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Posts posted by Neku


    ((Excuse me, but WTF?))

    Aluna fiddled with her cereal impatiently, and tossed a bacon scrap to Lyall, who was obviously eager to move.

  2. When everyone had been handed their respective weapons, a contagious silence ensued.

    "Well, I dunno about you, but I think we should get going!" Aluna broke the silence, feeling oh-so proud of herself.

  3. ((Lol, I'll get it right next time, I pwomise. ^^))

    "Cool, thanks Zerahnor!" Aluna chirped gratefully, pulling back the bow string and releasing it with a satisfying twang. Resting the bow over her shoulder, she twirled the shortsword in her hands. It was perfect - lightweight, but well tempered.

    "These'll do perfect. Not bad for a knife and fork, eh?"

  4. "Hey, don't leave me out!" Aluna exclaimed, laughing out loud at the din.

    "I've always seen myself as an archer, and I spent most of last night,"she pointed to the dark circles beneath her eyes,"training. But what could you possibly turn into a bow around here?And maybe a shortsword too, incase the enemy gets too close for comfort..."

    ((HAI GUYS! Sorry I like, well... died for about 6 days, I had a nasty cold. Achoo.))

  5. Lyall licked his lips and dashed after the flying donut, and within a matter of seconds had caught it in midair.

    Seeing the childish look on Zerahnor's face, Aluna simply giggled and facepalmed. ((:D))

  6. Seeing that Adn, Aluna's apprehensive expression brightened.

    "It must be cool to talk, Adn. In an animal sense, if you know what I mean. Lyall here doesn't talk, but conversation is kind of unneccesary between us." Lyall seemed to nod.

  7. Aluna was startled by Kyaa's re-entry with the black wolf. It seemed to give off a strange aura, well, to her it did anyway.

    "Uh oh, I hope it isn't hostile." was all she could think. She could sense Lyall was thinking the same.

  8. Aluna took a donut quickly, before they disappeared again.

    Subconciously, she munched as she spoke. "You know Zerahnor, I have considered it. I have taken a lot of my time considering it. But then I thought: is it really worth it? I may have been considered royalty, but was I really? I was never truly worth much, as I was born to a concubine queen. Me and father have never seen eye to eye, and returning would only make home more like prison. Either way, I never really enjoyed being princess-y, I'm to much of a tomboy!" she remarked, grinning.

  9. Before she had a chance to take a doughnut, they had been taken by Eon.

    Aluna chuckled.

    "You know, my story isn't anywhere near as interesting as yours, but seen as you two shared, I might as well chip in." she chirped.

    "Personally, I did live in the Zora's Domain, but I moved away a few months back.

    I was born into the royal family under a very long name, Princess Ruki Alunatara Aqueas Zora. And I really didn't like having such a lengthy title, so to many I was just Princess Aluna. You may be wondering, and with good reason, why I moved away when I was infact royalty.

    Well, the answer to that question you may have heard, or read about before, as I'm not the first person it's happened to." she sighed, her eyes cloudy as she remembered.

    "It was really a sudden thing. Father just burst into my room one day, and with a smile on his face, told me I was betrothed to some Prince Whats-his-name, Reyto I think it was. And as you can imagine, I was


    VERY, angry with him, as I had no interests other than my books and my friends. But oh no, he just didn't understand, he wouldn't understand. He said it was best for me.

    So I did what most people would do: I got away from there, and fast. Until now, I have lived in Lake Hylia, as Father didn't see me as important enough to search for. Some parent, eh?"

    ((Wow, this page is being taken over by uh-mayyyy-zing backstories. Would anyone else liek to share? XD))

  10. Aluna fiddled with her cereal. She was sat with Lyall in cafeteria, who was looking her expectantly, waiting for food. Bored, she glanced over at the new girl, Kyaa, who seemed nervous. She would have gone over and started a conversation, but she was no good at meeting new friends, so it would probably end badly.

  11. ((I feel uninspired and ill today >.<))

    After Lyall awoke from his slumber, Aluna got dressed, still feeling groggy.

    It wasn't long before she discovered the note on her bedside table.

    She quickly scanned it, before saying to no one in particular, "Well, time to get up!"

    Whistling the white wolfos to her side, she headed out of her room to the main room.

