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There is no right and wrong, no good nor evil. It is all based on one's perspective/views.

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Posted (edited)

You are because all sinners go to hell. Don't you know?

Thanks for mocking me.

There is no right and wrong, no good nor evil. It is all based on one's perspective/views.

You say that, but I bet no one on this site would agree that rape is a good thing, unless they were a rapist. There is good and evil, and some people/cultures are more right than others. Example: U.S. vs. Nazi Germany.

Edited by zeldafancs (see edit history)

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Would anybody praise a coward? Would anybody hate a man for being faithful to his wife?

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You say that, but I bet no one on this site would agree that rape is a good thing, unless they were a rapist. There is good and evil, and some people/cultures are more right than others. Example: U.S. vs. Nazi Germany.

Ah, but to the rapist he might think it was good. To some people, the Nazis were saviors. Different people have different views and perspectives on things.

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Ah, but to the rapist he might think it was good. To some people, the Nazis were saviors. Different people have different views and perspectives on things.

You're right, the rapist might think it was good. He's the one and only. Any normal, sane person can see that rape is bad. The nazi's were saviors for the people of Germany, but it didn't change what they did. Once again, any sane person can see that torture is bad. If you want to argue with me about what defines a "sane" person please choose someone else because I know you understand that those things are bad. Different views can be wrong. Just because they are different doesn't make them right.

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Posted (edited)

Would anybody praise a coward? Would anybody hate a man for being faithful to his wife?

Exactly. Standards are based on common human perspective (which is limited to our realm of consciousness). That's why people freak out and overreact when something happens that isn't normal. You have to accept standards. You don't have to conform, though. Nothing would ever change for the better if everyone did. Anyway, the point is that humans set the standards. Whether they do this through personal experience, religion, etc., is up to the individual. And how they form their standards is based on their interpretation. Two people could have the same experience and interpret it differently.

Zeldafancs, my advice to you is to still think things over. A lot of people turn to something like religion for quick and easy "answers" but the answers aren't really concrete. Nothing is concrete. By being closed-minded you are only creating the illusion that things are. It's much healthier to bide your time and see things as they are. Don't thrust yourself into someone else's opinion or label yourself. Be patient. Figure out how things work for you (like Shadowknight has done). It's just like how the two major political parties have ruined the idea of democracy. People are forced into the category of democrats or republicans. This eliminates the chances of winning for "third party" candidates. It also eliminates the idea of individuality that the United States were founded on. It's not good.

Edited by Chameleon (see edit history)

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Zeldafancs, my advice to you is to still think things over. A lot of people turn to something like religion for quick and easy "answers" but the answers aren't really concrete. Nothing is concrete. By being closed-minded you are only creating the illusion that things are. It's much healthier to bide your time and see things as they are. Don't thrust yourself into someone else's opinion or label yourself. Be patient. Figure out how things work for you (like Shadowknight has done). It's just like how the two major political parties have ruined the idea of democracy. People are forced into the category of democrats or republicans. This eliminates the chances of winning for "third party" candidates. It also eliminates the idea of individuality that the United States were founded on. It's not good.

The reality though is that life is too short to bide your time and wait. The cold truth is we've been thrust into a situation we can't wiggle our way out of. We have to make a decision and stick with it. If I did sit around and wait for a better answer, who's to say I won't die tomorrow? I'd end up in hell. Do you see why I have my fear? Because no one else has offered to save me from any kind of death. No one on this earth has given me any reason to believe they can prevent my death. Immortality is something in fairytales. God is the only one who's offered me something. I know you think I'm jumping to conclusions, but I promise you I've thought this out. I can't afford not to figure it all out.

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You say that, but I bet no one on this site would agree that rape is a good thing, unless they were a rapist. There is good and evil, and some people/cultures are more right than others. Example: U.S. vs. Nazi Germany.

thereby proving his point. Nazi Germany thought they were the good guys. It's a perspective thing.

