The Legend of Zelda: Betrayal

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Crimson took a deep breath. Ayame's sword fell apart.

"What the!" Ayame yelled.

Crimson grinned. "Your barriers didnt stop me from removing magic." "And, since I can do that, I can do this." The barrier unbound from Crimson, and formed into a little ball, which promptly flew up and knocked Ayame out. Crimson broke a window, and flew out of the castle.

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As Alex slowly walked down the stairs to Stallords old chambers. Alex could hear the crack of olden bones. Alex quickly ruched to aid the the ones fighting the staflos. He opened the the door at the other end of the group that was fighting.

Alex quickly built up energy within arm and sent out a twilit energy orb and destroying the staflos.

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When Ravok and Sawyer arrived at the house, Ravok went to a bookshelf, and removed a very large book. He placed it in front of Sawyer, and opened to a bookmark.

"Sawyer, "Ravok said, "On this page is an oath that prevents you, by magical means, from telling anyone the secret of the magic crystal. It is written so you are able to pronounce it in your language, but will mean something in the arcane language." Sawyer read it aloud, and Ravok put the book away. "Come with me," Ravok said, as he walked into the storage room. The first thigs he brought out was a toolbox. It had a hammer and nails. He also handed Sawyer crates filled with planks, and some loose, very large wooden boards. He instructed Sawyer to build a room and furnishings for himself as an addition to the house, on the second dining room door. But, before Sawyer could get to work, Rovak called him back in.

Rovak went back into the storage room, and pulled a crate away from the wall. The crate was on tracks. He then slid a shelf to where the crate was, revealing a trapdoor. Rovak opened the door. and called Sawyer down. It was a simple room, carved from some sort of stone, with a crystal tree in the center. There was a large, crystal bowl shaped object on the wall, , carved with symbols. In the center was an actual metal bowl, filled with clear water. Rovak snapped a piece off the tree, and dropped it in the water. "Sawyer," Rovak said, "Run your hand around this disc, while picturing the object you want in your mind. Right now, you want to make a tree, as you will need your own tree. You want to make it about as large as mine is." Sawyer did as he was instructed. Rovak stopped him when he was finished, and he pulled a seed from the metal bowl. Rovak tossed it into the dirt. A crystal sapling formed where it hit the ground.

"Now you know how to craft basic Crystal. You will learn more complex methods, for magic magical equipment, but tht is for later," Rovak said, "But, it seems af if you are a natural at this." "Have you ever done that before?"

"No," Sawyer replied.

"Tommorow we will try crafting with air equipment. But, it requires much energy to craft elemental crystal equipment, so get some rest."

"Ok," Sawyer said. It was still Midday, so Sawyer began building his room. But he went to sleep on a hammok, which was hanging indoors for him instead. He could get the room done tommorow.

Edited by Doubleagent (see edit history)

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"On this page is an oath that prevents you, by magical means, from telling anyone the secret of the magic crystal.

You better not be talking about the kind of crystal Adn has, because I've already made a history for it. You can look back a few pages to where I introduced Karnil. I have more than that, stretching back to it's origins.

It was back on page 18.

Karnil lay in the grass of the dark world. His children played happily around him and his mate. Kaero play fought with Rio and Aema talked with her mother. The others went about their own business. Kaero approached Karnil and lay down next to him.

There was a crash in the trees. Karnil stood up quickly. Kaero rolled onto his side and rolled about, looking up to Karnil, his father. A black and red being emerged from the trees. A great hammer in his hand. Crimson stood in the clearing now. He grinned at the sight of the family. Karnil spoke Hylian. He approached Crimson. "What business do you have here?" Karnil growled, standing sideways in protection of his family.

Crimson looked around thinking of some lie to submit to Karnil. "I am with the Great Army of Hyrule." He said confidently. He grinned and held his hammer in both hands. Karnil was suspicious. He had never seen something like this before.

"Get away from here. If you don't, there will be trouble." Karnil growled. The crystal hung lightly from his neck. Crimson laughed.

"Foolish." Crimson hung his head and chuckled softly. Karnil leapt at him, the family of wolves moved. Karnil's mate, Alisia, nudged Aema aside and ran into battle alongside Karnil.

