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Posts posted by Puck

  1. My old favorite were the Ritos, but now I like the Mogmas and the Parella. Mogmas because of there theme and parella because they are, for lack of a better discription, SuperFast-Jellyfish crossbred with seaponies. And that, my friends, is why Skyward Sword rocks.

  2. Another character around the Academy is a student, Groose, and his two cronies. Groose is also vying for the attentions of young Zelda, although not very well. There's some really good use of music here; variations on Groose's theme as he goes through different moods in a short span of time, and there are good laughs to be had.

    I Bet.

  3. 13) I will not leave any small children or family members unattended.

    14) I will not attempt to use hosehold items (Glass bottles, fishing rods, butterfly nets) to defeat the king of evil.

    15) I will not kill the sidekick, no matter how often they state the obvious.

    16) I also will not try to bond with the sidekick, no matter how cool they are; as they will leave forever when the adventure's over.

    17) I will not shoot arrows at anyone carrying explosives.

    18) I will not go into dangerous locations with less than four people without telling anyone until something bad happens (See #13).

    19) I will not, under any circumstances, attack the cuccoos.

    20) I will not ruin the economy by bringing a sharp influx of rupees to spend on rudimentury items.

  4. I know it's been a long time since anyone's posted in this thread, but I'd kind of like to anwer that question. I made a lot of stupid or otherwise unacceptable comments and felt the community no longer accepted me. So I went into a sort of "Self-exile". I've decided to come back, since Skyward sword is out and all.

  5. I had a dream a few weeks ago where my parents abandoned me in the mountains and I got on a runaway sled and died horrifically. Then I got reincarnated somehow and a duck billed Voldemort tried to to use the Avada Kadavera curse on me. i considered it a good dream, because i could remember something interesting happening in it.

  6. Our homecoming theme is : "Run Away to the Circus." Way to encourage high-paying and respectable jobs, High school.

  7. Well, yeah, but then consider that potentially the same thing would've happened in Spirit Tracks had Anjean not given Zelda incentive to help him. Well that and plus she's a ghost, and ghosts don't have much else to do in a day.

  8. I've been gone for a few weeks and I've re-read all the things you guys have posted about me, positive or negative. First off, the reason I use this font is that typing in Times New Roman is what I'm used to. I've done it on every single paper I've ever written and since other font types exist and this is one of them I feel it's ok for me to use it. Like I've siad before, If you don't want someone to do something, get rid of the option to do it. But if all of you really hate it that much than I'll try to stop (Not like it'll be easy.) also about all the things Ph said: stop talking a bout those offenses as if I'm still doing them. I don't necro-post anymore, I'm trying to work on my spelling, and not all of my topics are lame. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to offend you guys of piss you off, it's just that I have so little human interaction on any given day that sometimes it's hard for anything to come out right.

  9. I never even really said I was "In love" with her. I just defined love as it can be defined. You guys just misconstruded it and fed it back as sounding like another stupid kid. Find any evidence to contradict that, and I can use it to prove my point.

  10. Technically were both 15, but who are you to say when love happens? Two ten year olds enloped in China, are you gonna say it wasn't love because of their age? Love is just a strong feeling of affection and personal attachment to a person or thing, thus I love her at the moment. You can call it whatever you want, and I'll call it by it's true definition, m'kay?

  11. She's a bi-sexual, like me. She's sick of girls only wanting to "Experament" with her and not treating the relationship seriously. That's not going to be me, though. I don't think I could find anyone, male or female, as appealing and good-hearted as her if I looked all across the world and even considered the Dali-Lama.

    Awkwardness aside, rainbow brownies are simply white chocolate brownies with food coloring in the different segments of batter. The instructions for them are . . . crude, to say the least. But I think she'l like them, along with the poster. The poster, by the way, will be about three feet by seven and basically say happy 16th. I know I don't wanna overdo it, but I can' help feeling something missing.

  12. Because from what you're discribing, that's what is sounds like.Heck, my article probably counts if you ignore the questions I've asked in them. Still, if you guys don't like them, than do something about it. That's how democracy works.

  13. "Mammaries" is a scientific term for boobs, "Mammeriess" is an embarressing misspelling of it. The only reson I got confused with Teto's sentence is that he put no comma between her and why, so it looked more like he was telling me what to say rather than asking my why i shouldn't say anything. Anyways, your suggestion sounds good, but I'm not sure she'll get the hint. I'll try it anyway, just because I love spending time with her.

    Also, more help on question number 2 would help. I'm really stumped on what to do to round the moment off. It could potentially lead to me asking her out.

  14. Perhaps we should cut the words "Relationships" and "Romance" from the Serious Discussions area, if nobody likes them. Or merge all the relationship pages into one lump so people can gloat about thier love intrests and blow off some UST on a pre-designated page. That's what we do in the rants and raves section, yes?

  15. Ask her why not what?

    P.S. I edited the original post because I noticed I spelled "feel" as "fell". Although explaining both would be a good idea, but I don't think talking about her impressive mammeries so bluntly would be such a good idea. Maybe something more subtle, yes?

  16. Ok, first off, I've been listening to a ton of sappy love songs, so give me a break if something sounds cliche.

    So I may have mentioned her once in another article, maybe twice, but she's the most amazing person I've ever met. She's kind and forgiving, always has something to say and is always willing to listen. Well, she's also a natural size G and otherwise looks great, but the first sentence means way more. She's my best friend, but everyday I myself pulled closer and closer to her. Well, now that I've explained a few things and got all my sappyness out, the interactive parts:

    Part 1: Should I wait to tell her how I feel. Personally I think I should wait, not just because I'm nervous of how it'll come out but also because she only starts to find a girl attractive after knowing her three years. It's been about two years sice I've met her.

    Part 2: Her Birthday's coming up, and I'm getting her a giant poster and rainbow brownies. Anything else you think I should include?

    Well, there you have it. My head has officially gone soft. Goodnight.