Castle Crashers Werewolf

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I would vote shadowknight, but my legs are broken, so I can't vote.

Thanks for breaking my legs, Arcane.

Also, I don't have an ability. Just custody of the item. Which is why I didn't want to tell you my ability. :/

I am so vulnerable.

And now have broken legs.

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Your legs are broken? My ability is a gas. Though it said that you escaped as I was trying to do it and whether my effect worked was uncertain.

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It was more of a joke. Like "Why would you not be able to vote because your legs are broken".

Unless it was coercing.

I don't quite see why gas blocks your ability to vote either, but then, I'm not too familiar with the Castle Crashers canon, so.

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Thought so.

And apparently my gas makes you too sick to vote.

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Does that make you Green Knight, Arcane? 'cause Google tells me he uses poisonous clouds and junk.

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Alright. That makes voting for you pretty silly, then.

So, here's where that leaves us. Saha's voteblock is confirmed, Shadowknight's isn't. We have no one stepping forward to claim that they voteblocked Shadowknight. Pheonix seems to be avoiding the idea that Shadowknight could possibly be a wolf, and Muff's results seem pretty legit.


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BONK! You have been clubbed in the back of the headwith some sort of blunt object by an unknown assailant. You lose your votetomorrow. How sad. (You can still participate in the debate.)

This happened to me last night, after I robbed Pheonix. To clarify, my PM also said that Pheonix was looking at something, not doing something, but I don't know if that matters.

Also, I am now inclined to believe that one or more people are lying. Arcane and Sahaqiel, it would seem. Because see, if Arcane was lying about having the power, Sahaqiel would also have to be lying about being hurt by it. But if Saha was lying based on the fact that he knew that there was an attack, that still doesn't help, because that would mean that there were two vote-block abilities in the game.

Of course, there's also the possibility that Arcane has the only vote-block, which he used on me, but he's also a werewolf, and so is Saha, so they got together and plotted to block me, but then claim that it was Saha who was blocked. This would draw attention away from themselves and pin it on me.

That's a really crazy theory, but they do have reason to frame me if Saha's entire alibi rests on him having that one item, which I could potentially steal in the night because of my ability, and if I did that he'd no longer have any alibi at all.

Also, I have an alibi. I knew that Arcane was an alien. Remember?

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Sounds convincing enough. I'll go with Shadowknight too.

Though Pheonix and Sahaqiel are still suspicious, methinks.

Not a bad story, Shadowknight. But still, I'm voting for you for the time being.

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Bandwagon, yeah!

Also, my theory was totally out-there. I don't believe it at all, in fact. But I am not the wolf. Arcane's backing of the idea that I am when I clearly knew that his previous incarnation was an alien before that was common knowledge proves it, because I couldn't have been doing anything else that night, including killing someone.

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Moot point. We know there are multiple werewolves. The other one could have done it.

One thinsg bugs me though. You voted for Umbreon to get lynched...

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That's right, I did.

Also, I don't know about this game, but I know that whenever I play mafia at church, all the mafia members have to decide who to kill together. That's their only night ability, and they all have to use it. No killer can act alone.

But like I said, I don't know about this game.

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Other wolves can do other things while one wolf murders. I would know, I was a wolf last game.

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Shadowknight - 3 (Nabeshin, Fierce Muffin, Arcane)

The other votes are irrelevant (i dont feel like looking for them, yes i have been following the debate)

Its 4 votes to lynch.

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