  12. ((To clear up any inconsistencies, lets just say after receiving my reward, I went to my dorm! XD))

    Aluna awoke to see a light filtering through the shut curtain's.

    She pulled them open, to see a beautiful vista of green fields. She could see Hyrule Castle in the distance, almost invisible in the early morning mist.

    "Wow, is a pretty accurate replica of Hyrule... well, obviously."

    Lyall was still curled up on the plush rug, peacefully snoring.

    "Maybe I'll hang around for a while, let Lyall rest a bit more."

    The White Wolfos muttered in its sleep, as if agreeing with her.

  13. Hey... A lot of creepy chicks dig the eye twitching.

    You're in luck.

    Aiee... Now I have a reason to be afraid... :wacko: XD

    Thanks for the ace advice guys, it seems to have settled down FOR NOW, probably'll be back tomorrow. :o Maybe it stopped cos I've got a cold and my body's too busy fighting it to annoy me? Meh, I dunno.

    Its good to see other people know what I'm prattling on about, heheh... :D

  14. The title explains it all.

    My upper left eyelid has been twitching for god knows how many days now, and its annoying the crap out of me.


    I don't think its due to lack of sleep, because I've been getting enough sleep, the same amount I've had for years (8 hours an night). I don't think its stress either, because I'm quite happy to be back at school. And I can rule out it being computer related, as I've being using it less.

    I'm not asking for advice, (though it IS appreciated) I just needed to tell the world, and the Rant and Raves section is good for that kind of thing. :D

  15. It was a few hours before Aluna paused to consider the time.

    Faint moonlight filtered through the windows.

    "Ack! If I don't hurry, everyone else will be awake, before I even sleep!"

    Lyall bounded to her side as she walked over to the Goron. Suprisingly, he was still awake.

    She awaited her reward, finally realizing how tired she was.

  16. Taking out her borrowed bow and carefully aiming, Aluna took a shot at the distant target, trying to drown out the noise. It missed its mark by a few inches.

    "Maybe, I could use my bracelet to guide the arrow..."

    Putting her theory to the test, after firing her next arrow, she concentrated hard on it, as it path altered slightly.

    To her surprise, it DID actually work. Slightly.

    "I could be here for a while..." she mumbled, taking a second to glance over at her familiar, who had occupied himself by fighting the dummy's.

    "I'm lucky he has some initiative!" she chuckled.

  17. Honey Waffles all the way. :D

    But I liek Cheerios too! :joy:

    (And Rice Krispies, and Coco Pops, and Special K, and Corn Flakes, and Rice Krispies MultiGrain.... etc, etc)

  18. Either way, Vio is Vio, and Vio is awesumsauce. :D

    (But very discreetly, I voted female... XD)

    Edit: :o Why did you put Futanari as an answer? I'm scared nao... :embarrassed: (Yes, I DO know what it means XD)

  19. Aluna headed down the flight of stairs to see the Goron in charge of training, Lyall not far behind.

    "So, whats on offer today?" she asked politely.

    ((Hey Rikku, where is everybody? Umbreon and Pumpkin haven't posted since they submitted their charries, and Corrupt One hasn't posted for a while... It seems only you, me and fox are actually doing this. :wacko: Which is sad, cos I know its going to be real fun when it REALLY starts. :joy:))

  20. Aluna and the Wolfos stared intently at eachother, as if in silent conversation.

    "I can hear him... hes telling me something..." she started.

    "He says his name is Lyall, cub of Lupita." The Wolfos tilted its head curiously.

    "Come on, Lyall, how would you like to do some training? I'll make sure you get a treat at the end...!"

    Lyall yapped happily and ran on ahead.

    Muttering a quiet thanks to Zerahnor, Aluna chased after her new familiar.

  21. Before Zerahnor could test out the device in his hand, Aluna said, "You wanted me to be more specific, right? I was thinking of the White Wolfos from Twilight Princess, you know, the ones you find in the Snowpeak Mountains? I've always found them really fascinating." she drifted off, imagining running alongside one.

  22. After Brett left to train, Aluna sighed and wiped her brow.

    "Thanks, Zerahnor, I thought I was in for it then!" she said quite casually.

    "So, about these Familiars... Are they available yet? I heard Eon going on about getting a Mothula... I was thinking about a White Wolfo's, I've always had a love for wolves and other four-legged creatures." she smiled, making sure not to seem pushy.