Young Link Addict

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Posts posted by Young Link Addict

  1. I just got a new job almost two months ago and I'm enjoying it a lot. I also finished my manuscript for my book. I have a friend who is going to read through it, but they're at college so they haven't gotten the chance to look at it. I'm hoping to have it published by the end of next year.

    Other than that, I haven't been doing much else.

    Teto likes this

  2. I'm just here to say two days ago was my 10 year anniversary here. Time sure flies, doesn't it. It only felt like yesterday I was an awkward middle schooler trying to make friends on the internet. Now I'm an awkward adult... nothing more to add to that.

  3. Good lord anyone else have those days when you check out that super dead forum you used to post on all the time years ago and cringe at how all your old posts are the most obnoxious twee teenager things ever created? Or is it just me?? I hate Past!Me, haha. Why did any of you like her, honestly.

    It's weird how barren this place is now, considering how gung-ho we all were back in like 2012/2013 about never letting this place die. This has been some nostalgia trip... feels like my time here happened decades ago rather than only a few years ago. I wonder how you guys are doing these days, even the users I wasn't close friends with (or close in the slightest, or even flat-out dislike) you all were pretty special and/or entertaining and will always be a part of my teenage years. IDK, I doubt anyone will see this post anyways. Is the IRC even active still? I'm too nervous to check hah.

    Trust me, there isn't enough money in the world that would make me look back at my posts from 2006-2010.

  4. I won't say too much, but I love this game. I got the Switch and this game the day it came out. I was expecting to not like it because of the open world aspect. It's why I refuse to play Skyrim, it's why I never finished Fallout 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles X. I don't know if it's just because it's Zelda or not, but I am loving this game. Though, there are times when I get lost and want to quit and give up. To me, I have to make my own personal goals or the game becomes overwhelming.

  5. I really never found Navi all that annoying. I mean, yeah, I can see where where other people could get annoyed, but she was really helpful, especially when I was a first time Zelda player. Same with Tatl. I liked being told weaknesses and things like that. It helped a lot.

    Fi wasn't terrible either. Although, her probabilities did get pretty old. Granted it was funny at first, but that river ran dry real quick.

    Midna on the other hand, I don't like her. I like her story, but not her personality and not as a companion. Mainly because she's kind of a... rude... we'll go with that. Sure she gets better, but eh. Then as a companion, I found her laugh to be more annoying than Navi saying "Hey, listen!"

  6. I'm super excited for it. The only thing is, the world is too big. I don't mind a large world to explore, but if it takes 30 minutes on horseback then that's a bit much. It's also very Elder Scrolls like and a bit Dark Soulish, neither of which I'm a huge fan of. Though, I'm hoping the best out of this because it does look amazing.

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  7. I think that just happens when you have bad connection. I had it too, and rebooting my phone fixed it.

    Nope. I tried for days. Then last night I tried 4 different browsers, because that's what some sites said to do, and it didn't work. So I uninstalled and reinstalled it to no avail. Then tried 4 browsers again with no luck. So now I'm basically not going to play it until they fix it. Which sucks that I have to wait.

  8. I don't know if anyone would be interested, but a friend and I went to see The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses last night and I made a vlog about it.

    Teto and Knuckle like this

  9. I think it looks good. I tried Miitomo. It's not the worst thing ever. Though I keep getting an error code 801-0027 so I can't connect Miitomo to My Nintendo account. :(

  10. I liked X. It just had a disappointing after game.

    Black and Black 2 was good. Not my favorite, but it helped me get back into Pokemon after I stopped playing it. I was afraid I wasn't going to like it, but both of them were good.

    Diamond I didn't really like. The story was meh, the Pokemon were meh, the world was meh, and the Poketch was meh. The underground might've been fun if I had people to play with, but alas, that was not the case.

    Sapphire were great. I remember playing it in 5th grade during recess. It took me almost a month of 30 minute recess breaks to beat Wallace. His Milotic would slaughter my whole team.

    I never really liked Gold when it first came out. I remember playing it and being like, "It's okay, but it's not Red." I didn't really enjoy it until I played through Heart Gold. I had a blast with it then.

