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So yeah, if you hadn't guessed already, I shave my legs. And underarms. Oh look that'll be at least two people squicked out after reading that. For them especially, I just shaved about 10 minutes ago? Delicious gossip amirite? Well, apparently guys should be hairy beasts, well that's what people say to me here. They, like millions of people, also believe women should shave, otherwise they're "ugly dykes".

Yes I shave, as I stated above. Why, I bet some will ask. Why do you take that extra effort, when you could easily ignore it, because you are male? Do you want to be seen as gay? Only gay men would dare challenge the norm and shave their legs! And underarms! And otherwheres! How horrid. For women who don't shave? Why not, some ask. Why do they not care about not being attractive? Do they want to be alone? Are they secretly lesbians?

No, no, no. This is completely retarded, and missing the point. Double standards suck and why is this still around? Why? Because it's extremely annoying to be ridiculed and criticised for me because I do such a trivial thing. I'm sure it's the same for women who don't shave. Yes I know someone will come in and tell me "why do you care? Shouldn't you be worried about wars and democracy and same-sex marriage and abortion and all the other "important" stuff?" Yes, I am worried, and also do speak out in those debates, along with many others. But I believe double standards shouldn't be let off the hook just because they're the "little" things. Double Standards are what leads to the bigger problems though, plus they're just retarded and ridiculous, and just make society a little bit stupider and outdated.

So on the issue of shaving, I believe that we should have the damn choice. If a man doesn't shave because he has no need to, that's perfectly fine. If he does because body hair is squicky as puppy, then that's not a problem either. A woman doesn't shave because she doesn't want to follow an lame double standard? She's allowed to make that choice. A woman does, just for the reason she wants to? Good for her. Pour conclure, this is not and shouldn't be a problem.

So yeah, I made this thread because I wanted to put my opinion across, no matter if it seems stupid, pointless and "oversensitive" to some people. Because if you believe it's oversensitive to care about this, then you should probably get out from under your rock and realise this does deserve to be noticed. Because we need more people to care, and if they do take part and just accept what people want to do, then people will be happier, I just know it. And also, threads like this wouldn't pop up. That's a benefit right : P

But yeah, feel free to state your opinion on shaving then I guess. I would like to hear them actually!

(inb4 millions of "who the puppy cares" posts)

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Wait, I know this sounds ignorant of me, but are you a girl or a boy?

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Cascade is a boy.

I personally go au naturale and don't shave my legs when I can cover them up in the winter. Like I will at times, and when I am taking a long shower at night or something. But in the morning it is just a hassle I would like to avoid.

I shave my underarms because I started in the first place and underarm hair growing back is not pleasant.

And I occasionally shave uhm, well, you know. xD; It is more of a hygiene thing than a looks thing though. I used to have a terrible boyfriend who would not have sex with me if it wasn't shaved, and I kind of don't now because the pressure's off.

I started shaving because it was something that I was supposed to do because I was hitting puberty. And then it became something I had to do because I had just a dick boyfriend. I now do it because it feels nice. Smooth legs feel good. Smooth everything feels good. ^^ I do not mind if guys are hairy, but if they want to maintain that and shave that sounds cool too.

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Wait, I know this sounds ignorant of me, but are you a girl or a boy?

A boy who would rather be a girl. It's cool, you're not ignorant, /everybody/ gets confused about it lol :3

And yeah, the "smooth everything feels good" is another reason for me shaving. Lol I sometimes just randomly pet my legs afterwards because it's such a delightful feeling teehee how odd of me :3

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I see no problem with a guy wanting to shave his legs or underarms or anywhere else on his body.

I've shaved my legs once before, just because I felt like it, I'd never shave them again though, to much hassle in my oppinion and I kept accidently cutting myself. XD

I must say I did enjoy the soft feeling that was left after shaving them. :P

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Oh, gotcha.

Anyway, boys who shave have an edge in swimming and I think running, so you can argue that it's a much better choice, especially since humans don't need the hair as much as they used to.

As for your nethers, they say it makes it look much bigger, you know. :embarrassed:

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It does. Make you look bigger.

Cascade, rather be a girl as in you would like to be called "she" or what?

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Personally, I'm of the opinion that body hair is a kind of gross on both men and women. So there is nothing wrong with a guy shaving.

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Kimmy, yes I would rather be referred to as 'she' 'her' etc etc, being transgender and all :> Can't be any clearer than that.

(everyone should read this so the gender confusion would go away lol.)

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I shave everything but my legs and arms pretty much daily.

I shaved my legs and arms when I had big meets for swimming, up until I decided to just go with leggings because it was easier.

I have been called gay for this, fact is, I started doing it for swimming, and I'd rather keep doing it because stubble on chest and.....private Plus, most of the girls I know not only like it, but prefer it.

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It does. Make you look bigger.

Cascade, rather be a girl as in you would like to be called "she" or what?

OMG, it makes such a big difference if you shave your pewbs. When I trim them, it looks almost twice as big. Totally gonna trim them today. TOTES!

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Going back to the serious discussion....

I agree, double standards are terrible. I've been actively on a swim team for 14 years and I've never had a problem with guys shaving. I feel like body hair is so silly discriminated upon and like, guys, it's hair, who really cares. It won't hurt you if someone else shaves or not, right. And people should be allowed to have preferences without explaining themselves.

And yeah Kimmy I agree, I shave my legs maybe 3/4 times during the winter lol. I'm always wearing pants, and I'm tired and lazy during the winter, so I lay off from my legs. I always do pits though. They can get smelly otherwise because the sweat gets all in the hair follicles. Ew.

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I shave my bodily hair regardless of the clothing I'm going to wear that day.

I really dislike it.

Plus, it's actually a pretty cool feeling when you shave like, your arms, and you have decreased sensation of feeling for a little while.

so smooth


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A boy who would rather be a girl. It's cool, you're not ignorant, /everybody/ gets confused about it lol :3

I uh..never knew that....

Anyway, I usually shave my, uh, you know. Well,cut it. I tried to shave my...*cough* buttcrack and underside. I bled D:

I also cut my armpits (Well try).

I usually leave my legs alone though.

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tl;dr, I shave my face and chest, I'm considering my armpits.

Thing is, I think it's shitty for us to expect women to shave but aren't expected to shave in return.

Plus I don't like having body hair I think it looks puppyin nasty.

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