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I came across that tumblr post i mentioned pages ago. When I was talking to Saha about object pokemon. Here is the original picture post, for context, and then most of the post I was referring to.



Klink is a little more complicated.

Klink spontaneously came into existence “about 100 years ago” which roughly corresponds with the industrial revolution, since Pokemon is set in a parallel present. It’s also said in the anime that Trubbish spontaneously comes to life in garbage pits.

Okay so … the way a lot of media franchises work is that they have sort of a series bible that explains the finer points of everything, and it’s boring to just dump the series bible right out in the dialog so they’ll allude to a singular concept from different angles so that those concepts give you a glimpse of the whole idea.

Pokemon has been doing that for a while, and finally drove it home in Gen 5.

There’s this concept in Pokemon that Pokemon spontaneously come into existence as a result of the existence of another thing. This concept is never explained clearly and outright, but it’s hinted to at several points. The origin story of Voltorb and Klink are good examples, but so are Pokemon like Mr Mime and Vanillite.

Pokemon come into existence to reflect memes from the collective human consciousness. Real birds exist and humans understand that so new Pokemon come into existence that are based on real birds. You may also conclude that the animals that most Pokemon are “based” on could’ve been driven to extinction by their Pokemon counterparts, which is in no way supported in the games or comics or anime, but would be a reasonable conclusion.

Okay but wait there’s more!

Legendary Pokemon only exist because their legend exists. It’s like a chicken/egg problem. The lore of a legendary Pokemon makes it real. Arceus only created the universe because the people of Sinnoh believed it to be true, and it retroactively became true.

There’s this optional story thing in Heart Gold / Soul Silver where Cynthia talks about the connection between Johto’s Unown and Sinnoh’s Arceus legends, and how the two might be related. We then see a swarm of Unown bringing a new Arceus into existence - one totally different from the Arceus featured in the previous game.

Remember in the anime movie when Unown had the power to make dreams a reality? Pokemon exist as a result of human dreams and language and Unown are the manifestation of that concept.


That’s how Pokemon work.


this is basically wut I buy into, give or take some things. I dunno if the creators actually intended this, but it's a nice concept and I'm satisfied with it.

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Guys... This game makes my soul happy.

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Is Mega Evolution not the coolest thing ever. When my Mega Blaziken uses Blaze Kick enemies don't stand a chance.

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I can't wait for that. Just started here. Gots me a bug badge. And a Torchic. I hope more events are online. Oh also I traded a bunnelby to an Npc for a Farfetched. One of my favorite bird Pokemon. I am excite

Also, exp share is much more useful in this one. It sort of evens out the Xp of your group.

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I just got my Fifth Badge.

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Yeah I'm taking a break right now after badge number 4. My team right now: Lucario (meh), Charizard, Greninja, Hawlucha, Heliolisk, and Amaura.


I love the shit out of Hawlucha, Greninja, and Heliolisk. I want Amaura to evolve, I think I've got like a couple levels. aaaaaaaa


I laughed the first time I used the Mega Evolution with Charizard. I was in the Grass gym. it was so unfair, plus charizard was overleveled by like 10 levels or something dumb. complete annihilation.


this game is so cute and beautiful. ALSO DAT MUSIC. it's like SMG and and LoZ and old Pokemon themes had a baby <3

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idk about that one, Phanta, that seems like a copout more than anything. I like the idea of legends becoming real based on their legends alone, but them simply coming into being because we want them to is very much a parallel to that they keep making Pokemon because we want them to and they sell well. If that's the case, it's almost a cynical interpretation.

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Also, exp share is much more useful in this one. It sort of evens out the Xp of your group.

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Anyone have a Chespin and looking to trade?

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"Hi! I am a favorite apprentice of Cascade, whose name calms a screaming child!"

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Does anyone have a female eevee with her dreamworld ability? If so, I will gladly trade for it.


I don't have much to trade at the moment, but I would appreciate it all the same.

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I love the shit out of Hawlucha, Greninja, and Heliolisk. I want Amaura to evolve, I think I've got like a couple levels. aaaaaaaa


this game is so cute and beautiful. ALSO DAT MUSIC. it's like SMG and and LoZ and old Pokemon themes had a baby <3

Hawlucha is quite possibly my favorite. At least right now. Bloody love that thing. Does it evolve ? ! If it does I hope it looks even cooler.

And yES HOLY CRAP. The Gym Leader music and Team Flare battle music are my favorites ever; so much fun to listen to.

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I saw this on Dueling Analogs and had to recreate it in Animal Crossing.




The Source



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Abomasnow has a Mega Form too!!!!!!!!!

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