    Red was my first Pokemon game and the one I'm most nostalgic about. However, I never beat it because I like 2 or 3 when I got it so like most kids I only raised one Pokemon to a high level then kept losing.

    Yellow, even though part of Red and Blue, was a different experience altogether. I wasn't any better at it by the time I got it, but I remember loving it for the sheer fact that it was like in the anime where you could get all three starters and I thought that was pretty cool.

  11. I just watched all of Steven Universe in like 5 days. I liked it way more than I thought I would when I saw the first episode 2 or 3 years ago. Now I can't wait for the new episode. >_<

    Knuckle and Teto like this

  12. I'm really excited. I'm getting Twilight Princess HD today. I had my parents go grab it for me since they were already out. :D I'm really excited.

    Teto and Knuckle like this

  13. Oh, fantastic! The first draft is always the most difficult, in my opinion. I've never tried to split a book, though, so that could probably present some unique challenges.

    The hardest part is trying to create continuity and having it make sense. Since most stuff from book 2 happened because of book 1, I'll need to think of why it's that way altogether.

  14. Actually, I did finish a complete draft. In fact, I finished a complete draft of two books for a duology. That's why I'm having a hard time with it because I'm butchering it. I'm also trying to make two books into one by using assets from both. After talking about it, I feel pretty good. I'm going to go work on it now! :D

    Also, I know what you mean about not fitting in with peers. I can get along with the people I work with, but they aren't the kind of people I'd hang out with outside of work. Luckily my friend is on Spring break this week so I won't feel totally alone.

  15. You know me, I always come and go. Sometimes it's not for a year and sometimes it's not for less. Though, I haven't be "gone" I've just been logged off because for some reason I couldn't log on. This is the first I've tried in weeks.

    I've been trying to write my book, which is hard because I'm rewriting all of it because of plot holes. Plus I've been trying to live. One of my friends' went to college so I hardly see them and the only other friend I see has other things to do most of the times. Heck, I spent 3 weeks alone for the first time since I graduated in 2012. It was honestly horrible.

    Also thanks for making me feel old, Shadowknight. I can't believe I joined almost 9 years ago. I remember the old days like it was yesterday. *Sigh* Now I'm just sad.

  16. I'm interested as well. I've always wanted to have a tarot reading.

  17. I'm stuck in that dilemma where I hate my facial hair, but I'm too lazy to shave everyday.

  18. Are you high? She is 100% badass milf. Never played the game so all I can speak of is aesthetics, but she is very attractive. Like, come on. It's like saying "I don't see race". Of course you do, doesn't make you an asshole to notice. Bayonetta is a very obviously sexy character.

    She's not eye candy though just because she's hot. She's also a badass. It's a crying shame to ignore how rad she is as a character, from what footage I've seen.

    Yes, his babbery knows no bounds. It's hilarious and crazy how delusional he is.


    How can you not consider Bayonetta attractive. Have you not SEEN those HENTAI LEGS? Real though, it's hard to not be attracted to her in general. Especially because of the reasons Teto gave.

    Personally, I don't find short hair or glasses attractive. I know other people do, and that's fine, but I don't.

  19. It's funny how he called Bayonetta eye candy. She isn't even that attractive. She looks like one of those librarians you'd see in a movie who's supposed to be smart, but not the least bit attractive.

  20. Is Bayonetta a popular character in Europe and Japan? If so that's a little unfair for those in NA. Like I said, I've never heard of her before hand.

  21. I wish we hadn't gotten another Fire Emblem swordsman. I mean, yeah, I'm all for cute white-haired protagonists, but I feel like there could've been a better choice than Corrin.

    Yeah. It's just a way to market Fire Emblem Fates. You think they would've gone for Chrom since everyone would've been more interested in that than a character from a game that's not out yet.

  22. You've never heard of Shantae either until you googled it. Guarantee it. 

    Nope. I watched an LP of Shante and Shantae: Risky's Revenge before playing Shantae and The Pirate's Curse. That was 4 or 5 months ago.

    T1g likes this