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Posts posted by Umbreon

  1. Isn't it that girl in California... (I AM watching your every move... you're good)

    I'm not in love with anyone at the moment... I did have a crush recently... but I think he's lost all interest in me... b=just a bi down about that...

  2. "Yes I know of the village. It was heaven to my people well before you took up residence. It should be a safe place to go." There was a hint of emotion in Mera's usually monotonous voice but before anyone could place it, or even really think about it she rode off.

  3. "Nice to meet ya'," Kerri said between bites. "I'm Kerri, and this is Demier." She put her hand to the fire-lizard's head, "Where were we before, Introductions and flash histories? Well let's see... I came form a relam of magic, blah, blah, blah, your average elf, but as wonderful as magic maybe be, it can have it's bad sides, and I was magically displaced, into a world of a science, but far from what Eon knows, for this science what that which in other realities ((We can work this ploy too right I mean that's part of what the RP's about so we can play ARs too right)) was nowhere near successful, and ridiculed, the science of Alchemy ((Fullmetal anyone XP)). So that's where I've been the last... 2 years, learning the art, etc." She speed through that whole monologue then returned to her meal which Demeir was starting to steal from having lost interest with his.

  4. Name: Cheryl Tricia Carter (Tricia/Tirsh)

    Age: 18

    Country of Origin: The United Kingdom (England)

    Powers: [FMA-style(without the circle that's a bit too much...)] Transmutation (with an understanding of what an object is made of she can break it down and turn it into something else (doesn't work... well with living flesh...))

    History: Cheryl, or as she prefers to be called Tricia's, father's work had her family traveling often so she got to see the world when she was younger. Her education was very important to her father and he took every measure to make sure it was top notch. When she entered high school she stopped accompanying he father on most of his travels so she could further her studies. While he was one his trips with the rest of the family that She noticed the symbol on the back of her left shoulder. ((It doesn't have to be in the same place on everyone right?)) Since her discovery of it she's noticed new and unusual powers. She's been meaning to look into it, but hiding it from her family for the most part has distracted her from it.

  5. Moonlight... But that's a given isn't it... I'd also like to see FUNimation pick Case Closed back up...

  6. THE ANIME GOT AHEAD! It's not that bad... For sure worth a try...just consider it a parallel...

  7. I love how you ignored the rather deep conversation going on to complain about a freaking football game being canceled... Newsflash: 1 it's football, so what if one game's canceled ? 2 I don't think most of the people on the site care about football... after all this is a VIDEO GAME fansite... and if I'm guessing correct many of the members here don't have the same football, American Football isn't that big...

    As for Lionheart... Man don't really think I can help you cause I'm agnostic and all... But the best I can say is look in side yourself for an answer...

    That's right folks lack of muse affects my everyday life... I can't even come up with original-non-cheesy sounding advice...

  8. because Aaron hit puberty and can't do the voice anymore... He was like 12 when he did Al, and that was 4 or so years ago...

  9. YAY IT'S GORON MERCHANT! (well haven't I an affinity for all caps at the moment.) *glomps* Glad to have you back...


    So excited... That means if they haven't started dubbing they likely will soon! And only Al (duh) and Scar have different VAs! (Please let Aaron be Ling, please let Aaron be Ling)

  11. Mera led her troops out of the desert. Contemplating their next move as she knew they could not simply return to the castle. "Well." she said turning to the others, "Were do you think we should head."

  12. Kerri was next to enter. she appeared out of nowhere and sleepily settled against the wall. Demeir's eyes were red with hunger and thanks to the forged impression Kerri was hungrier then she'd have been had she not obtained the lizard.

  13. I;m either going as a Queenrider or a Candidate. (both Pernese) It really depends on the weather. I'm not going to wear two white bolts of fabric attached at the sides and shoulders if it's gonna be cold, but I'm taking it to Dragoon*con '10 'cause that was hot (and I was in fake velvet).

  14. Kerri approached the little guy. He was about the size of a smaller cat. "Demeir. How does that sound?" she paused for a second as if someone was telepathically showing her how they felt and watched as the fire-lizard's eyes turned from orange to a blue-green. "Demeir it is!" She then retreated to figure out what to do next.

  15. "Yes Zerahanor I was wondering if I could get my familiar. I would also like to ask about just what we can have. So far only creatures of the Zelda universe have been taken as familiars. If I could I would like a Pernese fire-lizard, bronze if I may, if not I would like a White Boe." She said matter-of-factly and with a refined civilized air.

  16. ((I'm having a hard time introducing is all... I always opt out of my chances... darn low muse))

    Kerri sighed... She'd lost her chance to get a familiar at the moment recovering from the loud noise of the crashing pot. (which she had been near point blank) She decided to wait at the training center's entrance for Zerahnor. She wanted her darn firmliar.

  17. DSC00386.jpg

    ^picuteof m and someone else (I'll let you figure it out... but here's a hint: I was really happy when my mom took the picture...

  18. So yeah it was awesome... I can't do this entirely with words ( don't have the time...) so I have a few pictures to help..


    These were some of the first people I ran into so I stopped them after we got off the elevator together...


    Taken much later, I'd seen him earlier and I had the chance so...


    She was just cool... I actually was the second person to stop her for a picture in a very short (looks for ed (yes this WILL have some relevance)) period of time


    Umbreon and Umbreon. I'm the one in the purple velvet that was ridiculously hot...


    Weyrfest costume contest (which I placed third in and got a copy of sunset's gold with todd's autograph)


    Just after the contest with my little firelizard Demeir (purchaced after the Umbreon pic)


    Just my spoils of war... (Yes the book is important)


    Told ya... He was AWESOME by the way... I 1) Got to ask him a question in his pannel, 2) see FMF, (it's clear!) 3) got to meet the guy, 4)he remembered me from the panel, 4) got his autograph signed to me, 5)ARM HUGGED HIM! and 6) got a compliment from him and flattered him

    That's all I have timne for now.. expect a more detailed, more texty version tomorrow

  19. I'm home now... Uploading my pics to photobucket then I'll make a new topic if I have the time... Limited amount since it's late here...


    The pictures/new topic will have to wait till I get home... Still in the hotel, but I had so much fun and met a couple actors.

  21. It's this big convention that's got everything, anime, manga, comic books, video games, etc... It's in Atlanta. I got to leave school early yesterday so we could drive down. There's also an entire section devoted to my favorite book series... I CAN'T WAIT!

  22. Nope, can't help ya... But I'm so excited! I get to go to Dragon*con today and met Vic Mignogna! SO EXCITED!!!! Anyone else gonna b a Dragon*con today