What games are you playing currently?

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Since posting I beat Super Metroid, Stairfax 64,(all routes on expert) and LTTP. I have 9 days until I want to replay Dangan Ronpa. I'm currently debating what to really work on, but I think I have it narrowed.

-Replay Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. This game is one of the most brilliant rpgs I have ever played. if you haven't played this game kick yourself in the nads/lady nads and go get it. It's that good.

-Metroid Other M. I have never played this one before and it IS the next game story wise for MEtroid after Super. I would go into metroid fusion, but I do want to go story wise. ($5 at GS)

-Earthbound. I have NEVER played it, even though I got it on the Wii U VC.(CN) If I play this, I will go in blind.

-Megaman Legends. Just got this in the mail today. I am much excite for it, but have no clue where my PSX memory card has run off to.

-Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. Got this game in the PSN flash sale. I like Harvest Moon games but this might eat up more than the 9 alloted days.


Any suggestions?

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Definitely Megaman Legends. It's sometimes credited with being the first game to actually use Z-targetting AND the first game to use extensive voice acting. Both of those titles usually go to Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid, respectively, though Ocarina of time definitely did z-targeting much better. Megaman Legends came out almost a whole year before OoT, but I think it's safe to say OoT had a much higher production value , so I can see why anyone would credit OoT with z-targeting instead of MML. Same goes for Metal Gear Solid and voice acting.

The story is dorky generic 90's anime, but it's a cult classic that you'll probably have a lot of fun with playing so uh. Go for that. That's my vote. Go play that.

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Thanks, I'll probably go with Legends once I finish P.T. May be a 30 minute long game(aside from that I can't get the last scene to trigger) but I'm pretty sure my life span has been reduced by about thirty years. I nearly had a heart attack when I first died in it.

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Metroid: other m, although is fun to play, is largely hated on by fans because it's story outright ignores the canon sett by Metroid prime

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OMG FIRE EMBLEM. I cant wait to beat it! I wanna go back and do Classic Mode (on Normal again) and play it with the knowledge i have now. I'll also take Screencaps as I do that playthrough so i can show you guys about my love matching skills haha. <3 <3 <3

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I am currently playing Valkyria Chronicles 3. Its pretty good, but it wasn't released in the US, so you have to use an english patch. It plays like VC2, but with a few adjustments. Story takes place during the first game.


Which is a shame, because snipers are a bit more useful (compared to VC2, where they were useless), and I really wish I could use Marina, the awesome sniper from the first game, but she is with Squad 7 kicking ass.

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I don't know if anyone here played Flash games or remembers the Super Flash Bros, but they made this. It was kickstarter funded and came out for Steam and the App store recently. You should check it out, its cheap and super stylized and cool

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Having said that, the game is short, and you can beat it in like 2 hours. But that isn't that bad. considering you can get it for 4-7 dollars

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I wanna play "Five Nights at Freddy's" but my computer surely wont handle it. Damn, I'd really like to get into the horror genre of gaming. My sister got me into gaming and horror movies at a very young age, but now that she has kids she has very little time for video games. Also she's super old school so her skills are all but limited to a 2D environment lol. Still, I'd like to be able to plug my computer into her 80" TV and play some with her.


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Five Nights at Freddy's doesn't strike me a super graphically intensive game, but I don't know what kind of computer you have. If you're looking to try to get into horror games and don't have a terribly powerful computer, I'd recommend The Witch's House. It's in 2D with the RPG Maker Engine, but it's very well-made.

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My computer cant handle Minecraft for more than a few minuets before it lags beyond reason. If that gives you any idea of how shit my computer is haha.

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Minecraft is actually pretty intensive. That's why it has to have simplistic graphics.

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Minecraft is also really badly optimized.

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that's true. I can actually run Guild Wars 2 pretty smoothly on the lowest graphics, in not crowded areas. The only time it lagged on those settings was during a major event where literally everyone in my server was on the same map. But it's not very fun if I'm playing on those settings. I'm not a graphics snob, but I do like to play on the intended settings. I was super sad when i couldn't run Magicka smoothly at all. That game looked really fun.

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