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Posts posted by Cascade

  1. Good lord anyone else have those days when you check out that super dead forum you used to post on all the time years ago and cringe at how all your old posts are the most obnoxious twee teenager things ever created? Or is it just me?? I hate Past!Me, haha. Why did any of you like her, honestly.

    It's weird how barren this place is now, considering how gung-ho we all were back in like 2012/2013 about never letting this place die. This has been some nostalgia trip... feels like my time here happened decades ago rather than only a few years ago. I wonder how you guys are doing these days, even the users I wasn't close friends with (or close in the slightest, or even flat-out dislike) you all were pretty special and/or entertaining and will always be a part of my teenage years. IDK, I doubt anyone will see this post anyways. Is the IRC even active still? I'm too nervous to check hah.

    Knuckle, Ganny and SilverAlchemic like this

  2. Most retail shops are hourly pay so I guess since they're open til late people will get the extra hours paid without hassle. Not sure what the protocol would be regarding like, Amazon/the post offices and delivery companies though. Once it settles as a definitely annual thing there'll be something, lol. 

    At least (so far as I know) the shops here aren't opening at crazy early hours like I've heard what happens in the US, just open til later than usual. The shopping centre here closes at half 5 on fridays usually, but is open til like 8pm for Black Friday? Just like what happens every Thursday I guess lol. But with MORE ADVERTISING and DEALS. I will not be going near the centre tomorrow. Last year I made that mistake and just. queues. queues everywhere. not even happy queues.

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  3. Christmas basically does everything Thanksgiving does, lol. From what I've been told anyways. It's such a questionable holiday in many ways. have fun spending time with the families you don't really want to spend time with though guys!

    But yeah Black Friday has become a thing here somehow. It's gross as heck. Becoming more like America everyday! woooop. Definitely since last year though I've noticed it becoming an actual literal thing, the advertising has been RELENTLESS since. Thank god I don't have to work tomorrow..

    Teto likes this

  4. Completely and utterly my kind of show, take that as you will. Everything is fashion and over-the-top and I love it.

    T1g likes this

  5. I fell asleep during the true lab section of the stream last night and I'm so mad I missed all his goofy reactions there most definitely would have been lots of at all the stuff that happens in the ending u_u american stream timezone privilege is a real thing...

    at least I got to see the frankly disturbing reaction to alphys date. I guess. I was genuinely concerned you were like gonna choke to death during that lol

    T1g and Knuckle like this

  6. Is there a way to just skip Mettaton-Ex? ;( Quite frankly I suck at this game, and my morale is so drained by this point.

    are you literally me I am fighting this guy right now and, as hilarious and ridiculous a concept his character is that I like a lot, the actual dodging attacks shit feels literally impossible. Everything he throws at you is like, too much at once and unless you have superhuman reflexes you can't avoid them. And puppy the bombs. Nobody has reflexes this good I refuse to believe it. Same with Muffet. Cute but annoying.

    I really am enjoying the characters and story and general feel/humour of the game, and I think the choice of killing monsters or sparing them and that changes the tone of the game is a really neat spin on the formula, you can tell a lot of effort and charm went into making this game, but my god, every boss fight has tripped me up and killed me repeatedly lol. Even some random monsters have killed me. I JUST CAN'T DODGE TO SAVE MY LIFE. It is really a bit draining lol. Play this game people but prepare yourself to die endlessly and have a million healing items on you at all times no question. 

    Also stop letting over-enthusiastic fans dictate how much you like something you really just need to learn to ignore them and let them get on with their fun. It can be annoying sure but like, you don't have to look at it. You can close the tumblr page. Just experience it on its own merits.

    Teto, SilverAlchemic and T1g like this

  7. I would totally go to the cat cafe with you anytime if you're looking for people to go with! It sounds like they'd have a ton of rules about how to interact with the cats but it wasn't too strict, just take off shoes/wear blue protective bags over shoes when inside the cafe and don't lift up the cats. That was it. Otherwise get tea and cakes and just walk around the place bugging whatever cat you could find. The staff were really friendly and chatty and laidback as well. One of the most relaxing/stress-free places I've ever been in. Overall defs would recommend and would go with anyone who asked me lmao.

    I am definitely a cat person moreso than a dog person tho. Dogs are cute and sweet and lovable as well, but they are way more work to deal with. Not in a bad way, but just so much that I could never have one with my lifestyle and give it the proper care it deserved. Cats are more chill. And anyways "Cats are pissy little turds that only come to you when they want something from you." is pretty much me anyways lol so we're basically a perfect match. No problems with that here.

    Teto likes this

  8. It ain't gonna make me watch it Pheo jeez we've been through this already I'm not gonna fall for it.

    T1g likes this

  9. someone clearly has never been to the cat cafe in edinburgh this thread wouldn't exist otherwise

  10. Locking this thread because we've had this exact discussion a million times, we all know each other's viewpoints on this issue. It's just not worth the effort or time anymore. But next time you have this "debate" anywhere, Lethe Albion, try being more sensitive and not get huffy and whiny when people don't respond kindly to your negative opinion of them/their group. And don't just hide behind the tired old "it's just my opinion" statement whenever facing opposition to your views. You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but others are also entitled to disagree with you and be upset with you because of it. It goes both ways.

