Wicker Basket

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Posts posted by Wicker Basket

  1. great presentation, but I think we all know that hyrule.net is awesome by itself, so (sorry, but) I'm gonna stay here.

  2. When it was said that TP would be the last as we know it, that presented three easily foreseen possibilities: the new zelda will be before OoT, the new zelda will be futuristic, or the new zelda will be an incredible work that shall make the story pick up and leave fans stunned (there are many other possibilities, but I believe these to be the most plausible ones). Personally, I hope it's the third.

  3. Okay, I haven't been able to post the story for a while, however the document has been recovered. Right now I am too busy with school and other things to continue writing, so the next posting of the story will not be until around summer break. I will be posting what I have done so far as soon as possible.

  4. Biased, dude? XD

    You've only picked things relating to Zelda or Final Fantasy. And technically, those are only your opinions.

    I mean, "Trump: He's Sephiroth" doesn't exactly count as a trump.

    And yes, Haloid is epic.

    Though it's not canon.

    #5 Sonic the Hedgehog - I didn't want to admit it, but it would be logical. Speed would totally pwn Cloud. Other than that, he is invulnerable to any real damage as long as he has a single golden ring on him, which his speed would allow him to recover anyway.

    #4 Fierce Deity Link - This guy is far from invincible, but he packs a smack directly to your face. With a paralyzing sword beam and an attack that basically destroys your internal organs, this guy comes in at my #4.

    #3 Bowser - Hardy dude. He gets up after large periods of time in lava. His defense is amazing and would last him out for days in battle.

    #2 Tabuu - This guy DESTROYS you. His health is high and his attack is higher. He speeds around and attacks you in a multitude of ways. It's extremely hard for just one person to take him down. Other than that, he also has a three part one-hit KO move.

    #1 Link - This hero has a HUGE arsenal, and he knows perfectly well how to use it. He also is slow and has little defense, with his heart meter unable to replenish itself. So why can Link beat everyone? Because he's never truly gone. Despite dying in previous Zelda games, he is always reincarnated whenever there is need for the Hero. He may be down for a short while, but he'll never be out.

    Also my opinions.

    But don't call me biased. ;P

    I just picked who I thought would win.


    good points there. well, you are right about sonic, I just didn't want to put him there because I thought it would make people over run the topic with bickering. Tabuu can be killed by anone, so he's not there; bowser is indeed strong, but FD still wins, and Link is unfortunately dead if he fights FD. but aside from that, Link, FD, and sonic could easily be in the top ten. I wonder if there will ever be anyone stronger than Sephiroth (I know it seems biased, but it's true, he wins :cry: ).

  5. lol, totally biased, you probably only know who Link and th Diety are in that list. Anyway, here's a video that will show you MC's full power, and how Samus wins. This is one awesome fight too :D .

  6. agreed, I myself miss the 4th piece topic because it kept going and we had something to do, but since we stopped and the site began to change, it's quite dull. Well, I say we start looking for ways to put this site back to how it was in 2006! Now that was a good time for this site!

  7. For all those who play Kingdom Hearts at a good level, here is a topic that will tell you your skill based on what level you can beat sephiroth on proud mode (any other mode means you aren't a serious player) in KH2 (not KH1 because he's easier there). Even though this game has a bunch of crappy Disney people, it can easily be harder than most games, including Zelda and Halo.


    99-86 you need a lot of practice.

    85-71 you're okay at this game.

    70-61 nice job, you are good at this game!

    60-51 a master of this game, no doubt.

    50-40 you are the god of Kingdom Hearts!

    Below lvl. 40: you are so into this game that you have memorized the pattern of this boss, and therefore you both suck, and have no life.

    That is the chart. My current best is lvl. 60.

  8. This is a topic with the top five most powerful characters originally from video games. This excludes people who cannot die, and all support items are taken away (fairies are gone too). Next to each characters name is his description, and the "trump card" that makes them defeat all those below their rank. All characters will be defeated by any above him in rank (i.e. #1 beats #2, #3, and so on).

