Ambulance was called and thanks to the very dedicated paramedics i was lifted from the ground and placed in the "Bus".
    I don't remember much about the first few days i was there. i do have bits of memory but for the most part it was a blur. I do remember them telling me that my kidneys were shutting down and that i was being put on Dialysis. 
    I've never been more afraid of anything in my life.
    Thankfully my Kidneys recovered and in time so did I....mostly.
    I was so weakened by the infection that I couldn't walk. To make matters worse was my weight. 


    That's when I was told that I was going to a Rehab facility.

  6. The name Häagen-Dazs is absolutely meaningless. They are made up words that are meant to appear Scandinavian.




    This is the Lazy Bones, the first television remote created by Zenith in 1950.

    The drawing of Rose (Kate Winslet) from Titanic was drawn by director James Cameron.



  7. There seems to be a trend happening lately, old canceled tv series are being revived. It began With Heroes, then a few days ago word came of an X-Files revival and not to be outdone NBC has announced the return of the late 80's early 90's sitcom Coach.


    If you could have a long dead tv series revive which one would it be.


    When I was a kid I loved the quirky tv series "My Secret Identity" it starred a pre sliders Jerry O'Connell as a young man who is gifted with superpowers after being hit with a "Photon Beam". The original series was for kids and featured a lot of pithy one liners and slapstick comedy. I think it would do well for a soft reboot. Instead of tailoring it for kids it could be a serious drama meant for people who were kids when it was first run. Jerry O'Connell could return his character (Andrew Clements) who in the interim years became a costumed hero but is on the verge of burning out.

  8. Laura Bush, Matthew Broderick, Ted Kennedy and Bruce Jenner are all celebrities with one thing in common, they have all killed someone while behind the Wheel.

  9. I had a grey tooth when I was a kid, if that counts. I forget which tooth it was, but I believe it was in the upper right section of my mouth. It has since fallen out

    That is called a "Dead Tooth". I'm sure that it counts.

  10. I remember reading somewhere where a question was posited, "If you ever wrote a Book about your life would anyone want to read it?"


    Before now I would've said "Heck no, what could I ever do that would even warrant a book be written!" 


    Now I think differently, not 100% differently mind you more like 75-80. I am posting this here with plans of publishing (sometime in the future) on Amazon's eBook publishing service.


    The Title is "The Year Without Legs"


    Chapter One
    Long ago our distant ancestors developed Bipedal locomotion (the ability to walk upright on two legs) as opposed to hunched over using arms and legs to move. 
    Why did this happen? 
    What advantage did it give them?
    Perhaps it made it easier to reach fruit in trees, or perhaps it made it easier to spot predators.
    Regardless of the reason walking upright stuck and we've been doing it ever since.
    It's easy to take walking for granted, from the moments you take your first clumsy steps (to the delight of your parents) you are on the move. 
    As a child much time is spent upright. Running, jumping, chasing after and being pursued. You come to see walking as an almost mediocre and (forgive the pun) pedestrian feat, until you can't do it anymore.
    This is my Story, after much thought I have decided to call it "The Year Without Legs".
    Before I go any further let me just start by saying that "Without" is strictly a Metaphor, I still have my legs they just don't seem to want to work. 
    My story really begins several years ago. I was in my room one night sitting on my bed when i noticed a infected pore on my inner thigh. i should've left it alone, just let my body fight off the infection and be done with it. But being an idiot i decided to pop it and clean the area with Hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately i neglected to bandage the area and it in turn became infected with something much worse. 
    It was called Cellulitis.....
    Wikipedia defines Cellulitis as:
    "a Bacterial infection involving the Skin. It specifically affects the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Signs and symptoms include an area of redness which increases in size over a couple of days."
    I'm not happy about what I'm about to write here but for context I feel that it needs to be told.
    I am fat...
    I know that calling myself that isn't politically correct but it's just how I feel (or felt)
    The technical term is "Morbidly obese" but let's be honest is "Morbid" any better?
    The infection was so deep inside my thigh that no matter how much antibiotics i took it couldn't be entirely cleared up. I would get better than a year or so later i would have another septic fever and it was back to the Hospital again.
    This back and forth caused me to become homebound, i stopped living as part of the world and became mearly an observer.
    By 2014 I had had enough. I was sick and tired of living life on the sidelines, i wanted to be done with these infections once and for all. 
    On the advice of Dr. Michael T. Lawlor an Infectious disease specialist at Hartford Hospital I undertook a quest to surgically rid myself of my affliction.
    I think i should note that the afflicted area, my inner right thigh had increased in size dramaticaly in the prevailing years. It was larger than a basketball and stretched from my groin to my knee. 
    Before the Surgery could be performed I had to be medically cleared, a very daunting and eye opening quest. I discovered many things that I didn't want to know.
    I had very high blood pressure, I was hypertensive and pre diabetic. But nothing could prepare me for the most shocking revelation of all, I was 585 pounds.
    I knew I was fat mind you, i saw it every time I looked in the mirror. But now it was real, it was an actual number. 
    Amazingly my heart was (more or less) fine and i was cleared for surgery. 
    As the day approached I felt equal parts fear and excitement. Fear of the unknown, what could happen and excitement in the possibilities of my life post operation.
    I planned on getting more active, on losing weight and perhaps even continuing my education. 
    The Surgery day came and I found myself in Hartford Hospital again under the knife. Thankfully the surgery was a success...but wouldn't you know it, that bastard Cellulitis just had to get me one last time.
    Another course of Antibiotics and I was cleared to go home. 

  11. He looks better than I thought he would bald, I just haven't seen this actor in a role like this before.

    His Mark Zuckerberg had a bit of a Lex Luthor streak in "The Social Network".

    Is there room in Marvel 616 for two Spider-Men? With the end of the Ultimate Marvel Universe looming it seems that the plan is to import some (if not all) of the Earth 1610's heroes to the main series continuity as evidenced by the reveal of the All New, All Different Avengers.



  12. Good on you. I have a tooth thing too. My upper canines are baby teeth. The real ones never came in, so I got these weird disproportionate nubs

    My canines came in over my baby teeth, they are protruding out from the gum line. Basically I have real life vampire teeth. I also have a second row of teeth on the bottom jaw.



  13. Do you have any thoughts on Jesse Eisenberg's new photo.

    I think it's ok, at least he's bald. I'm just hoping that they get Lex right. In every film he is very over the top. I like the subdued portrayal by actors like Clancy Brown and Michael Rosenbaum.

  14. Have you ever watched Back to the Future and said "Man I would love to have a Delorean of my very own!" Well you can. After the Delorean Motor Company folded in 1985 their remaining stock of parts went into receivership and was purchased by a company based in Austin Texas. The New Delorean Motor Company (DMC) creates new DMC Deloreans from the 1980 stainless steel shells but with modern equipment inside. For a few (thousand) bucks more they will even create for you a screen accurate replica of the Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine.



    About four years ago I saw a Red Delorean in a used car dealership in my hometown of Enfield Connecticut. It was bought very fast. The New DMC scours used car dealerships and spare parts auctions for cars or parts to refurbish and get ready to sell to new owners.

    Maine is the closest US state to Africa