    (P.S. Using "SJW", social justice warrior, social justice, etc as a term to discredit/put down people who aren't conservative's viewpoints is a total cop-out of an argument, very indicative of your personality/attitude towards these issues, and so goddamn tired. It really does invalidate your entire point IMO. The internet needs to shut up with it.)

    T1g, なべ and _17chan like this

  11. No he didn't. He wasn't involved in any part of the making of them. The only connection those three films have is that they're all 3D stop motion animated films produced by Laika the company.


    pheonix561 likes this

  12. I've got a Princess Peach amiibo and the three Splatoon ones (girl, boy, squid). The cutest squad. No other character is important enough to waste more money on these dumb figurines.

  13. 15cm529.jpg

    Penguins > Bears. Fact. But damn was our Splatfest REALLY close this time, the results were literally 52% - 48% both rounds, but South had more wins and North was more popular. It was really balanced. As ridiculous a choice the topic was it made for a fairer and less predictable result! Better than the last two Splatfests for sure. And of course I made sure I was South Pole and Penguin Queen. For some reason we got the American titles for each rank this time. Not sure why. I guess it sounds less dumb than "Eternal South Pole Girl" lol.

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  14. so which three of you would want to be in a squad with me for ranked battles u_u;;;

    Pizzza likes this

  15. I literally just learned today that "s'mores" are actually this weird marshmallow/chocolate thing in between two biscuits (edit: crackers i forget that biscuits are not the same in america) that is then roasted over a campfire, and not actually just a weird invented American term for a roasted marshmallow on it's own. DURR culture shock much. It sounds gross btw. The marshmallow is all you need people

    Knuckle likes this

  16. Another Splatfest next week guys. Specifically Friday/Saturday for you lot and Saturday/Sunday for the non-americans aka me. Once again the EU theme is hilarious and great and better than America (What would you roast over a campfire? who even goes camping anymore it's not fun):




    NORTH POLE vs SOUTH POLE. Obviously a very important question over here that is argued constantly and daily in normal life, at the shops, even in our governments. The South Pole tee has a penguin on it and I like penguins more than polar bears (as cute as they are), so it's actually a very easy choice this time. Even though the North Pole is where Christmas was born and raised. But no I've gotta stick with my choice. Soz pheo

    Knuckle and SilverAlchemic like this

  17. I was expecting this update to be at the end of the month, so the fact that it's gonna be only a week on Thursday makes me very excited! Looking forward to all the new gear and weapons going to be added, the bucket and Gatling gun sound amazing and hilarious. And there can never be too many clothes obviously. 


    Defs need to have a Hnet Squid Squad. Who plays this game???? Me, Skyler, T1g, Eka, Ganny... anyone else? I might also try to see if any of the people who I friended during Splatfest teams might wanna make a squad with me. You can never have too many squads right? But yeah it'll be so fun to play with all you guys as a squad and in that 8-player friend mode! If we can find 8 of us to all play at once lol. I'm super excited for this update. 

    Pizzza likes this

  18. ^is one of the chillest and nicest people on this forum. AKA one of the few i haven't had some sort of falling out with lmao. be proud of this accomplishment!! used to be a lifeguard i think so can clearly swim which is a VERY USEFUL survival skill. now works as a teacher, which shows an incredible amount of effort and work and patience because god how can you have not strangled a child yet they're so irritating and dumb. is my moderator pal. we do no actual moderating but that's not really the point. can actually speak another language as well which is a skill I wish I had bothered to learn when younger. good stuff Cirt keep it up  :zelda:


    can you request certain people to write one for yourself or??? there's a few people i'd love to see write a post for me L O L

    Cirt and なべ like this

  19. Camp Triggerfish is an... interesting map. It's okay in Turf War, I like the gate mechanic, it makes for an interesting last minute of the match. I'm not too used to the layout just yet, but I'd say this is probably one of the less predictable maps? The fact that it's a circle makes for less chokepoint-ey games. The enemy team can always be invading your base whilst you invade their base, totally missing it. If you never check the map like I do lmao! I like the map, though. It's a nice, fresh setting as well away from all the industrial/urban maps.


    Tower Control on it is super fun though. Super puppying tense, the tower is always floating over the water for 90% of the game. And I finally got to A- Rank thanks to this stage wooooooop woop. I hope Splat Zones is like, somewhat fun, at least on this map. There aren't many where it is... lol. Bluefin Depot, Arowana Mall and Port Mackerel and that's basically it.


    Also this image from the current Japanese Splatfest... the teams being Lemon Tea and Milk Tea... the latter team's ink colour... I feel bad for laughing at this put this colour in our versions immediately:



    Knuckle, T1g and SilverAlchemic like this

  20. I think it's the former one... I'm just the messenger I just provide the links I don't know nuthin'


    also EU Splatfest results:



    Really did not expect that much vote difference between Eating and Sleeping. But I guess little kids don't like being told to go to bed. Oh well I picked the right team clearly. Too bad I couldn't play for as long as the last Splatfest. 

  21. I went to see the Ant-Man film tonight, fully expecting to be awful superhero garbage, just judging from the trailer I saw. And I honestly enjoyed it, and I neeeeeever enjoy superhero films. I mean, it was completely and utterly dumb, and really cliché, but at least it knew it was a stupid premise, and just rolled along with the comical side of things, instead of being super-serious explosions everywhere like most superhero films. The entire fight scene in the little girl's bedroom was completely worth going to see this. I was in literal tears. Would recommend.

    T1g and Cirt like this