Wicker Basket

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Posts posted by Wicker Basket

  1. I remember that movie very well, I used to watch it when I was about 6 I think. it was great!

  2. sahaquiel, please read:

    I very much enjoyed reading that, though I am not sure about the Gerudo thing, but you have many great points. When you mentioned the thing about people thinking Termina was a neighboring contry, I had to laugh, because I believe shigeru even stated that Termina was an accidentally created parallel universe that appeared when the goddesses left hyrule. The nintendo team used the same models for the emphisis on this. You can even find alternate models on most of the characters, for intance: the king zora model is shrunk in MM to be the old zora band manager in the bar.

    Anywho, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you have once again taken a widely known theory and almost proven it to be true! Now I think I want to find more sheikah.

  3. pretty good, and yes, I noticed the greek stuff, persephone, tartarus, etc., but from what religion did you get sephiroth?

  4. it's not even the razor sword, it's a pretty gold one called the guilded sword!

  5. I don't think so, and as for rebirths, here's how it all works: Link is reborn to kll evil any time it spons, zelda's descendants are named zelda -- she is never reborn ever! Ganondorf is always the same guy, he has yet to die once. there are 2 ganons, the future and past ganons from their respective half of the split timeline, there you go!

  6. Hey, my brother had a good point about something. He said that the triforce is obviously TRI or three, well he thinks that the 4th piece is not part of the triforce, but a whole new force. I think he also may be right, it just seems to make sense somehow. Also, you know how a lot of people think that Fierce Deity got all the pieces and then got the "tetraforce", well I think that when someone can obtain all the pieces without them flying to other people, that it opens a "gateway" or something that allows one to gain the "tetraforce" (if you haven't figured it out yet, the quotations are to show that I believe it is not tetra-, or four, it's a whole other thing).

  7. The only animes I have ever really liked were BLEACH, because no matter what you say it has a great story and presentation (except for the stuffed animal dude, me no likey -_-), and the TEEN/CURRENT season of naruto in japan, as Inuyashi had a super suckish ending and pokemon is retarded and yugioh is worse!


  8. Well, I know what you mean, but if zelda was refering to farore, then why not just say so? If we had thought that farore was the goddess of time before, then that would defeat all our theories, not to mention destroy the mistery, and there would almost undoubtedly be no 4th piece. You do have a logical opinion here, but that would just be plain out disapointing... :cry: .

  9. Well, a long time ago, I encountered a gossip stone that spoke of a hidden switch that only can be hit by the spin attack in OoT. What is with that switch?! I have never found any site that knows its whereabouts, does anyone here know???

  10. I mean that if Farore represents time then the fourth goddess must represent something else. Perhaps evil.

    I see what you're getting at, but that's not what I said, I said that they were working together or are close in some way, though I myself don't believe that they are one and the same, as zelda said "the goddess of Time" and not a joined goddess. But ther does appear to be some connection, sorry for not clarifying before :embarrassed: .

  11. You see, my true theory (which is almost definitly going to be used in my upcoming fanfic) is that F.D. is Link's double, and is the brother of the goddesses, and obtained all the pieces. He then became corrupted, the goddesses sealed him in the mask, and he was left in termina to die. Then, the piece of time was broken and sealed into many items: the Master sword, hourglass, ocarina, the 2 oracles, etc. Later, Link came into existence, and so began our games. Also, my brother was the first to notice the farore/ordon thing (username The Vizard of Time).

  12. The possibility of a "Time Goddess" is actually mentioned in Phantom Hourglass. When Bellum spits out Ciela's lost memories, she remembers that she is "Ciela, the spirit of courage and time". I believe this could be a major clue as to the identity of the fourth goddess.

    I think I might have a theory, though I think it may sound weird: because of this post, a ray of light in the lost woods in OoT, the similarities between Fierce Deity and OoT link, and the fact that there are four province--if you add the "or" in Ordon to the end of Faron and take the "n" and make it an "E" and put it at the end, it makes farore,

    I believe that Farore and the fourth goddess are either working together for some reason, are very closely related, or they are one in the same/alter egoes/split personalities. I know that's a little much but stil. The reason I mentioned fierce deity is that he has a complete triforce on his breastplate, and may be Link's Termina double. And another reason I would think that the goddesses are somehow related is that a double triforce is seen in a few games, kinda weird.


    :ohmygod: .............

    dude, ZuZu said that, and it's ZuZu's avatar, it's supposed to be ironicly funny...

  14. Here you will tell us who you think has had/has the most annoying avatars.

    SIR JOHIZZLE, I HATE YOUR AVATAR (especially the new one...)