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Posts posted by Negation

  1. Intending to make a Cloverfield music vid, I inserted my DVD, then opened Windows Movie Maker. I Imported every last file on my disk onto Movie Maker, then had a look at one of them. It was MAJORLY corrupted. Then I noticed something weird. This video doesn't exist on my DVD! I looked at the rest. Only about 3 of the 20 files on there had I actually ever seen on my disk's Special Features and such. I looked at the back of my disk case, which said that there were only two Special Features on there: Supplemental Files and Commentary of the movie. I found some crazy retarded talking moose thing as well, and interviews with the actors, AND some more insight into the monster! All of these files were corrupt, and went more or less faster than they were supposed to. I was like WTF! Any idea why this happened?

  2. Lawl, stupid dead guy is stupid.

    Why should we remember the 5th of November?

    Seriously, I've never heard anything about the 5th of November in Australia.

  3. Yes, I know it came out almost a year ago, so you don't need to tell me I'm a bit late.

    You see, I've got the DVD, I've watched tons ov videos on Youtube, and I thought "There's so much info out there now, so why not enlighten people a bit?"

    Here you can post all of your Cloverfield theories, as well as pictures and videos related to the movie.

    NOTE: This topic is NOT for bashing the movie. Anyone who doesn't like it, well, go jump in a hole I s'pose.


    Well, this is basically pieced together from other peoples' theories and ideas on the movie. This theory is mainly about the identification of the monster itself.

    "Hundreds of millions of years ago, when the continents were a single land mass now known as Pangea, and all life-forms were single-celled creatures, there was a passive organism and an aggressive organism. The aggressive organism liked to feed on the passive organism, though it stunted their ability to evolve. Millions of years passed, and the species Homosapien, or humans, evolved. For thousands of years, so did their intelligence. They gained the ability to build cities and maintain governments. They developed their own languages and cultures. Hence the modern world.

    So, in modern Japan, only a couple of years ago, a scientist re-discovered the passive organism. It was found to, when consumed, make people extremely happy, and was best eaten when cold. They named the passive organism "Seabed Nectar". This frozen Seabed Nectar was soon developed into a popular drink called "Slusho! (It makes me happy)". "Slusho!" was a branch company off the oil-drilling mass corporation called "Tagruato". Anyway, the Slusho! drink was imported to many other countries and continents, North America included. It became an extremely popular drink, and was consumed by millions of people. Now, while all this was happening, Tagruato had begun to drill for oil quite far off the coast of Manhattan. A large oil rig was constructed called Chuai Oil Rig, used for oil drilling and the collection of Seabed Nectar. There was their problem. The anti-Tagruato corporation then known as T.I.D.O Wave, dedicated to stopping the drilling of Tagruato, sent in a terrorist attack on Tagruato's Chuai Oil Rig. As I said before, there was a problem. The Seabed Nectar drilling site had been found by the aggressive organism, now evolved to a massive size and strength. It destroyed the oil rig, and killed everyone, T.I.D.O Wave terrorists and Tagruato drillers. It was seen that "Clover (Large Scale Aggressor, LSA)" somehow launched pieces of debris up out of the water. I have no theories on this yet. So anyway, several months passed. LSA made its way to shore, on the night of Rob's going-away party. It capsized the oil rig in the harbour there. Apparently, the oil rig and mass explosion were not connected, as the oil rig was not destroyed afterwards. Next thing, it threw the Statue of Liberty's head into the city. Then it followed it, and collapsed the Woolworth Building. Marlena Diamond (MDIAMOND) reffered to LSA "eating people". This was a direct cause of the peoples' consumption of Seabed Nectar. They were now the passive organism.

    You know the rest.

    That was my two cents, which when compared to your two cents is like 50 bucks.


  4. PEOPLE GOING XD all the time. Just people who are CRAAZZZZZYYY RANDOM =DDDD. They ruin ANYTHING. They take pure epicness with their so srs comments and i see it's mostly the females, so yeah i guess i hate females OH WELL. More to the point, XD :P D~: :3, XD makes it seem like that you're a weeaboo. They ruined the pure win of Angry German Kid. I will not forgive and i will not forget.


    Any person who falls into the behavioural catagory of a weeaboo makes me want to.

    They take a pure and good thing, and turn it into a pile of dust, overused memes, IE mudkips, No one(apart from said weeaboo) finds it funny anymore,

    THEY RUINED IT ARRRRRRRRRRRGHHSAHDSFGH Thank you weeaboo For ruining a perfectly good video. And memes.

