Young Link Addict

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Posts posted by Young Link Addict

  1. I used to watch it, but I only saw bits and pieces and I never really understood what was going on. Hopefully this will have longer episodes and things will happen at a faster pace.

  2. Shout out to Nintendo for not selling the Wii-U gamepad on it's own, leaving me with a system rendered unplayable because of a puppyed up touchscreen.

    Well it's your lucky day. I heard that Nintendo is starting to sell Wii U gamepads in Japan. So eventually.

  3. Oldschool name change.

    I'm glad I has here to witness this moment.

  4. I did hear a rumor, I can't remember where, that Linkle is going to be Link's sister.


    Would prefer to see a female Link as interpreted by a standard Zelda game, but it's cool to see people embracing this idea. People are judging her for being a typical anime girl with no really special characteristics, but from what I can remember of Hyrule Warriors, Link himself is pretty bland as well. So her being as mind-numbingly typical as the other female characters in Hyrule Warriors in no biggie.

    To be fair, Lana, as cool as she is, is also kind of a typical anime girl with no real special characteristics when it came to design. So it's kind of silly for people who liked her to judge Linkle for being the same way.

    Teto and T1g like this

  5. I agree. 


    Speaking of Twilight Princess and things that no one asked for: Nintendo is re-releasing Twilight Princess in HD. loooool

    I love TP, but I'm getting sick of all the remakes. I want Zelda Wii U like right now.

    On this topic: Does anybody even play Mario Tennis?

    No. I played Mario Tennis Power Tour for the GBA and it was amazing. I love how they added in a story and rpg elements. It was simple, but fun. This new game looks simple and boring. The only thing I like about it is that you can have an amiibo be your partner and it learns and gets better. Though, it's not enough to make me buy it.

  6. I made this case for my phone. I think phone cases are dumb because they're really overpriced. Most of them look lame, too. So for $18 (which is including the shipping), I made my own online. :) 



    Yeah, I play video games, no big deal

    That's awesome. My phone has no covers to it. It's an Android Mini and no one makes covers for those. :/

  7. I'd rather have Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII to be honest. Though really, unless they're planning on making Final Fantasy VII for the Wii U, I could honestly not care less about Cloud.

  8. Yeah the two games thing was announced a while back. I hope the games are significantly different enough in terms of maps because otherwise i am going to feel cheated out of my $80

    I am such a Fire Emblem whore

    Now that you mention it... I wonder what the better deal would be. I want all of it so I might just get the whole shabang, but I don't have a 3DS XL so the bag would be... kind of useless. Unless my 3DS will fit in there with no problems.

  9. Nintendo showed off Fire Emblem Fates in the Nintendo Direct. Holy crap it's amazing.

    There will be two games, Birthright and Conquest. It tells the same story, but with two different outcomes. Then after a while they'll release Revelation which will clear up everything that was confusing. The best part is, if you buy one, you'll get a download code to buy the other one for $19.99 or you can buy a special edition with all three games with an art book and a special pouch.

    I'm so excited I might die.

  10. I loved playing Fire Emblem for the GBA, the one with Lyn and Eliwood, but I never finished it because I lost interest. Then I played Awakening and absolutely loved it. I can't wait for Fire Emblem Fates to come out.

    I've been meaning to play more games in the series, but I just never get around to it.

  11. It's just weird how everyone just kind of forgets about Thanksgiving and goes right into the Christmas decorating. I mean I can understand that outside the U.S., but Thanksgiving was important time in history.

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  12. Christmas is coming, which is the best time of the year.

    It's the most wonderful time of the YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR!

    Actually, there's a station that's already playing constant Christmas music. It's fun annoying people at work with it.

  13. UNRELATED TO EVERYTHING, I have finally obtained and am currently typing from a new computer. I can now play games on PC again.



    Cool. I'll be getting a new computer to play games soon too. I have a friend that bought me Borderlands 2 so we can play it together and my computer can't handle it. :/

  14. I'm anti weed because I watched my (no longer) best friend start out as a smart, interesting, fun person. Then he started doing weed. When he would smoke it, he would become really stupid. While high he broke into a church and stole from it. And when he didn't have enough money, he would go out and steal things to pawn off for more weed money. When he couldn't get his hands on the stuff, he would become an aggressive a-hole and believe me, he wasn't fun to be around when he was like that.