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The reality though is that life is too short to bide your time and wait. The cold truth is we've been thrust into a situation we can't wiggle our way out of. We have to make a decision and stick with it. If I did sit around and wait for a better answer, who's to say I won't die tomorrow? I'd end up in hell. Do you see why I have my fear? Because no one else has offered to save me from any kind of death. No one on this earth has given me any reason to believe they can prevent my death. Immortality is something in fairytales. God is the only one who's offered me something. I know you think I'm jumping to conclusions, but I promise you I've thought this out. I can't afford not to figure it all out.

You're not believing for the right reasons, then. God is supposedly forgiving. Just try to be a good person and you'll be fine. It's not hard to see what being a good person consists of. You need to be kind to people, things, etc. Though there will be times where you won't. You get frustrated or something and do something wrong, but usually it's not a big deal. You'll have plenty of time to figure everything out. If you truly believe in the afterlife, then it's possible you even have an eternity. As long as you make an effort to be a good person and are willing to accept God when the truth is revealed to you (be it posthumously or not) you'll be fine.

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You're not believing for the right reasons, then. God is supposedly forgiving. Just try to be a good person and you'll be fine. It's not hard to see what being a good person consists of. You need to be kind to people, things, etc. Though there will be times where you won't. You get frustrated or something and do something wrong, but usually it's not a big deal. You'll have plenty of time to figure everything out. If you truly believe in the afterlife, then it's possible you even have an eternity. As long as you make an effort to be a good person and are willing to accept God when the truth is revealed to you (be it posthumously or not) you'll be fine.

But if I'm going to try so hard to be good, I want to do it because I should. I enjoy doing things morally wrong, as I'm sure you do too. There's very little purpose in me not indulging myself if I don't believe in God. I need someone to keep me in line. And I'm not only doing it for that reason alone. It's become a relationship. Before I believed, I had no clue it was this personal. I thought God was a big figurehead who ruled with an iron fist, but it's not true. And I wish so badly I could explain it...but I can't. Sorry. The feelings I get are so much more powerful than the one's I used to get. And...I can't go back. Believe me, there have been times when I've wanted to forsake everything I believe in. Life got too rough, relationships crumbled. But everytime I try to hate God for it...I can't. He's given me something worth fighting for. I have hope where I didn't before. Being a good person isn't good enough for me, I don't see any reason to be one if not for love of God. And I'm not just talking about being a socially accepted citizen, I'm talking about when I'm alone and no one's watching and I sneak porn or beer up to my room. I can't half ass this, that just isn't my thing. Who knows? You may be exactly right, and Chameleon I hope you go to heaven. I really do, because you are incredibly intelligent, albeit a little mean sometimes, but also incredibly witty. But for me...I just can't go back. This feeling of love is too strong, God's too ingrained in my being for me to go back to how I was.

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But if I'm going to try so hard to be good, I want to do it because I should. I enjoy doing things morally wrong, as I'm sure you do too.

Well, it depends what you define as morally wrong. I do what I think is right, and if you know me you'd know I usually have others in mind before myself. Though I do want to indulge in many things

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Thank you very much. :D

I'm sorry that I was mean

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No one responds to my arguements


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thereby proving his point. Nazi Germany thought they were the good guys. It's a perspective thing.

So opinions are immunity to being wrong? If I think I'm perfect, yet I continue to do things I think are wrong, then that logic is flawed at the start. Regardless of how you were raised, you know it is wrong to torture people. Just because you have a vendetta against the Jews doesn't make it alright to torture them, and it doesn't make you the "perfect" being. That would be arrogance, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between right and wrong anyway.

Yes, the Nazi's probably thought they were doing the right thing, but that doesn't make it right just because they thought so. My perspective could be wrong, but my conscience doesn't lie. Whenever I do something wrong, I know it.

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Yes, opinions are never right nor wrong.

It does actually.

The world doesn't operate on your morals.

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