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Posts posted by DorkLink

  1. Maybe Link's magic power is that he can use all the items he's given to him on his quests to their full potential? I bet if just some random person tried to use the items Link finds on his journey, they wouldn't have much success...

    Random NPC: "Hey Link, can I play with your new Beyblade??

    Link: "It's not a Beyblade you moron!

    *hops on the Spinner and spins away*

    Random NPC: "Whoa... how'd he DO that?!?"

  2. Well not really. Toon Link is considered a Young Link because of his age relative to the adult incarnations (well, except by YLA. But whatever makes sense in his head, won't always make sense out here), but Young Link isn't technically a Toon Link because of the differing art styles. It's just like the differences between Christians and Catholics: Catholics are Christian because they're generally Jesus-centric, but a Christian isn't a Catholic because of the different specific beliefs.

    Personally I always distinguished between Young/Adult Link the fact that one can wield the Master Sword, while the other cannot. Young Link was not of the right age requirement to wield the Master Sword in OoT when he pulled it, so he was stuck in stasis for 7 years until he was of age to be able to wield it. Can't remember at the time if the Hero (Link) needs to be a specific age (I'm assuming 16-17) to be able to use the Master Sword, but if you look at Toon Link, he LOOKS young, and yet he's able to wield the Master Sword as well...

    Unless of course somethin along the lines of Hyrule's Hero traditions being forgotten over time (ie. Master Sword only being able to be wielded by a 16-17 year old Hero), and Toon Link just wound up lucky enough to have the goddesses choose him in desperation to be the one to defeat Ganondorf since no one else was able to take up that mantle since the Hero of Time vanished... this is just my take on the whole Young/Toon Link connection, I'm sure others can come up with better :)

  3. A new Zelda game for Wii in the making huh? Well... all I can say is this..


    That is all.

    But on a side note, I not 100% sure where I saw this, either Gamespot or Gametrailers, but I saw artwork for what could've or might be a potential Zelda game in the making with a futuristic look to it. Modern-day buildings, skyscrapers, stuff like that... back alleyways, you name it. I don't know if that did actually go through or if it was a hoak/prank, but it definitely got me thinking.... Link in the future? Using futuristic style crossbows instead of medieval bows? Epona becoming a "pet" name for Link's motorcycle?

    I'm actually going to browse around those sites and see if I can find anything new on that; I'll post back here if anything turns up...

  4. I'm not sure if I'm following the main point of the Octorok water-as-apposed-to-land-base argument (?), but WW has water-based Octos, and you see lots of land-based Octoroks in PH... they look awfully similar to the ones you see in TMC... I suppose you could say they even look like the ones you see in LttP...

    I'm just pointing that out in case it has any merit in what's been said thus far...

  5. There will come a point where you won't be able to find Gongoron on the island anymore; mainly because he decided to bravely/foolishly (?) enter the temple... hence you'll have to go in there after him after traversing the Great Maze or whatever it's called... good luck! :)

  6. You sure she was gonna say "I love you"? This is my take on it...

    Midna: Link... I..

    've... had... the time of my liiiiiife.... and I've never felt this way before... yeah I swear... it's so true... and I owe it all to youuuuu...

    *cue the dancing Stalfos*

    *Link looks on with wide open eyes and mouth dropped*

  7. I don't remember exactly who stated this, but someone said something about the Zora evolving to Rito as a result of environment change (raging floodwaters impossible to swim/survive in, etc.)

    I got to thinking; could the evolution from Zora to Rito have been a defense mechanism, if i can call it that, for the Zoras? With all the predators in the Great Sea (the gigantic squids come to mind), and all those pirates sailing around the waters, it wouldn't be safe for Zoras to make the Great Sea their home. And now with PH in the mix, you see Travelers looking for rare treasures like the Zora Scale; could it be possible that the Zoras evolved to Ritos to stay above all the dangers of the sea? So they wouldn't be preyed upon or hunted into extinction by pirates or those who would want to get rich by selling their scales? Just a thought I had...