    +1 to you all. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    (could you replace macuser to weeaboo please)



  5. Yeah. They usually have good advice for this kind of thing. But I've already told you what my view on the subject is, so that's all your getting from me.

    Eh, you're probably right. The thing is, though, that she's the same person that asked me out at the beginning of the year (and to whom I foolishly said no), and who went over and scolded my friends after they ditched me.

  6. IMG.jpg

    This was a sketch of one of my made-up creatures, a Narkrak, which was originally going to be a piece of concept art, but ended up as a somewhat-detailed rough sketch.

    Hope you like it.

  7. So, today in my english/SOSE class, I had to go and bring a kid back to the classroom who was sent out. Anyway, this girl that I like walks out of her class at the same time, probably for a reason similar to mine. By the way: this girl is a real b!tch most of the time, which is normally when she's around other boys. So I'm walking, and then she asks me where I'm going. So I tell her. Then I accidentally walk past the room I was meant to be going to, and she actually tells me (somewhat nicely) that I've gone past the room. Then, as I'm walking into the room, she calls out "love you". Now, normally this wouldn't surprise me, I've gotten this a few times and it normally just means you're friends. But seriously. Coming from this girl, and directed at me, that's kinda a big thing.

    It's funny, really; This girl and I have quite a bit in common.

    Any ideas how I should continue this?

    Oh yeah, this girl isn't what you'd call "popular"... Probably a mix of that and infamous.

    SO if I go out with her, everyone's gonna know about it.


  8. If you're floatng don the river in a concrete canoe, and the wheels fall off, how many flapjacks does it take to shingle the roof of a doghouse?

    Err... 42? :unsure:

    Do I write too much for Role-Playing topics?

    You can NEVER write too much for Role-Playing topics.

  9. To be or not to be? - Depends what your choices are.

    Who is Larry and why is he happy?

    Why did Rokai make this topic and never post again?

    What is it that planets "float" in?

    If atoms move apart when they get excited, what is between them?

    How do people know when it's the best day of their life? Don't they mean the best day of their life so far?

    How long is a long, long, long time ago?

    Why is the English language so stupid?

    Why are there only 26 letters?

    How much is a small fortune?

    If there IS a god, why does it let things like poverty, death and pestilence occur?

    What if the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

    Just a few of my favourite questions.

  10. Heh...

    I don't need this anymore; I made a sniper rifle out of Bionicle parts.

    I shot down a TINY bug catcher thingy (you know, those little wooden ones with a "bobble legs" fake bug in it?) from across the loungeroom.

  11. What is the airborne velocity of an unladen swallow?


    What, other than witches, burns and floats?

    NOT wood.


    Why did the witch turn me into a newt?

    ... I got better. :unsure:

  12. Zeldafan, you really annoy me.

    I've only ever met about two of the 10-or-so children on this site.

    About 95% of the people on here are teens.

    So why should we make this a child-friendly site?

    We shouldn't.

    If you don't like the Wild West, then go jump off a cliff, because that's only a taste of what's to come in your life.

  13. Google Image Search and Deviantart, mainly...

    For best results, copy the image, paste it into Paint, use the rectangular select tool (the box with dotted edges), cut out a square that you want to be in the card, save the image, and upload it to the Card Maker. I had to do that with most of my images so they don't go stretchy and pixel-y.




  14. ...Wow, I need to shut up before I get banned for spamming. D: Anyway, hope to be active 'round here.

    Neh, nobody's been banned from here for spamming before. EVAR. In fact, the only mod around here you're likely to get into trouble with is GingerLink...

    Little son of a b-


    Yah, you get it.

  15. hm...... i shall come with a new set soon......

    About half an hour later......

    HAHA! there!



    You REALLY need to fix up your OCG grammar...

    For KikScar:

    Change to an Effect monster

    "When this card attacks a Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster, double the original ATK of this card."

    For Rocsar:

    Change to Effect monster

    "When this card is attacked by a Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster, the original DEF of this card is doubled."

    For DreadLord:

    "As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the Field, all monsters with "Dread Soldier" in their card names gain 2000 ATK."

    For Lich Lord:

    Change to Effect monster

    "This card gains 2000 ATK and DEF for each Zombie-Type monster on the Field."


