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Posts posted by Cirt

  1. I assume it's going to be bad. One reason being that it's made by Netflix. I didn't even know Netflix made its own shows so... I can only imagine. I'll probably just end up watching it online though because Netflix is too expensive anyway.

    as Otis said, Netflix actually makes some really badass shows. 


    I puppying love House of Cards. OitNB ain't bad either. Haven't watched Marco Polo yet but I heard that was good too.

  2. Speaking of which, we recently celebrated our one-month. Woo. :3




    Jared after all your trials and tribulations, reading this just makes me realize how far you've come and how happy you must be now

    Jareddude and T1g like this

  3. I had a particularly rough day at work. Yesterday was bad too. I'm not sure if it's like a hormone thing but I was pretty upset by the time I got home both days.


    I feel overworked and underpaid and frustrated. I can never leave work without feeling like I've finished my tasks for the day. There's always SOMETHING to do. And it's always time sensitive. When I get to school in the morning, I'm flustered. I get to work an hour early (I don't have a planning period) and I leave usually an hour or an hour and a half later than when I should leave. 


    I'm puppying tired, too. I sleep okay now (had some problems staying asleep at first) but I don't get enough of it. I'm at work for twice as long as I sleep.


    Today I went shopping for myself, for clothes, for the first time in a few months. I was disgusted at the weight I've put on. I look awful, too, I've got terrible circles under my eyes and I look pale. I couldn't bring myself to buy clothes because I felt so guilty at the state I'm in and so terrible. 


    Then I called Dylan and cried on the phone because it's only Tuesday and I'm over this week already.

    Jareddude and Sahaqiel like this

  4. Did you guys stop eating cereal because it was unhealthy? Or just because you didn't feel like eating it anymore

    it's not like...unhealthy, it just never filled me up and I always felt bloated after eating it. or maybe that's how i feel now


    now it's always:

    banana, coffee (breakfast), salad + some kind of entree (lunch), snack (?), dinner


    banana+coffee is good in the morning though

  5. i just woke up so


    either salad or baked ziti from dinner last night

    Life was actually my favorite cereal before I stopped eating cereal...

    i've also stopped eating cereal

  6. Considering deleting my own lately actually. Just weird throwing away something I've had for four years

  7. I'm a piece of shit that enjoys craft beer

    I've unintentionally become a yuppie guys

    IPAs are my jam tho, local beer as well. Then lagers, then ales. I will avoid light beer at all costs unless it's a $2 PBR tall boy and I'm getting shitty at a bar.

    I've had trouble with sweet drinks recently, rum (gold or white) and coke zero is always my go to but I seriously love me a good gin and tonic now. The bitterness is good. I hate vodka. I dislike whiskey and bourbon. Tequila is alright. I can't take shots anymore.

    Wine is nice, nothing sweet, prefer red. Bought this apple wine (?) that was also sparkling and it was a headache waiting to happen. Idk man I never thought I would ever dump something out for that reason but I couldn't drink it.

    Skippy likes this

  8. [16:31] <Cirt> POKEMOANZ?!


    From the oldest logs

    [12:20] <Trondheim> Cirt: Yes, that's how I feel about the college emails too.

    [12:20] <%Fierce_Muffin> GO TO THE NEXT ROOM.

    [12:20] <jolter> twitter and wii message board'

    [12:21] <Cirt> What the heck is twitter anyways?

    [12:21] <Cirt> I;ve heard of it

    [12:21] <Cirt> *I've

    [12:21] <jolter> twitter,, wii message board*

    [12:21] <Cirt> I just don't know what it is.

    simpler times indeed

  9. I've been watching this for four years now and it's gotten so huge. Crazy stuff

    Also watched the SMB3 run with the glitched(?)/wrong warp(?) finale. HYPE

    T1g likes this

  10. [22:01:33] <@Nabe> And here I am stuck with Muff

    [22:01:45] <&Cirt> muff is good though

    [22:01:55] <&Cirt> you have a tru bromance with him

    [22:01:57] <&Cirt> I mean like

    [22:02:01] <&Cirt> very profound bromance

    [22:02:13] <@Nabe> It's the best and the worst, truly

    [22:02:16] <@Nabe> Lately

    [22:02:20] <@Nabe> I think something

    [22:02:22] <@Nabe> and then he types it

    [22:02:35] <&Cirt> like an old married couple


    <3 <3 <3

    Fierce Muffin, Ganny, なべ and 1 other like this