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Would you take a life?

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But what if they walked away

what if they did it again

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Sometimes killing is the right move, but only in certain situations. If you're a soldier, you won't last long if you're also a pacifist. Wartime is unique in that killing and murder aren't the same thing. You have to be a bigger person and judge the situation for yourself. If killing is wrong in that situation, regardless of who you are and what you're doing, then you need to have the courage to say "no." If it's the right thing to do, you need to have the courage to get it done. You're not a good person if you let your fellow soldiers die just because you're afraid to shoot someone.

I also believe that capital punishment is justified, if decided upon by a lawful court and the punishment fits the crime. Revenge, unless delivered by God, is never justified. It always involves either 1 extremely upset person or multiple upset people that aren't thinking clearly enough to deliver a fair decision. That's why court systems are so crucial. They have their flaws like anything else, but ultimately it's better than any alternative.

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We've been talking about shooting people and arguing over the accuracy of our shooting. But what if we didn't have a gun? Like, let's say a bank is being robbed, you are being held hostage, the gunman is facing away from you, threatening to kill one of the hostages...

and you find in your hand a hammer. How about that?

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That depends? How strong is the hammer? Are there mulitiple gunmen? Are there multiple hostages?

But, given the chance, hell yes I would attack the gunman if that's what you're asking. It would just have to have the right set of conditions.

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Ya don't need a licence to carry a hammer


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I don't see a reason not to when lives are on the line. But if you're not in a situation like that, and provided you aren't thinking too rashly (because being calm and controlled in situations where possible-death may occur is easier said than done), you really should try to aim for the legs, arms, shoulder, etc. where a hit wouldn't be fatal.

I can see everyone else's opinions though, and in their mindsets, I can agree. Such as no shooting unless aiming to kill. Though I do agree there are ways to use lethal force in non-lethal manners.

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A bullet is used for lethality. :L But can be used for non-lethal things.

But it's alrighty to take a life in those sitchamashuns. Like shooting the neighbors cat who always goes into our pond to try and eat our fish. D:<

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I'm sorry, but how exactly can a bullet be used in a way that is non-lethal?

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Shooting someone in the leg instead of the head?

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I see what Aethix is getting at, as any bullet is potentially lethal, regardless. If you shoot someone in the leg, there's still the chance you could hit a major artery (like the femoral artery) and they could bleed out in minutes.

Still, shooting someone in the leg is a lot less lethal than shooting them in the head, but it still has a pretty good chance of killing them, especially if it's untreated.

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I'm sorry, but how exactly can a bullet be used in a way that is non-lethal?


Like that. I don't like that cat.

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I know about taking lives. I've stepped on bugs before, btw.

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By the way, do desensitized (like those who play FPS games that are commonly violent) and un-desensitized people have different reactions to taking a life (or at least a difference in the amount they react)? I think it would make a little sense that if you kinda practiced taking lives away, you would show less, you know, expression.

Not that they're more prone to killing or whatnot, btw.

*suspiciously looks around*

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