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Posts posted by Gingerlink

  1. It never says there was an army amassed anywhere in TP. It says there were interlopers, but it never mentioned the amount of them or where they came from.

    Judging by some theories, the bulk of them may have been Gerudo or Shiekah.

    And yeah, Merchant, I think like that as well... I once read a theory that disproved the split timeline using Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, even though Eiji Auonuma told us it existed. Probably can't find it anywhere anymore, though.


    fine, the word army isn't used but "a band of thieves that invaded Hyrule" is close enough, 2.24

    Also, theorising is fun, there is apparently a master timeline somewhere, so there's every chance everything fits together...

  2. Also, none of saha's posts have been short and stupid, like just saying "lol"...

    Also, I didn't know you actually played grifball.

  3. I've found this to be more of an issue since I've been living on my own. I've had a fair few vegetables but nowhere near as much as I did at home. I've still managed to steer clear of buying overwhelmingly fatty and unhealthy stuff there, I agree with zombies, it doesn't seem to be quite so bad here in the UK...

    Biggest saviour for this year has been pasta, good source of carbs and not exactly unhealthy, good ol' Italians :D

  4. At least 8 months have already passed. :0 Almost half-way through. I just hope TML won't be like a completely different person... :wacko:

    It says Jun, not Jan

    It's barely been two months!

  5. I have trust issues. It takes me a long time to trust someone. And if I end up trusting you, and you betray my trust, I'm usually very cold towards you. It's hard to regain my trust after betraying me.

    makes sense, stops it happening again too much....

  6. The next Zelda game will most likely be on the Wii, logically speaking, so might want to come up with answers for that.

    I was actually quite fond of the Wii controls in TP. I just didn't like the way they executed making the game.

    Like the ability to work your way over pits using the double Clawshots to upside-down-cling-walk on viney ceilings? Yeah, where'd that go?

    I hope that they make the next Zelda game without releasing overhyped information in it like in TP. They took out waay too much stuff.

    I don't really care about what the style is, but I would really, (And I've said this many a time before) I like Brawl's Toon Link style. It's a blend of the WW style and TP style. The textures are great and they actually pull off a realistic looking chibi character. Go figure, right?

    They did something like that in PH, but it wasn't detailed enough.

    As for plot, why can't we involve the Goddesses in this? Seriously, the Goddesses are only referenced. Don't tell me they actually made a personal visit in any Zelda game, because it's not true. Din, Nayru, and Farore from the Oracle games and Minish Cap are incarnations, not the Goddesses themselves. If anything, yes, they are just gigantic references.

    Please more importance in what is apparently the most important thing in the series. >=(


    I'm pretty sure they didn't actually say (and as a result confirm) anything that wasn't in the final game. This seems to be something you fail to realise about pre-production and production screenshots and videos, in that they may not fully represent the final game...

  7. In all seriousness though, sixteen confessions. Since I'm sixteen and all. :)

    1. I walk around the house shirtless.

    2. I seriously cannot sleep if I'm not cuddling something... or someone. :3

    3. I gave up masturbation for lent this year, and I lasted all forty days plus the week following Easter Sunday. :D

    4. I usually leave the house commando (and yes, even to God's house ;D).

    5. I still don't weigh one hundred pounds yet.

    6. I won't drink anything with an odd number of ice cubes in it.

    7. All of sophomore year, I've never done a single one of my history teacher's vocab tests honestly except for the final.

    8. The yearbook message I wrote for my friend Rafi this year took up all eight pages of her insert.

    9. I lock the door every time I go into the bathroom, even if it's just to wash my hands.

    10. I tip-toe when I'm barefoot.

    11. I have red-green color blindness.

    12. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until I was in third grade.

    13. In kindergarten, I wore the shirt I wore on picture day inside-out, and didn't realize it until I got home.

    14. I have never played a Pokemon game.

    15. I suffer from a bad inferiority complex when I'm compared to certain people.

    16. And no, I actually don't liek mudkipz.

    none of those here, although perhaps 15...

    I can't think of much other than I regret very little...

