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Posts posted by Odin

  1. I just got sent a large amount of rupees for no apparent reason...Am I a bad person

    Oh and thank you for the rupees :D

  2. Wow how'd ya get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!

    Heck no, I suck!!!

    It's Just my schools marching band is the best ever.

    But I do need to practice more if I hope to not suck. Especially at Carnegie Hall, that's like...one step down from playing for the president. I wouldn't want to suck then. All those fancy rich people watching us play...scary.

  3. Well I'm gonna start school on tuesday. And for all people in marching band we have to go to a week of band camp, and the band director, Mr. Parish, announced that the big field-trip for this year is going to be a trip to New York City. I was really excited but then he told us "we have had the honor to be invited to perform at Carnegie Hall this year" After hearing that I was...well I was speechless. I'm going to play at freakin' Carnegie Hall as a freshmen!!

    For a band geek like me thats really cool :unsure:

    It's probably going to be in may or june next year. I'll post the date when I find out.


  4. Yeah. I'm lucky, my parents are still together.

    most of my friends parents are divorced.

  5. Don't feel like an idiot. It's not your fault you like her.