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Posts posted by Odin

  1. I like it. :D You can expect to see me there alot.

    Here's a doodle I did with it, if anyone wants to see. (Or cares.)


    Dude, Thats amazing. :huh:

    How did you it? I can barely write anything, let alone draw something.

    Good job

  2. Well, I've never had a girlfriend before. Ever in my life. I've liked girls, even loved them. But I've never had a girl tell me that she loved me back. The most recent girl I've liked was a girl named Ana. Then something happened, she just wasn't the same after I got back from the Washington D.C trip. She avoided me and just wasn't the same at all my feeling for her died as the weeks went by. Eventually it was gone. And now so is she. this last friday was the last day of 8th grade. and since next year is highschool my group and I are splitting because we are going to different schools. Ana though is moving to Orange County, so I'll probably never see her again. Yet I wasn't completely sad. Deep deep down inside I started having feelings for a 7th grader named Amber.

    Amber is one grade below me. (I'm in 9th grade and she's now in 8th) She was sad when I had to leave. She even missed her last day of school to go to the 8th grade promotion ceremony. My family was there so we were going to Mimi's Cafe for brunch. Amber was there so I asked her if she wanted to go with us she said Ok. We were teasing eachother like usual, but there was more to it though. After brunch, my mom needed to get something from Petco. So me and Amber were walking around looking at the animals. After that, we took her home. She asked me if I wanted to see her house. I said yeah. She was showing me her house and then my parents called me and told me to go back to the car.

    Then I gave her a hug goodbye...and then another...and another until eventually it was a hug fest. Then I don't know what came over me but I said, "I really want to kiss you but I don't know."

    Then she said, "That would be wierd because we are friends because we are friends, but I really want to kiss you too."

    I then carried her over to her couch (yes carried) hugged her goodbye kissed her cheek, and left. She was just about to start crying because I had to go to highschool.

    Then today came and I texted her "I'm bored" after a while we were talking on the phone. We were talking then I brought up the subject of who we liked (I already know I like her now :embarrassed: )

    She said I would be freaked out if she told me who she like. It was me!

    We talked to eachother for at least two hours. We started off the phone call with "I kinda like you" and ended with "I love you"

    I want to ask her out on Tuesday when I see her in person. I just want to ask you guys if you think we are ready for that.

    The problem of "Does she like me back" has been answered. Now it's just if she is ready for a relationship. Do you think I'm going too fast with it? I don't know. This is the first time this has happened to me. I don't know what to do. and I need to tell someone. I'm so exited!!!! :joy::wub::joy:

  3. Update: Wednesday, June 26th, 2008.

    Again with this S**T? I FINALLY get my major chance to become a mod of EITHER the forums, OR the chat, and what does "he" do (find out who it is yerselves.) He backstabs me in saying that he needs people iwth technoligical skillz. HE ALREADY SAID HE NEEDED YOUNGER PEOPLE!!!!!!!! (Here be the correction point) YOUNGER PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THOSE SKILLS!!!!!!!!!

    Also, just HOW exact many of younger kids do we have on this site? I SWEAR we have what it takes to become a MATURE oriented site, and not some kiddy's playground. We're HELLA lot mature than that. I never thought I'd see this day, but SCREW the kids. (Here's your chance to backlash, kiddies.) We have waited long and hard, and the people (A.K.A. "Newbs" or "n00bs" ) who sign up are gone within minutes. Take the plunge, Dustin. Make this a Teenager - only site. Let go of the kids. They don't care. (Again, here's your point to disagree.) And I say, the sooner we get fre PR**, the better. Yeh, I said that. Whut? Don't like it? Hmph. That's wierd. Oh well.


    You bi*ch and complain about stuff SO MUCH that you have 0% chance of becoming a moderator! and then you talk about how so much mature you are than everyone else, but all I see is just another whiny little kid. Get a clue, if your really a mature as you say. You wouldn't cry about everything.

  4. It was happy and sad for me. It was happy cause today was the 8th grade (semi)formal Dance!! Woo! Yes I danced. yes me.

    It was bad because I was supposed to ask out the girl I like.(yeah right!) Oh well! Better luck tomorrow!

  5. Wow. You seriously made a rant topic.


    I'm sorry for your sadness. I have no advice I'm sorry :cry:

    And what is "locally Developed"? other than being developed locally. (like oranges!!) I love oranges. There was this huge orange grove by my house. Until they tore it all down to build houses on. Darn houses!! :angry:

  6. I think he hacked it so he could go on the internet channel while the wii shop channel is loading. But I don't know, that would be really stupid. He could just wait three seconds for wii shop to load! I don't know.

  7. You are oversensitive about EVERYTHING you accuse people of stuff all the time. You make a "I hate this person" topic whenever someone makes you a bit ticked off. and you are a jerk sometimes.

    No, you shouldn't leave. You shouldn't have to leave because some people don't like you. I'm sure your not too fond of me either. but I'm not leaving. You don't have to either.

    Besides we need a little drama every once and a while it makes things interesting :)

  8. Friends should never date! If things go south you can NEVER go back to being friends. There'll always be a big fat stinking Elephant in the room.

    :cry: Then I have no hope. Oh Well!

    Congratulations! You have chickened out on your plan!!!

    Feel bad and stupid for a few seconds then realize it was doomed from the start! Now you can feel happy and joyful. Knowing it could never happen makes you feel better on the outside! I hope this has been an educational experience for all and many.

    (yes, I'm PO'd right now. Just letting off some steam, Sorry)

  9. ok tomorow is the last day of school and a girl that hangs-out with my group of friends

    and me (I have a HUGE crush on) doesn't have any idea I like her.

    i plan on kissing her and running to my bus before she has a chance to say anything and then avoiding the group all summer.

    one of my other friends has a crush on her too. what do I do? need advice on if i should do this or not.

    I two word of encouragement for you my friend.


    A little suggestive, I know.

    But seriously, just be cool. Roll into it, be smooth about it. Don't run up and try to suck her face off. Be cool. Act like it just happened, not like you planned it out or anything.

    Good luck and I hope it works out!