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Posts posted by Odin

  1. I posted this guy a few months ago.

    My girlfriend saw him on iCarly though. She said he's awesome.

  2. Sucks for you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ask her out.

    Tell her your 747 needs to make an emergency landing on her runway.

    Thats very funny

  3. I'm in a love triangle! It's weird. Well in my circle of friends theres 4 people. Aliah, Ashley, Brent, and me.

    Aliah and Ashley were talking about the guy's they like, George and Edward. Those ended up being codenames for Brent (George) and me(Edward).

    Me and Ashley like eachother. Thats awkward Enough

    then Brent likes Ashley (to the point he's kinda stalker-ish)

    And Aliah likes Brent.

    It gets worse. Brent is one of those super-territorial stalker people. He doesn't like the fact that I even know Ashley. He's either going to collapse into a depression or flip-out and attack me. He's a friend of mine and Ashley's but neither of us want to hurt him. Then he follows Ashley like another limb. She hate that, but the only way that she can get rid of him is to get him to stop liking him. Which means breaking the dudes heart. I want to ask her out but Brent will try to kill me if I do (that might not be a joke) and shes just really intimidating. So I don't have the guts to ask her out, Brents gonna kill me, Aliah and Brent are both heart-broken. and Ashley thinks it's all her fault (which it's not).

    I'm just not used to situations like this. It's just really awkward.

    Does anyone know what to do?

  4. This is REALLY stupid. The Wild West was made because people were complaining about that stuff being on the regular forums. Now you're complaining about the solution?

  5. I'd go with CG's advice. But don't become too good friends. Just enough to be friends but not enough to be best friends. If you ask her out and shes your best friend, that would be like asking your cousin out. Gross... but anyway try that. Be friends but distance yourself, Then when you feel things are just right, get closer. But not too fast, and not too much. just enough so she thinks about you. If you're lucky she'll start to like you. Then you can move in for your prize.


    I got 2nd place!!!! Thats so cool I've never got 2nd place on any of the games!

    thats a cool game

  7. I'm gonna post the dirtiest, filthiest, best porn I can get just to piss of the mom.

    And just to let you know this site is kinda like the real world. Theres nice people that care and then theres ass-holes like me. :grinninglink:

    2G1C is the nastiest I've seen.

    and yes you are an ass

  8. I never really had "The Talk" my parents just told me about "That stuff" whenever the subject came up.

    It's better than some awkward long speech.

    One of my friends had "the talk" and she wouldn't speak to me for a few days because I was a boy.

    and no masturbation isn't a cheese. That would be strange.

  9. I recently joined this site thinking what probably all innocent Moms think,that its just Zelda website it can't be that bad :) (Fyi I'm not a mom I'm a 15 year old boy who was using an example :P)

    But then was shocked at the FILTH in a Nintendo video game site!!!I mean why does a rared T game have to have a rated A site!Did the creaters help make South Park or something?Are they German?And not to mention the wild west!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....yes I used a lot of (!)

    But heres my basic argument. . .

    What's Wrong With This Site!

    What are you talking about?

    The site is fine. We had this problem a whiles back so they made the west.

    If you are shocked by the mild topics, then you need to get out into the real world.

    It's filled with A LOT Worse stuff than we post on here.

    And being German has nothing to do with south park...or "pervertedness" for that matter.

    And on top of that

    you are a 15 year old boy! You should embrace all that is perverted!! (well, not literally)

    I'm guessing You are either home schooled and have never been exposed to the world as it is, or you really are a mom.


  10. I think people can look at porn if they want to.

    If you don't want to see it, then don't look.

    Thats what I think. And it's not degrading to any group of people. It's degrading to the people doing it.

    Just because a few women (and men) pose and...do stuff in front of a camera doesn't mean it reflects all women or all men if they didn't want to then they didn't have to.