Castle Crashers Werewolf

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Anyways, I'm a little iffy now because you voted for Umbreon, and I need to go to sleep anyways, so I'm withdrawing for now. I'll catch back up and decide tomorrow. We've got time, right?

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Lol this reminds me of what Sahaqiel and Shadowknight said about clubbing and poisoning and leg breaking.

Shadowknight - 2 (Nabeshin, Fierce Muffin)

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Oh. Alright, then, it's different from Mafia in that aspect. Good to know.

I honestly didn't know that, though, on account of this being my first werewolf game. But still, I'm not gonna lie, Arcane, you've made me suspicious of you. I'm not making accusations, because you could genuinely think that I'm a wolf, but I dunno.

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Day phase still has ages to go, so yeah. A sleep break sounds good.


Let's pick this up again at a reasonable hour tomorrow, yeah? If we're going to get anything done, we need to all try to be here again, like tonight.

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Ok, any votes left are votes by themselves and not worth tallying. Since you guys are going to bed, I shall do the same.

Good Night, and Good Luck.

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1.) Pheonix561 - Possibly the (Ninja), a Master of Stealth. Info: Had his scroll stolen from Shadowknight.

2.) Sahaqiel (Ammonsa) - (unknown) Info: Has a very important item that if the Werewolves got, it would be game over for townies. Could possibly be lying

3.) Fierce Muffin - (Clown) Info: Can apparently look at people's souls

4.) Arcane (Desperado) - (Green Knight) Info: Has the ability to voteblock someone. Is possibly the Green Knight

5.) Shadowknight - (Thief) Soul is Greedy. Info: Has a bag of money, and a useless, giant axe, and a ninja scroll. Can steal/loot corpses from people.

6.) Nabeshin - (Industrial King) Info: Has the ability to beg someone for an item as well as witness what is going on at the site. Tried to beg Shadow for a bag of money but he was nowhere in sight.

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Quoting directly from your PMs is against the rules, so I assume shadowknight's made up a quote, because otherwise, he'd be told to not correct his breaking of rules.

So shadowknight must be lying about his ability.

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Maybe. It could have just slipped That-1guy's mind, though.

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[quote name='「Arcane

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Ok, Since it actually matters, I'll just say it.

If someone breaks a rule, I'll warn them in a PM. Not in the actual game. I then warn them not to do it again.

This allows me to warn them, but also allows me to keep everyone else in the dark as to whether or not they were telling the truth. That way, the game isn't being interrupted.

And yes, I keep up with the entirety of this game. I'm just too lazy to tally votes.

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Which is greatly annoying and I don't know which costumes are left or how many votes to lynch sometimes or who's voted for what. ):

I would say that actually matters.

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hang on Ill take a look at whos dead and what costumes they were wearing. then Ill make a list of whats left.


holy balls why didn't i catch this im so stupid balls balls balls balls balls.

I knew something was up!

observe the list of costumes below and who was in them:

Fencer Costume: Bambooshoot, blue knight.

Gray Knight Costume: Sahaqiel, barbarian

Beekeeper Costume: Grandmasterphoenix, The King

Black Knight Costume: Umbreon, Necromancer

Blacksmith Costume: Aethix,Blacksmith

Peasant Costume: Arcane, Alien Hominid

Now, observe that which is in bold: Black Knight Costume: Umbreon, Necromancer


As fitting as that would have been, Arcane, I'm not the Peasant Costume. I'm the Black Knight Costume.

After I was defeated, the Blue Knight spared my life, choosing to hurry after the princess instead. Inspired to do good, I donated all my gold and possessions to the Castle Restoration Fund, and followed the Blue Knight all the way to the Snow World. On the way, I found a spare suit of armor, and put it on to defend myself and keep me warm. But when I took the armor, I started to feel greedy again. I stole a horse and left the Snow World as quickly as I could to try to get my money back, but they didn't recognize me in my armor, and it was too tight for me to get it off. So since then, I've been wandering the streets, begging for money in my suit of armor. But people just run from me because I look like a baddie, so I've been living off of horse meat.

So there you go. For better or for worse, that is my ridiculously complicated backstory. When I get the bag of gold, I can pay to have the armor cut open, get back everything I gave away now that people will recognize me, and I gain a doublevote as a result.

Balls to the walls, mang. Nabeshin is a wolf.

I so called it.

of course, this also means that when Arcane stated that Nabeshin was in the peasant costume, he was obviously lying. But Arcane is probably on Planet make believe right now, so that doesn't really matter anymore.

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That's pretty suspicious and all that, but I can't vote. ):

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crap, they probably saw this coming.

anyways where is muffin and arcane and shadowknight and them? they can vote too...

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Secret number 2: Someone tried to kill me last night.

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