    #5. Link: One of our very favorite video game characters, he makes it into the top five! Trump: Nayru's Love/magic armor, but eventually runs out of magic and rupees.

    #4. Sora: Argue about it as much as you want, but this Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Master would win in most fights, sorry guys. Trump: Limit form takes no helpers, regains magic, and can heal with magic.

    #3. Cloud Strife: The world famous character from Final Fantasy VII. Trump: Faster and stronger than nearly every other video game character, with craazy magic, but the magic doesn't come back.

    #2. The Fierce Diety: The demmi-god from Zelda Majoras Mask. Trump: Stronger than all others, beating Cloud as soon as his magic runs out.

    #1. Sephiroth: He was killed in FFVII by Cloud, but he had many helpers, and he wills himself back to life a bit too much... Trump: He's Sephiroth.

  9. Nice job, it's getting better! But still, what religion did you get sephiroth from?

  10. I'm really glad that that was an april fools because: in the trailer with the brown haired link, the triforce is just sitting there, the plot was all wrong, the kid was too old, ganondorf looked like a retard with bad facial hair, and the brown haired link looked like MJ, and in the other trailer, Link's hair was way too blonde, and anyone could tell it was a fake.

  11. Though even the fans of the KH games hate the dDisney people, what most people don't understand is that the games (when in harder modes than "Easy") are actually very hard for people who haven't beaten it several times. I personally have become extremely good at the games. I suggest you get the games (the first one will make the story clear, but the second one is more fun and is more difficult).

  12. Oh, sorry, I may have some delays in the future, I haven't been writing lately. Here you go!

    Chapter Seven: The World Around Him:

    Link had by now been in Soul Society for six weeks. With the help of Izante, he had learned of his surroundings, the ways of the shinigami (death gods, soul reapers), and had been inducted into the school for shinigami within their structure called The Court of Pure Souls. He had learned that Soul Society was made of two parts: The Court of Pure Soul, where the shinigami (souls with great spiritual power that could manifest it permanently into swords called zanpakuto) lived, and Rukangai, the land outside of it where commoners lived. He learned how to produce energy called kido and how to fire it at an enemy. He also learned of his mortal enemy, the hollow, souls that had become greatly saddened and transformed into monsters that could only be saved by being cut with his blade. He learned that every zanpakuto had its own name and if it was known, could be turned into a special weapons with unique powers suited to their users. This also helped him to learn that he had a

  13. The Great Panda is merely the codename for our leader..

    like I said, you're a cult. Your symbol is a panda holding a terrorist gun, how does that mean peace? here, this is you:

  14. You guys realize, simultaneously as this one instance/event occurs, there are 50 more of people similar to my role doing the exact same thing to other scouted sites

    It's not upto me to decide what we do or not, it's up to the Great Panda

    The "Great Panda"? You really are a friggen cult! Are you really that low? Is the "Great Panda" your god or something? I'm sorry, but this is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen!

  15. They were never hostile. They didn't come in here threatening you to join us. As I said before, they never did any harm but change the site a little.

    On more than one occasion, change has harmed. This is a zelda fan site, not a place for people who soulessly make people angry by messing up what they like. You messed up our banner, you messed up our names and made them retarded and without independence, and I cant even imagine what you'll do next. You see panda, we would have simply gone about our business as usual today and perhaps have positively replied to your ideas, but you screwed up a few things, and we're angry.

    I'll make you a deal: if you change things back, which means the banner - peoples names - the motto at the top of the site - and return power back to dustin, then I will let you do as you wish without pester. However, if you keep the site in this wreck, I will continue to badger you. So, what will it be? You decide, Deal or no deal?

  16. EDIT: I'm one of them, quazy.

    I officially hate you. Now even one of our own members is trying to screw up the site, what is with you people?