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Posts posted by Michael

  1. It's dumb that there's no easy way to add friends other than friends you have access to physically. You can connect twitter and facebook and get friends that way, but you have to use those and the people you want to add, have to be connected to facebook or twitter through miitomo.

    You can't even add people that connected their nintendo account that you have added as a NNID friend on wiiu or 3ds.

  2. The damn thing is well past the warranty by now.

    Even though it's out of warranty, does not mean they can't or won't help you.

    Sometimes they can repair the controller for a cost. Or maybe because you can't just buy the gamepad they'll replace/fix it anyways.

  3. i was never cool, so you can call me loser.

    I prefer to call you Sinky or _17chan thanks, who are both cool in my book.


    Knuckle likes this

  4. Keyword is eventually. Hell, I've waited for like a year, a can wait some more. It just irks me since the touchscreen is the only thing that's broken, and even then it's only the outer part of the screen. It displays everything just fine, but one of my brothers must have dropped it on the corner of a table or something and dented it and it hasn't worked since.


    I just want to play Splatoon goddammit. 

    Call the Phone Number on the back of the gamepad or go through the online repair request http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/repair/repair_redirect.jsp?sys=wiiu&lang=en&sym=PHYSDAMG

  5. I really enjoy Thanksgiving because it's the first real break I've had since Labor Day (beginning of september for you UK folk). The school system I work in doesn't take off columbus day or veteran's day so I literally haven't had a break from work in almost three months

    I work 12 months out of the year and don't have full vacation breaks like teachers (2 week winter break, 2 week spring break, etc) including summer. Teachers come back and ask us how our summer was, "oh it was great! I was still here, working!" I cry a little inside when they ask.

    Teto and SilverAlchemic like this


    The completely forgot Halloween, St Patrick's Day and a lot of others. This song discriminates against other holidays. Wow. Rude.

  7. Just so y'all know, you're all probably going to see a lot less of me in the coming months due to me finally deciding to tackle a personal project I've been sitting on for 6 years. 

    Which basically involves me creating an entire animated (short??? IDK how long it's gonna be) film all by myself.

    My days of free time and sleep are over.

    Good luck!

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  8. I'm 3 episodes in and I think it's pretty good.

    I never bothered to look into the cast list or the plot (if it was even known), however I was not expecting the antagonist to be this person. I will not say WHO it is, as I still want it to be a secret for those WHO haven't seen the show yet (or heard).

    Needless to say... I don't want to go... to bed, because I have more to watch! :D

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  9. So last night my boss offered me a promotion at my busboy job from server to team captain. Its something like $15 an hour as opposed to my current $10, and I'd be in a leadership role making sure the room was set up properly for guests, and things in general getting done on time. It was a great opportunity, and a big boost to my ego since I've been there all of six months, but I had to turn him down. If all goes well, I'll be picking up a job in my field, or at least an internship, this march while I'm at GDC. And if that works out, I'd obviously have to leave my position as a team captain, and it doesn't really work out for them to only have me for a few months before they need to train someone else again.

    Or at least, that's what I tell myself. Every professional I spoke with told me the art industry was difficult to break into, and I can expect years of waiting until someone decides to take a chance on me. It's especially frustrating because I know I can be good at whatever job I'm given the opportunity to be good at. When I was telemarketing I started out awful, but I worked at getting better at it. I showed up to every shift I could, read a book on salesmanship, and listened to all of the advice my managers gave me. By the time I had to leave because of graduation, the school's lead fundraiser called me "an impressive young man" and said I should switch to a business major in salesmanship. I even impressed people who were professional telemarketers themselves over the phone who recommended I go work for some of the more respectable firms in chicago.

    Over the summer, T1g and I were both given jobs at my dad's office, in which we both worked two days a week in the same position (sharing the hours and the money). After two months of that, they just fired t1g and gave me his hours(GET REKT T1G). I had to leave that position a few days ago too because I needed to have time to build my portfolio, work on submissions to annual illustration publications, and just try to find a job in general. That's something I haven't had time to do in a while because I've been so busy between my two jobs. But they liked me too, and were ready to train me to take over for the intern that was there if I was willing.

    I know I can do well at any job I'm offered. But by the nature of the game design industry, jobs are almost always given to people who are friends of the developers who are already on the team. Game design is entirely team based, and nobody wants to take a risk on a greenhorn who might be a bad artist or a lone wolf if they don't have to. So I get why, I'm just frustrated with waiting. I keep seeing at all of these other opportunities for success and turning them down because this is what I want to do, but then I know I'm going to show up at GDC and be told "you're not what we're looking for," or "Sorry, not right now" or "We really liked your stuff, but we ended up going with someone else." And so on. I don't know where I'm going with this rant so I'm gonna stop now.

    You need to make a myspace (website) for your portfolio, post some of your work on reddit.

  10. I just noticed that when you place stuff it says the name of the item.

  11. Played a couple of levels and while they might have been easy, they were pretty fun.

    T1g likes this

  12. Awesome. I'll take a look at it later today.

    Are you still down for this? I've not played this but kinda want to give it a go?

    Want to do a test run to see how it plays?