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Kaffles has been bugging me to get a webcam so we can webcam in Skype mutually. Instead of that, I did what I normally do, and I improvised. I downloaded an app on my Android phone that lets me use it as a wireless webcam, then mounted it above my monitor with a couple peg hooks that I bent so the angle is right. And I found it has mic support, which is awesome.


Anyway it's really cool, because I can control what the webcam does remotely from my browser. Like the quality of the webcam's picture.




Or night vision.




It sucks using your phone as a utility like this, though, because I can't take a picture of the setup in which I use my phone. I had to hold up a mirror and click "Take Photo" at the same time, which doesn't work very well.




And when I did the screen made a glare that makes the setup blurry. But there you go.



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hey pheo not to spoil anything or whatever but I'm watching Orange is the New Black on kaffles' request and in one of the episodes, this song plays at some point


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100% certain it plays while someone dies

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~~~watch it and find out~~~


although for serious there's a ton of lesbian sex


like more than game of thrones' sex scenes

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"Do you think this is a game!?!"


"This is a game, its called Runescape"


Oh god

That had me rolling

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Okay you know that archetype in anime where like, there's this guy who trains really hard and practices and gets really good at what he does through determination and willpower and going the extra mile and all that? And one day he finds himself at the top of the elite 4 of whatever universe he's in, and he's just constantly dominating the list? And he's just really good at what he does? And then suddenly some chosen one kid shows up with a magic sword or gun or robot and somehow has a power level a gazillion times higher than everyone else due to some arbitrary plot device?


Cause right now that's me and this fucker.

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get wrecked kid

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Okay in all those gainax shows where there's like ryuko or simon or whoever and they're taking down all their really powerful opponents, what mistake do the opponents constantly make that always inevitably leads to their own demise? I'm asking because I need to know what mistakes not to make here.

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Don't make it personal, go back to your roots. Focus on being the best without even thinking of them.

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No its already personal I have to destroy him he puppying made $2750 in one night just the other night and I've never made more than $800 in one night let alone $2750 in a week I have to BEAT HIM

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That will be your downfall. You just singled out the one thing that'll bring u down

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Okay you know that archetype in anime where like, there's this guy who trains really hard and practices and gets really good at what he does through determination and willpower and going the extra mile and all that? And one day he finds himself at the top of the elite 4 of whatever universe he's in, and he's just constantly dominating the list? And he's just really good at what he does? And then suddenly some chosen one kid shows up with a magic sword or gun or robot and somehow has a power level a gazillion times higher than everyone else due to some arbitrary plot device?


Cause right now that's me and this puppyer.


The hero appears! The hero appears! The hero appears! 

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