  8. i had a dream that i was a marshmallow and everything was made of fire, and all i could hear was dragonforce music.

    i have weird dreams. :embarrassed:

    also fierce muffin, i did not need to know that

    That's awesome, the dragonforce music just tops it off :D

  9. umm..scientist's havn't said 50/50, they've said it's essentially impossible...There's no logical explanation as to why a black hole would appear, it's just quantum physics, in which anything could happen...

    I believe them, but hey, if they're wrong, we can all start beating them up in the afterlife together.

  10. No, it's not at all.


    It's all Young Link's fault for not returning from Termina, resulting in the Great Flood when Ganondorf returned.

    So hah, pwnt by your own reasoning.

    Also, Meta Knight's recovery move is very easy to control as long as you don't hold back on the control stick and stall, resulting in your self destructing.

    And who cares? Why call Sonic slow in Smash Bros. if he's the fastest character in the game? Jesusfish, he's still fast.

    Also, the Zelda team announced that TP will be the last Zelda of its kind. If this is true, your precious realistic graphics might never return. Stop being so shallow minded and get over it.


    saha, I replied in the timeline thread, the flood has great difficulty fitting into the young link timeline...

  11. SPYDOM ftw, that's why I'm careful about what I say on different forums sucks

    Not really teeheeheeheeheehee

  12. oh don't get me wrong, im still good with falcon and peach and somewhat sonic, i just much prefer the melee falcon and peach to the brawl falcon and peach.

    falcon is a speed character that, due to the new fiziks engine making each character super floaty, was made much slower. falcon was my main in melee. he fell super fast which helped a lot with short hop arial combos. and now he doesn't fall as fast and still to this day it messes with me sometimes. i know that might not sound like a big change but it is. and his knee is so much harder to sweet spot! holy crap! that drives me crazy! idk... he's still good. its just more fun to point out the annoying things i guess. haha

    as for peach, i think they shouldn't have redone her down smash. i know it was a little cheap but that was her trump card aside from her turnips. and her second jump sucks! ya, cool, you can still float, but don't make something worse! c'mon sakurai! and her foward throw has been nerfed as well. crap, total crap!11! but, like i said with falcon, she's still a good character, its just more fun pointing out the things that annoy me. :huh:

    i just think sonic needs a good killing move. at least two maybe three. that would be awesome. i would use him so much more. a spike would be great! i mean, some characters have 2 or 3 and he has none!! not one!! sonic is such a cool character! HE'S SONIC THE FREAKING HEDGEHOG!!! GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO SHOW HOW AWESOME HE IS!!

    oh ya. and lag sux. horribly. i wanna shoot myself every time i play online. i love being able to play other people in other places but it drives me insane when i try to do something and the lag completely throws me off. it makes me want to kick babies!!!!

    im a happy person i swear :)

    To get used to playing online, make sureyou practice on the slow-mo mode as well as the regular mode (as the lag varies).

    Since it got released in Europe, the brawling with anybody for me is fine, Mario Kart was very lag free as well, until it came out in America (I mean it's still not bad, but things have been more noticable) and that was even with Japanese in some games...

  13. Tabuu was essentially the perpetrator os the subspace, that was his world and he wanted to alternative world (the real world for most of the characters) to be absorbed into it.

    To be honest, I think Tabuu is awesome, Master hand would've been samey, pretty easy to kill and a bit of an anti-climax...

  14. Todd the T1000

    I can't think of any others that are actually named in JoCo songs, but they're a pretty big theme...

    I'm such an idiot



  15. I thought this was fairly obvious... For instance, when people decide Link is the person that's supposed to win, they never tell him to just use his courage, but courage and wisdom.

    So Link is not exclusively courageous, but wise, which is how he can solve tough situations and puzzle solve.

    I never really thought this needed pointing out...

    Anyways, a lot of Zelda theorizers joke amongst themselves by saying that the Triforce is like rock, paper, scissors. Which means Link beats Ganondorf, Ganondorf beats Zelda, Zelda beats Link. (Let's face it. Zelda would kick the crap outta' Link.)


    yeah, it's always made sense to me too

    I geuss some people just take it for granted...

  16. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee you were

    having the other 3 characters (and sonic because he's essentially like the other 3 , but in time to use him for the final battle) more integrated into the stoory would've been fun. As sakurai said, part of the fun for the storyline with the subspace emissary was seeing how the characters from the different series interacted with each other.