Sahaqiel : AMA

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Here, Cascade. I'll start.


Ask me anything.


I leave myself bare to your curiosity.

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Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?

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100 duck sized horses. But why fight them when I can breed and sell them? The MLP community would make me millions.


Also feel free to go more personal than that...

ask me what I named my guitar...

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I don't really know a whole lot about you, I dont really have stuff to base questions on :<

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also that's the whole point of an AMA, I thought, lol

ask literally anything

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I'm just saying like I had no idea that you played guitar, theres no way I was going to catch that.


Anyway, I guess I'll ask what kind of music you're into?

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I used to be into more acoustic stuff, like alternative rock, but I've never had a clearer enjoyment of music than I get from house music, particularly the funky varieties like Funky, Disco, and especially French House. Good French House to me is as if someone pulled everything about magic, love, nostalgia, and life from the earth in the form of sound, and then made it bangin'. But I listen to all kinds of electronic music, and I can listen to music critically enough without having to be invested in its genre.

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What is your favorite movie?

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Who's your favorite user?

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yaaay I'm glad people are wanting to do AMAs :>>

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When was the last time you had short hair, and what was your life like at that time?

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why do you enjoy EMD so much?

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What is your preferred brand of shampoo.

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What food did you last eat?

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Movie: Uh, I'm not really sure. If we're going for live action, I recall really enjoying V for Vendetta. Oh, Moonrise Kingdom was really awesome. Seeing that was one of kaffles and I's first actual dates, and a local paper thing highly recommended it. I definitely did not regret it; it was probably one of my favorites. I don't see a lot of movies, lol. :<


User: I don't play favorites, lol. I  couldn't pick a favorite if I tried. I love all of you guys. Except pheo.


Anime: Ano Hi Mita Hana No Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, of course. There have been quite a few that have made me shed tears. If we're going for frequency, I practically welled up with tears at the end of every Trapeze episode. Like, the feel good moments, compounded with the intro to Shangri-La just I COULDN'T TAKE IT.


Hair: Before I started freshman year of high school, I had to go to band camp. Before then, my mom said I should buzz my hair, so we did, only while she was buzzing it, I heard her say "oops". She accidentally gave me a particularly short buzz cut; maybe around 1cm long. It wasn't until later that my hair would become particularly long, and for awhile I didn't even mind if it was over my mouth, but I decided that enough was enough, and clipped it so the areas south of my eyes was visible and okay for eating, hence my regular appearance. I was just a kind of awkward kid who wore polos and shorts a lot. Didn't have a lot of style or development. I'd just gotten back from the Philippines the summer vacation previous and from that point I was really skinny; the combination of heat, puberty, and lack of food had me at around 105 pounds. I could individually count my ribs. I did have some experiences that shook me. I had to deal with more death and poverty than I was used to. But nothing had really started to click yet.


What I assume is EDM: The EDM I do enjoy I enjoy for funky qualities, for its unique uses of sound, or for the fact that a lot of it is about having fun and dancing. It has a certain charm. Not that I think it's all shallow fun. Some of it really takes me places and puts me through an emotional experience. Those are some of my favorite tracks. I do believe that fun is really important though. Like, even if you're the most horrible person in the world, you still come out on top if you have more fun, no matter what it is you're doing. Not that I condone perpetual self-indulgence. But I find it a lot more interesting and magical than the watered down pop implementations of EDM, and a lot of regular acoustic music doesn't bring enough funk. So I prefer EDM, or more specifically, varieties of House, because I don't listen to some varieties of EDM for the same reasons, etc.


Shampoo: Tresemme. Anti-breakage variety, + corresponding conditioner. It's hard to balance my usage of them; the conditioner almost always runs out first, because it doesn't lather. I just bought a new bottle of conditioner, actually. I've been trying to brush my hair before going to shower so I don't mess it up by finger combing it in there, since hair comes out more easily when wet and warm, and I've been taking cold showers so my hair is better off in that regard too. Remember to turn your water off when lathering. (: It helps the environment and your water bill. I brush my hair after showering too, and if I feel hairs about to snap, I take the brush out, wriggle the tangle between my fingers a little, and start over until the tangles are out. Brushing harshly is a cause of split ends!


Food: Baked Lays, Southwestern Ranch variety. I really enjoy Original Baked Lays, but I've been enjoying Southwestern Ranch variety a lot, and I'm conflicted. It's actually pretty rare to find these around. The grocery across my street doesn't even carry baked chips at all. So if I want Southwestern Ranch, I'm out of luck 9 times out of 10, because a lot of stores don't even carry the baked stuff, and if they do, it's probably Original. To get this bag, in fact, I took a bus to a grocery by pheo's house with the sole intent of getting these chips, as well as Mountain Dew's new Kickstart energy drink, which is also rare. I drink energy drinks once a morning for school lately, but I recently discovered Mountain Dew made a fruit punch soda/energy drink, and I really like fruit punch soda, but again, it's rare. (why must I enjoy rare snacks) Like, technically, there are a bunch of off brand companies that make fruit punch soda, but I haven't yet seen a reputable company step up to the plate and make one, so I am willing to ride my bike/bus to a place a couple miles away just to get it. ALSO, Charleston Chews, RARE CANDIES IN THIS AREA UNFORTUNATELY, are delicious. And they're only 25 cents a pop. ;-; I've been eating too much comfort food lately.


APPEND: It seems Kickstart has started gaining traction and now I'm kind of tired of it lol.

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