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Actually, Julius Caesar was said to be of virgin birth. Virgin birth usually denotes that someone is of greatness.

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You know, I'm sick of people ignoring my questions/statements in this thread. It just shows that no matter what I say, the people that ignore them aren't going to get anywhere. They are too narrow-minded.

That's religion for ya.

But yeah, the reason why people seek these answers is because humans have evolved into extremely exploring creatures. It is in our instinct to always seek answers, no matter what it might be.

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You know, I'm sick of people ignoring my questions/statements in this thread. It just shows that no matter what I say, the people that ignore them aren't going to get anywhere. They are too narrow-minded.

I would have answered you, but you always say everything I say is false. How's that for narrow-minded?

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It's not narrow-mindness. It's fact.

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Actually, Julius Caesar was said to be of virgin birth. Virgin birth usually denotes that someone is of greatness.

Wrong, Julius Ceaser was said to have cut himself out of his mother's stomach, because he wouldn't allow her to contain him.

Hence, Ceaserian section.

Virgin birth, on the other hand, was generally claimed by those who were having a child out of wedlock.

And Chameleon, you have a tendency to put short question replies right in the middle of a fairly active debate, so they get looked over by people wo are already answering other questions in dept, however, EyeofTruth is correct, we need to ask thse questions because we are an intelectual species.

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Posted (edited)

I would have answered you, but you always say everything I say is false. How's that for narrow-minded?

No, now you're just making up some stupid, random excuse because you're a fucking moron. I asked you why you needed answers to those philosophical questions you asked. How can I say your reasons are false?

Edited by Chameleon (see edit history)

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The reason is the same reason we ask any questions. Humans have a natural curiosity, a need for understanding. We crave knowlege.

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No, now you're just making up some stupid, random excuse because you're a fucking moron. I asked you why you needed answers to those philosophical questions you asked. How can I say your reasons are false?

Can nothing you post even sound the least bit happy? Everytime I say anything you say something exactly like you just said. Condescending and rude. You've been saying that everything I've been saying has been "rhetoric" "nonsensical" and "false". And what's up with the name calling, are you a fifth grader?

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He isn't but it's pretty much established your thought process is likened to that of a moron.

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Can nothing you post even sound the least bit happy? Everytime I say anything you say something exactly like you just said. Condescending and rude. You've been saying that everything I've been saying has been "rhetoric" "nonsensical" and "false". And what's up with the name calling, are you a fifth grader?

I gave reasons for calling what you post "rhetoric," "nonsensical," and, "false." That's something you haven't done. In response to that you have either continued throwing flawed logic at me or just tried to make my arguments seem invalid by making me seem like a bad person. (Which doesn't prove anything, by the way. I could be the worst person anyone's ever met but that doesn't mean I have no wisdom. Adolf Hitler once said, "What luck for rulers that men do not think.")

Also, I've tried to explain how your logic is flawed but you won't listen to me. Flawed logic fuels more flawed logic; you're stuck in a circle. It's impossible get through to you seeing as you won't acknowledge truth in a single point I make. I'm not sure you even have the capability of breaking out of your circle. That's why I'm calling you a moron.

I'm going to say this again since some people clearly don't understand. I have absolutely nothing against religion

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This topic has some really ugly posts!

Should this be discussed?

Isn't it a bit controversial for a public discussion?

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Posted (edited)

This topic has some really ugly posts!

Should this be discussed?

Isn't it a bit controversial for a public discussion?

Obvious troll is obvious.

Ok, Ok.

I've had enough of all this name calling in this thread.

Please, stop it.

Narrow minded?


I'm sorry, but I believe that Darwin was right, my friend!

I am open to new concepts of religion, I am, by no means, your stereotypical christian.

I question my religion of Catholocism (Spelling?) and I don't believe every aspect of it, like I don't believe every aspect of the bible.

Does that make me any less of a Christian? Does that make me any less of a person?

No! Of course not.

Remember Jesus?

He died on the cross. He had the punishment for our sins. He died for us.

Now, that means that I don't have to confess to God every time I commit a sin.

It means, I have free will, that I am not a sheep, that I can have a different opinion, that I can have a different view, be a different person.

I do not have to follow Gods law to 100%.

Of course, it means I can be myself, and still be overlooked by a happy God.

Now, to me that is the christian message.

And whether you're a christian or not, you have to agree, that's pretty awesome.

Edited by Claire (see edit history)

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Very well said, Claire. You have it figured out.

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Narrow minded?

I am open to new concepts of religion, I am, by no means, your stereotypical christian.

I question my religion of Catholocism (Spelling?) and I don't believe every aspect of it, like I don't believe every aspect of the bible.

Does that make me any less of a Christian?

Narrow-minded is a word people like to throw around a lot in here without backing it up. So much that when someone has a credible account of another person being narrow-minded it tends to be looked over.

If you don't follow Christian Doctrine then you really are less of a Christian. I bet there are plenty things under the Christian dogma that you don't agree with...

I don't understand why everyone thinks they have to label themselves a follower of 'x' religion. It's ridiculous.

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Posted (edited)

If you don't follow Christian Doctrine then you really are less of a Christian. I bet there are plenty things under the Christian dogma that you don't agree with...

I don't understand why everyone thinks they have to label themselves a follower of 'x' religion. It's ridiculous.

Because I believe almost everything that the Catholic church teaches.

I am allowed my own opinion. Just because a few opinions are different.

I think Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game, and you may think different.

The developers may think different.

Am I any less of a zelda fan?

Edited by Claire (see edit history)

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