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Posts posted by Arachne

  1. that sounds... wrong. Whatevs. I'll try to continue it somehow


    Pipin' hot.

    Cleaning the pipes.

    ermm.. not helping the subject. oh well.

  2. Yup, I'm geting it on Day 1, too. Super Metroid is also my favourite SNES game, hands down. I'm considering trying to finish my Samus costume in time, but I doubt it would be ready, ro whether there would be a point to wearing it in such a small town.

    In the meantime I'll try to track down Metroid Fusion, play through that, finish Metroid 2, and try my hand at the first two Prime games again.

  3. No consoles here, so I've been playing freeware computer games.

    I beat Spelunky, which just plain murders me most of the time (but it's one of those games where it's just as much fun to die in it as it is to beat it). I'm trying to beat Eternal daughter now, which is also really punishing.

    I also beat Knytt and Knytt Stories (Easy and Normal). They aren't hard, but they are cool and atmospheric.

  4. Agreed, it would be better to have more paranoid moms than the ones who don't give a crap. My Mom was pretty careful afaik when she had me. She had a glass of wine at one point before she knew she was expecting and that was about it. She's never been that huge of a party animal.

  5. *hugs* Just go for it. You're pretty, you got a rockin personality. Get talking to him, see how things go. If they're going well, suggest that you hang out sometime.

  6. Had a weird dream last night, and it made me think about posting a topic for other people to write about their dreams if there isn't one already.

    So here's mine. I was in jail for a crime I didn't commit, while another girl who was the cause of my conviction was in there with me. I remember cleaning dirty dishes in the sink in this jail (don't ask,, it's a dream jail). The guilty girl and I initially hated each other, but we became close until I loved her like a sister. When we left the prison, we rode away on bicycles.

    Any thoughts on it? Other dreams you'd like to share?

  7. Yeah, that does piss me off a lot. And on the other hand you have paranoid moms who are all "no, I can't have raw fish because it will kill my baby. And I can't have green tea, because the folic acid will clog the tubes providing nutrients for my baby".

    Fish and green tea? Seriously? I respect that they're trying to do what's right for their kid, but they seem gullible to every little thing they read about concerning what's not good for their kids. I've tried to find articles with scientific evidence to the raw fish thing, but all I can find is that people shouldn't have more than 1 tuna steak a week because of the mercury content unless you and your ancestors have lived in a fishing community and seem to ahve no problem ingesting lots of fish.

  8. I had a chocobo, who sold before I was able to take this picture. I made another one on commission the next day. I also have a commissioned work for a white mage that's going out to a guy in vancouver soon.

  9. We didn't have consoles at home when I was growing up. We played a lot of card and board games as a family, but we also played adventure games like Myst and King's Quest (we'd all have our files and try to figure out how to get to the next part in the game), as well as puzzle games like The 7th Guest and Modern Problems. We were also huge Chip's Challenge fans, and we tried to beat every level we could. My Mom's always been a Free Cell addict, and there's a rule where you DON'T close an opened free cell game on the computer because it will lower the win average and she will get annoyed.

    My dad plays some flight simulators and some other games, and we sometimes have a few rounds of Mario Kart on the N64. He's generally more receptive to trying out new games than my Mom is. I've gotten my Mom to play Tetris on the SNES with me, and that's the most I can get her to try console-wise. For a while we'd regularly play a few matches before going to bed.

  10. My Mom was like that about me going places without telling her. As long as she knew where I was it was all good. It may seem paranoid when you're in your late teens and such, but the parental instincts are still there.

    Not that I don't think they should start letting you do your own thing at this point. Up until pretty recently, kids were considered full-grown adults before the age of, say 15. I think the reason for the stereotype of teenage rebellion is that a lot of people are ready to leave the house by then but aren't allowed.

  11. Definitely the ending credits to OoT, Jared.

    Haven't actually played FFVII, but I've heard the music that plays when Aeries dies, and that is pretty emotional.

    Marle's theme in Chrono Trigger I always felt was really sad and beautiful. The ending theme was also great in the way that it sounded triumphant and sad at the same time. Pixietricks' cover of the ending theme with lyrics is really nice too, if you listen to ocremix stuff.

    You might not know this one, but the ending from Aquaria. I don't want to spoil it in case you play the game, but you actually feel sorry for the final boss after you kill him, which is odd. And this beautiful piano music starts up. I can't find it on Youtube, but let me assure you that it's very pretty.

  12. I say play it cool for awhile. Talk as friends for the time being. It doesn't sound like she isn't interested in talking to you. She's not going to forget that you asked her out. Show her that you're a good guy who will take care of her heart if she gives it to you. Show her that you're a guy who's never going to give her up, never let her down, never run around and hurt her.

  13. I wouldn't say either of them has 'awful' lyrics, just bizarre ones. Yeah, Silves' is stranger, I think. Mine's mostly a silly 70's song, and I just like the random imagery, like the cowboys sprinkling mycelium.

    I'd argue that both of them give a good idea of the relationship, even when the metaphors can be bizzarre. I think "Talk About" has to do with someone who feels he's being smothered by the other person, someone he's trying to get rid of because they hurt him. "Waltz of the Tennis Players" is maybe about free love and a sense of feeling lost about the future.