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CC you are awesome.

So on tumblr lately, the people I'm following have been posting a massive influx of old video game music for some reason. Yesterday was ye olde zelda, and just now this morning I was listening to Dire, Dire Docks from SM64 ;___; squid that game but gosh the music.

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I just want to apologise to all the people on skype who had to endure my fanfiction posts.

I think Sayuri was the only worried one, because she's squeamish at everything.

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So off I went to Tesco to buy chocolate and vodka. Like a good student.

Felt like I was floating around, which I put down to how I sometimes kind of mimic things I get into a lot, like walking as if I'm actually playing Skyrim or writing essays in the style of Wuthering Heights.

So there I was waiting in line thinking "lol how typical, buying alcohol and sweeties and no groceries" and then I wondered a bit about when the last time I even bought groceries was, or for that matter the last time I ate.

Slowly came to the realisation that I hadn't eaten since Friday night when I had noodles. I felt like I was floating all this time because of Skyrim, that much was true, but not because of how I felt after playing it but the fact that playing it so often I'd forgotten to eat for like three days.

So I'd been living off crisps and Pepsi for the whole weekend. And there I was buying chocolate and vodka.

But here I am now after getting a takeout pizza from some disgusting little kebab place around the corner.

And you can totally tell my priorities are in order since I'm writing this post instead of eating it.

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Pfeh! I bet your Scottish Pizza is no match for our American dish!

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Only Hagwig, pheo. Lucius and someone's brain is not as bad.

It was incredibly funny.

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But here I am now after getting a takeout pizza from some disgusting little kebab place around the corner.

Heyyyy Corfu's pizza is p. good dick :(

Also gosh, Skyrim is not an adequate replacement for nutrition :(

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Pfeh! I bet your Scottish Pizza is no match for our American dish!

Italy is just standing in the corner laughing at you right now.

Heyyyy Corfu's pizza is p. good dick :(

Also gosh, Skyrim is not an adequate replacement for nutrition :(

Obviously you haven't played Skyrim and joined the magic school. Hogwarts, Cascade. Hogwarts is definitely an adequate replacement for nutrition.

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Silly games have no place in your digestive system :(

and why do they come up as the terribad link smileys for youuuu agh so annoying

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New York City pizza makes Italian pizza cry in the corner because NYC pizza is the best pizza.

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Apparently, the ece (electrical and computer engineering) mascot is a corgi

This corgi

I like this. More than you can know.

Our ECE department doesn't have a mascot, but if it did it would probably be a devil feasting on the hopes and dreams of the innocent. Intro to Engineering is such an unnecessarily difficult class...

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gosh I want pizza now you dicks

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When does someone ever NOT want NYC pizza? Like, obviously people who have never had it before but gosh I always want it.

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I mean I've never had like true NYC pizza, because I've never been

I've NYC style pizza if that counts ._.

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but if it did it would probably be a devil feasting on the hopes and dreams of the innocent. I

A friend and I were in fashion show practice. We decided that, after the show, we would go home AND RIP OUR EYES OUT. We're both in ECE.

When does someone ever NOT want NYC pizza? Like, obviously people who have never had it before but gosh I always want it.

University makes me hate pizza that isn't Chicago style, NYC style or straight up Italian.

I have to say, though, CHICAGO STYLE FTW. (I like Italian too)

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