  8. the question is though, is this alleged master timeline legit/accurate? i wouldn't mind checking it out for some clarification if it is, seeing as the chronological order of the games i had tried to piece together were not as accurate as i had imagined...

  9. Methinks that if the split-timeline exists, then TP is the end of one timeline, and TWW is the end of the other.

    Alright guys it makes a lot more sense for me now where TMC would fit in the timeline. Maybe now I can finally figure out where all the other games in the series follow after TMC :)

    And besides I don't know how much more Zelda I can possibly play... I've beaten each game in the series at least twice now, however I'm guessing I should've analyzed the story of each game more thorough and catch the imporant things I missed that could've tied the games together for me...

  10. My first Zelda was LoZ, but I played it when I was really young and didn't quite have the reflexes to dodge them annoying Armos Knights and Wizzrobes, so I ignored Zelda for a few years... but then I came across the LTTP when I was visiting at a friend's. I finished up to the first dungeon and got the first pendant, and I was hooked. Unfortunately I couldn't keep playin cuz my friend's mom kicked us all out of the house to play outside (damn parents), so I bided my time and saved up for a SNES and LTTP. Once I got it, I didn't play at first and stayed outside and played late. I came in and went to bed late on purpose, so when my mom came to wake me up the next morning, I looked ROUGH. She thought I was sick, so she left me with my grandmother and went to work. Grandma never came upstairs much; and she was loud enough on the stairs that I heard her coming and was able to shut everything off in time.

    So two days of faking sick later and a missed spelling test (it's ok, my grammar/spelling was epic in those days), I finally beat LTTP.

    Heh, my 3-5 day adventure of Zelda 64 is another great story for another time... let's just say it involved a week suspension from school and parents that didn't know how to successfully hide video game systems from me :P

  11. I dunno about you guys, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around what games come after TP and WW/PH in their respective split timelines... in my timeline I'm trying to piece together, I can't seem to figure out what older games would follow the two I mentioned because

    At the end of Twilight Princess, the Triforce of Power fades from Ganondorf's hand as he's dying, and after Zant breaks his own neck, Ganondorf slumps over (presumably) dead. If that's the case, how are we supposed to tie in the games if he's dead at the end of TP? This is one dead end I've come across, no pun intended.

    Another dead end scenario is Ganondorf's fate at the end of WW. The Master Sword is buried in his forehead, and he's turned to stone atop the tower of Hyrule Castle. If the Master Sword's buried in his forehead and he's turned to stone at the bottom of the ocean, exactly how the hell is he supposed to break free and cause trouble for Hyrule in the other games?

    This is what my timeline looks like so far (minus the other games until I figure out where to place them); tell me what you think.

    Adult: MC, FS, OoT, WW, PH,

    Child: MC, FS, OoT, MM, TP,


    I put MC/FS at the beginning of the timeline, seeing as this is "said" to be the first time a boy like Link displays the traits of the hero of Hyrule by defeating Vaati and sealing him in the Four Sword (MC). Vaati is freed at one point (FS) but he is again defeated by Link and sealed into the blade.

    Now, with FSA it's a little hard to determine where it fits because not only is Vaati back, but now he's got Ganon (pig form) on his side. I'm assuming FSA would have to be after TP "somehow" because Ganondorf's now in perma-pig form. Could he have been revived somehow after being cursed/forced to stay in pig-form for all eternity?

    I have a strong feeling that the Adult Timeline ends after PH. With Ganondorf in stone and separated from his part of the Triforce, it's unlikely he'll return to cause trouble in that timeline. Unless some wacky plan some X years in the future where Hyrule is drained of all water and somehow Ganondorf is accidentally broken free; there's no likelihood that this timeline will continue on.

    Until I get some clearer insight on that "dead end" problem I mentioned, I have no idea where to place the older games (LTTP, LA, OoA/OoS, LoZ, AoL) or FSA :(

    Any additions or ideas to this post would be appreciated and welcomed :)