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Another Extremly bad day

woke up at 6:48 instead of the usual 5:04 for school

got ready as quickly as I could and when I thought I was home clear POP my glasses broke (ask my friends and you'll know I'm blind without them)

spent precouse time trying to fix them with my dad

after replacing a screw with a plastic earing back I told my dad I wouldn't make it to the bus


his car really stank

forgot my ID so I got hassled by the bussdriver

fond a awesome rock thing with a awesome indent in it and it inspired me for a story idea...

Only for it to fall out of my pocket and break

During my my Math class people were bugging me about my creepyness and somehow I look like the grudge (never saw that movie or even know anything about it)

During the bugging I took my glasses off to rub my eye

and yet again another pop my glasses broke (damn rimeless never getting you again)

I had to take notes without even being able to see the board (argh squinting isn't working)

walking home without at least moderatly low vision is very dagerous (from newfound exp.)

Now at presently I can beraly see the keyboard 6 inches away from my face

Why do I always have the worst bad days

P.S. I do not have any contacts or replacement glasses

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woke up at 6:48 instead of the usual 5:04 for school

How can you wake up so early? :3 I get up at 8:00

Anyways, GoC that's a really really crap day. -hugs- C:

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How can you wake up so early? :3 I get up at 8:00

Anyways, GoC that's a really really crap day. -hugs- C:

Bus comes 7:09

wake up time used to be 4:45

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Why do I always have the worst bad days

I remember that day last week when I almost killed myself.

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Ugh, I feel for you on the broken glasses. My eyesight isn't that bad, but it messes up the day when the glasses break. Then I tried contact lenses once, except that the optometrists taught me how to clean them with an all-in-one solution, but were out of that stuff and gave me a different solution without explaining the difference. I got a solution containing peroxide in my eye and didn't have the time to completely wash it out before going to school. Finally got to an eyewash station when the pain was too much to handle.

Don't worry about the jerks in school. Seems silly coming from me because I let them affect me too and it's hard not to let it happen. But trust me, it usually has more to do with their own insecurities than it has t do with you. Laugh it off. There was this one girl in my German class in grade 11 who absolutely hated me and I still don't know why. Every time I said something she would make fun of me, or say something like "Why are you here? nobody likes you" (I get that sometimes). For the most part people will grow out of it. there are some who don't, but don't worry about them. Play a variant of 'Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins" in your 'ead, if you like.

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why did yu almost kill yourself?

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How can you wake up so early? :3 I get up at 8:00

Anyways, GoC that's a really really crap day. -hugs- C:

That's because our schools are effing stupid. For example:

I get up at 6:00 AM.

I'm on the bus at 6:35.

We get to school at around 6:55.

School starts at 7:25.

1st-English. All we do is grammer and poetry. I hate both of those.

2nd-German. The class is ok, but the teacher is a physcho bitch.

3rd-Woods 1. Woodshop is quite possibly the only reason I come to school.

4th-Biology. The class is ok, teacher is ok, but I got stuck in a class filled with assholes and annoying people.

5th-Algebra 1. We have the highest graduation reqs in the country here. To compare, think of your algebra 2 class.

6th-History. Class is ok, the but teacher preaches her socialist opinions in her lessons.

I get out at 2:11.

I usually have 3-4 hours of homework, because our teachers hand out the assignments at the ending bell.

Backpack weight-34 LBS.

See, that is why Americans hate school.

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I don't have Algebra 2! -cries-

Jeez I thought my school started early. :/

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got my glasses fixed but now there is a wind storm so the power is most likely gonna be out soon

and a week ago I ran out of my ADD pills so school has been hard

Reality. Must. Hate. Me.

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That's because our schools are effing stupid. For example:

I get up at 6:00 AM.

I'm on the bus at 6:35.

We get to school at around 6:55.

School starts at 7:25.

1st-English. All we do is grammer and poetry. I hate both of those.

2nd-German. The class is ok, but the teacher is a physcho bitch.

3rd-Woods 1. Woodshop is quite possibly the only reason I come to school.

4th-Biology. The class is ok, teacher is ok, but I got stuck in a class filled with assholes and annoying people.

5th-Algebra 1. We have the highest graduation reqs in the country here. To compare, think of your algebra 2 class.

6th-History. Class is ok, the but teacher preaches her socialist opinions in her lessons.

I get out at 2:11.

I usually have 3-4 hours of homework, because our teachers hand out the assignments at the ending bell.

Backpack weight-34 LBS.

See, that is why Americans hate school.

Hey, my school starts and end exactly a minute before yours. lol.

And why carry all your books? Lockers are there for a reason >> Right now I have 3 small binders.

At least your classes are easy.

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I carry books because I don't have enough time from class to class as it is.

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When I went to school, I carried a messenger bag (still carry it infact). All it had in it was a reading book (not school related), some manga, my DS phat and some games, a scetch book, and my binder (filled with non-school related crap) .... All my text books where in my locker, and they stayed in my locker.

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When I went to school, I carried a messenger bag (still carry it infact). All it had in it was a reading book (not school related), some manga, my DS phat and some games, a scetch book, and my binder (filled with non-school related crap) .... All my text books where in my locker, and they stayed in my locker.

I used to carry a mes. bag but it was so heavy (never cleaned it out) that I gained skulliosis (or whatever it was called)

I never take my books out of my bag (except for class) because then I will never forget about it

reg. Backpack is still heavy

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Ill read it in a minute, but can a mod shorten this title so its stops breaking the forum?

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