    After a while, he reached the maximum high off pot and started doing cocaine, then heroine. He even said he started doing harder drugs because he reached a max high. Now a days, he's not very smart, he's no longer interesting or fun, and let's just say he's in a place he doesn't want to be because he did something really stupid while high.

    I don't want to hear that it's "safe" because it's not. Just because no one has ever OD'ed because of it doesn't mean it won't kill you. It kills brain cells and much like alcohol, causes you do stupid things because your brain isn't working right. I can kind of understand it being used for medicine and if it was solely for medical reasons, then I'd say yeah sure, but people want it legalized for recreation more than medical.

    So not all people who are anti weed are pretentious, we've seen what it does to people, the lives that it's ruined. If you ask any druggie, "What was the first drug you did," there's a 90% chance they'll say weed and they'll tell you that it led them to do much harder, more dangerous drugs. And before you say that it's just one person, there's a lot of people in the next town over that I've seen this with. If they don't get their weed, they'll be on the verge of killing someone.

    On a positive note, the vote for weed failed with 65% against it. So that's cool.

  15. There's a lot I don't like about it, but I'll give 3 reasons.

    1. I don't like the way it smells because it smells terrible.

    2 I don't like the way people act while on it. I had a friend who smoked weed and his friend smoked weed and they were total a-holes on the stuff. They were loud and obnoxious and all out annoying.

    3. I don't like watching people slowly kill themselves with drugs. Someone's either going to drive high and get themselves and/or others killed, whether the other party was high or sober, much like if someone was drinking alcohol, which I'm also against. Or, someone's going to overdose on it and instead of people saying, "Oh this is why drugs are bad for us," they're going to say something about how it's okay in moderation, but it's not. They say the same about drinking alcohol, which has killed a lot of people who decided to do something stupid under the influence, smoking cigarettes, which have caused cancer and killed a lot of people, but for some reason it's still legal and still okay, even though it's horrible for everyone involved. Weed won't be any different. People are going to kill themselves every day from doing it and instead of taking responsibility or doing something about it, everyone is going to turn the other cheek and it bugs me to no end.

  16. Speaking of speaking of weed, tomorrow there's an election in Ohio to get weed legalized and I hope by every fiber of my being that it doesn't get passed. I'm actually worried to death that it will.






    You laugh, but the game is actually pretty amazing once you get past the weirdness of it. I mean the battle system is awesome.

  18. Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS

    Tri Force Heroes (Just got it two days ago)

    And one other game that I'm absolutely embarrassed about because I didn't know what it was about. Though for the sake of saying it, it's Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars. I had no idea what conception meant until I looked up after being like, "Wtf am I playing."

  19. Sure, I'll post a picture of myself. I haven't done so in a long long time. Though honestly, if anyone ever saw it, not much has changed... It's about a month old now, but meh.




    LLmao ?✊? and Teto like this

  20. That's true. For me I just exercised a lot, which I never did, and lost a lot of weight. Now I just need to tone my body because all that's left is left over fat.

  21. hey :)

    How's life been? It feels like it's been almost a year since you posted here :X

    Pretty good. I haven't really done much of anything. I'm still writing, getting nowhere fast since it turns out I'm horrible at writing. xD Though, it won't stop me. Also I think I was here in Julyish... I can't really remember... Anyway, how are you?

    I feel like I've probably not had a great diet lately; my mood has just nosedived over the past day or so. I'm just sitting here awake, getting too absorbed into anxious daydreams, which, while they should end in my triumph over a fictional enemy, just get pessimistic and end with me getting drowned in a toilet, or hit by a car, or stabbed to death, or strangled. As if my death is imminent and unavoidable.

    What are you dieting for? If it's for weight, I've learned that the best thing to do is exercise more than actually changing the way you eat. Though that's just me.

  22. Speaking of black, guess who's here to say their bimonthly, or trimonthly, or something along those lines, hello! My busy has slowed down a bit, for now, so I may actually be able to stick around for a bit longer. So... HI!

    Knuckle and SilverAlchemic like this