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Profile Comments posted by PrimaGaga

  1. PrimaGaga

    Your planet is calling, Teto.
    1. Teto

      That is incorrect because there are no living species on other planets anywhere in travelling distance from earth, and they cannot send signals to our planets either.

    2. Gilded Grace

      "in travelling distance" so you admit that there are aliens further out?

    3. Teto

      Our readings say no, but with the scale of this Universe, we agree it is not only possible but probable.

  2. PrimaGaga » Chase

    You should do something because it wont let me send you PMs. It says that you can't receive any new messages.
  3. PrimaGaga » Teto

    You seem to be the coolest person here. May I be your friend? :X
  4. PrimaGaga » Cirt

    You look like your avatar. Just saying.
  5. PrimaGaga

    you guys all know about how to get a free copy of pokemon X or Y coming up, right?
    1. Cascade

      oh, I heard about that deal, and got really excited, then realised it was only for NA. of course. it's only america. great.

    2. PrimaGaga

      Yeah US and Canada. sorry gal.

    3. Cascade

      you all must get it and enjoy it in my stead...

  6. PrimaGaga » Adr990

    You are never on! I wanna see more of you!!
  7. PrimaGaga » Cirt

    Yes, I am.
  8. PrimaGaga

    wut should I do with my day? Thinking some Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door action.
    1. PrimaGaga

      left my memory card at my friend's apartment SOVERYSAD

    2. Cirt

      do it

    3. PrimaGaga

      Omg. I just spent the night at their apartment and.... I forgot to bring the memory card home with me. Omg.

  9. PrimaGaga

    would anyone be interested if i started a tabletop game thread?
    1. Necropolis

      Suuure. We could tell stories of our best experiences

  10. PrimaGaga

    would anybody be interested in a possible Hnet DnD campaign?
    1. PrimaGaga

      id be willing to DM, as practice for my irl games. Also, it'd probably be Adventure Time themed.

  11. PrimaGaga

    will you knuckle me?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gilded Grace

      Because rape jokes are TOTALLY funny. Totally.

    3. Knuckle

      you could say that made me...

      LLol B)

    4. LLmao ?✊?

      Stop joke shaming

  12. PrimaGaga

    why is there a blog tab now. Doesn't that defeate the purpose of this being a forum?
    1. Michael


    2. Michael

  13. PrimaGaga » Arcane

    Why do you think of me as "elePhantasmagoric Hero"? What does "ele" mean?
  14. PrimaGaga

    Why are there no MMO Adventure games comparable to LoZ?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      A shooter is most deff not wut im looking for.

    3. Knuckle

      Dragon nest was an Action MMO wasn't it? It's definitely not point-and-click

    4. PrimaGaga

      Dragon Nest is the closest thing to wut im looking for. And I never play point-and-click so that isnt even a problem for me. But Dragon Nest seriously lacks exploration.

  15. PrimaGaga

    Whose alt was ghost princess?
  16. PrimaGaga » Karlz

    Who are you talking to? Nobody checks this page except you, and maybe a few curious people, such as myself. If you wanna insult me, do it on my page. ^_^
  17. PrimaGaga

    where the puppy is Rika? Jesus puppying Christ.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      When did your heart go missing?

    3. pheonix561

      I took an octorock to the face

  18. PrimaGaga

    wha? I only have 2 rupees? puppy better get to work!
  19. PrimaGaga

    Went to buy gas and pick up New Leaf today. Card declined at the pump. Went to another gas station, declined again. Went home without gas or New Leaf. Checked my account. Plenty of money. Wut the puppy?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      Yes, physical copies please. Also, LL raises a good point.

    3. Cirt

      Did you check the expiration of your debit card? I forget about that sometimes and it will decline if it is expired

    4. PrimaGaga

      Yeah it's good til October. My bank has been a bitch lately. Last week I put in 70$ and they held it for a few days. Holding deposits normally only happen for checks around 10,000$, according to the bank teller. We were all confused and I was pissed.

  20. PrimaGaga

    went through hell and back to get Skyward Sword to work. Realized I don't have wii motion plus. *sadface*
  21. PrimaGaga » Seth

    Welcome foo~
  22. PrimaGaga » pheonix561

    Was that you on dA that added me?
  23. PrimaGaga

    Video Game Live Stream tonight and tomorrow at 8pm EST. URL in the comments!
    1. PrimaGaga

      I'll start with Delver but I have other games too to play. It;d be cool if you guys got on skype with me. :>