Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Two things: First off I finally have my town almost done after a bunch of reconstruction on my new 3DS. I should have it ready soon for people to see and gawk at. I have at least 12 different road patterns. I just need a megaton of bushes.


Second: I started playing Doubutsu no mori+ and decided to do a video journal with it: go nuts. If you have questions go ahead and ask me.

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Man I've got Katie the Cat wandering around my town today... and she wants me to take her to someone else's town for her to do touristy-stuff in. Anyone feel up for taking her off my hands? ;-; I'll love you forever


EDIT: NEVERMIND someone on tumblr offered to take her, you are all worthless (o:

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The Queen of Despair has deemed us worthless? This doesn't bode well :s

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For god's sake this game is trolling me now.


Genji, the worthless jock rabbit who I hate with a passion (and whose catchphrase is 'otaku' of all things like how rubbish can you actually be), pinged me today to tell me he was going to be moving out on Saturday. "Great! It's not Broccolo but it'll do for now!" I thought as I happily selected the "Good luck!" option. BUT NO. He then proceeded to say. "Wait, did I hear a sigh of relief there!? WELL I'M NOT GOING TO MOVE NOW I'M GONNA HAVE TO TRAIN YOU SOME MORE!!"


This is one bunbun I do NOT love. god why won't he just piss off already ;-; and now I'll just to have prepare myself for weeks and weeks of Ankha/Flurry/Shari/Tammi asking to move out instead. ugh. who programmed this function I don't like them ): it's so annoying

Knuckle, PrimaGaga and pheonix561 like this

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So basically April Fool's Day is the best holiday in this whole damn game:




Managed to get all my neighbours' pictures!! Even the awful ones! Aren't they so pretty \o/ :3 \o/




A reminder to everyone that Ankha is the best neighbour in the game. And has the best house. I wish she would sell her throne at Re-Tail... ;-; Also I like Blanca's crazy clown outfit in this game it's kinda cute...




And the cherry blossoms are out now!! Super lovely. They even match the nice pink carnation I'm wearing that I got from my mum on Mother's Day last Sunday! (Mother's Day is celebrated on a different day in the UK, before you all get confused. I don't even know when it is in America. anyways just admire all the pretty pink all right???)


(but seriously am I the only person who plays Animal Crossing now ;-; that is troubling... you guys suck...)

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even if i did play it you would still say im a losre...

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Here is the dreamcode for my main town: 5800-3493-0089


Still working on my second town and making it pretty. I'll finish it eventually.

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So today I managed to move out one worthless, awful, disgustingly weeaboo rabbit:




Put him up on the AC Black Market, and managed to trade him for the BEST possible villager you could get for puppyin' Genji:




I'VE MOVED TO MY OWN TOWN GUYS. this is the best day ever. she is NEVER. LEAVING. (o: nougat

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So uh. I know this is kind of a dumb question to ever ask that you can never ask because you have to just wait for people to tell you "oh you're this villager" or something but. Is there a villager in AC who I am? Like everyone looks at Carmen and is like "Yeah that's cascade." Like that. I'm curious now. Sorry this is a really vain and dumb question

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I thought about this long and hard, and I was initially considering going with one of the many terrible-looking bears in this game. But I think someone else makes the most sense:




Obsessed with fitness and vainly keeps telling unwilling people about it? Check. Is a massive weeb but tries to hide it, but ends up adding 'otaku' to the end of his sentences anyways? Check. Never actually smiles, but when he does, it looks wrong? Check.


The next image just helps my case even more:




The fact this image actually exists is hilarious to me. This is like, fate. Draws shit and is also obsessed with that? CHECK.


Sorry pheo, I'll never unsee this now. You are Genji forever. And my town is much better off without him!


In other news, my villagers once again prove themselves to be extremely weird peeps:








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Wow Pheo, that was a harsh burn.

Cascade, you essentially said you'd rather be with yourself than with your good friend Pheo. Harsh man. Sick burns.

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I'm nothing if not mean, awful and very narcissistic!

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im pretty sure cascade wants to lock us all in a room and make us kill eachother for her own amusement so it doesnt surprise me

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brb taking your comments personally permanently ;-;

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Posted (edited)

I just got caught up to that but, when I saw pheo's question, I was thinking "Cascade would probably say that he's that Genji character she was ranting about." (Despite me not knowing shite about this game (that e came outta nowhere but I'm keeping it))


And it was true :>c

Edited by Sawoobie (see edit history)
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