Crimson pushed Karnil aside as Alisia sprung. Crimson turned and thrust a dagger into the neck of Alisia. She fell to the ground, stone dead. The pups yelped in despair. Karnil barked furiously. He sprung again. Crimson picked up his hammer and hit Karnil in the side of the head. Karnil hit into the trunk of a tree and slid down. He was unconscious. Kaero ran to his father's side. "Tor no ist antaum!" Crimson shouted, holding an open palm to Karnil who instantly disappeared. The crystal fell from it's position into the grass. Crimson picked it up telekinetically with a flick of his wrist. As he held it he grinned before slipping it into his pocket. The pups surrounded Crimson, scratching at his shins and biting weakly. Crimson laughed. He kicked them aside and walked out of the trees and into the darkness.

I'll explain some things.

Okay, first of all, Karnil had the crystal. Crimson then stole it. Crimson then gave it to Nia as a life force. Adn then took it to remind her of Nia, what happens next is up to Dark Midna. How Karnil came to have it will be explained in the Door to Darkness RP, but he had it for about 100 years.

Karnil is from a parallel universe in which Link doesn't exist. He travels with his friend, Kaero. That world is the Door to Darkness world. At the end, or during that RP, Karnil will leave that world with the crystal and go to the Dark World in which he raises a family. Crimson then kills his mate and warps him somewhere else, leaving the pups to die, claiming that his is from the Great Army of Hyrule and taking Karnil's crystal. Rio, Karnil's son, then goes to take revenge on the Great Army of Hyrule because Crimson told him he was from that Army. He joins Dark Link and is killed by Ayame. Kaero, who was named from Karnil's dead companion, and his sister Aema are the only two not to have starved. They leave the Dark World and arrive in Hyrule. Aema leaves as she gets lost in the Lost Woods and Kaero meets Ryoo, etc. They go to Ordon, Kaero gets seperated, he is captured, Ayame saves him, they teleport, but are taken to Dark Link by Dark Link himself. Dark Link reveals that Ayame killed Rio. Kaero tells Dark Link to take her to the dungeons. Someone arrives, after capturing Ralin as a baby. Kaero attacks the man with Ralin as he teleports. Kaero teleports with him and gets Ralin, he takes him to Moira, he saves Ayame, they teleport away. They then go to Kakariko village. Dark Link attacks and Kaero looks after Ralin as Moira had left him with Kaero. Kaero keeps him safe and gets him to Moira as she leaves the village, fleeing with the others. Kaero fights with Dark Link and then gets away with the others as the village is lain to waste. He gets to the encampment with the group. He is revealed to possess the Triforce of Time. They can go to the future with it, but Kaero can't use it's full power. He is then sacrificed so that Ryoo can have to Triforce of Time. He gets it and goes 15 years into the future.

That's where you joined I believe, Doubleagent. That's a short history of my RPing here. The stuff before will be revealed here or in the Door to Darkness RP.

Edited by Bathykolpian (see edit history)

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magic magical equipment.


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Yeah, I noticed that too, but I don't want to be mean to Doubleagent again. Only if he's being incredibly out of order.

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The battle was nearly over, or so it seemed; the undead seemed to be resurging less and less with each wave that the group killed. Ralin had just hacked another one in half, when a bright light flashed throught the group. It was a great orb; an orb of Twilight, and it smashed the remaining soldiers to bits.

Worn, tired, and breathing hard, Ralin turned to where the orb had come from. He froze in shock.

Nyfer...! He held the Master Sword forward, defensively, as the toehrs turned in the same direction. "You....!" yelled Ralin. "You aren't Nyfer! You can't be! He's dead!"

Ryoo gazed up at the great pillar, worriedly, and then back at the door from which they had come. We have to get out of this place...he thought.

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Posted (edited)

You better not be talking about the kind of crystal Adn has, because I've already made a history for it. You can look back a few pages to where I introduced Karnil. I have more than that, stretching back to it's origins.

It was back on page 18.

I'll explain some things.

Okay, first of all, Karnil had the crystal. Crimson then stole it. Crimson then gave it to Nia as a life force. Adn then took it to remind her of Nia, what happens next is up to Dark Midna. How Karnil came to have it will be explained in the Door to Darkness RP, but he had it for about 100 years.

Karnil is from a parallel universe in which Link doesn't exist. He travels with his friend, Kaero. That world is the Door to Darkness world. At the end, or during that RP, Karnil will leave that world with the crystal and go to the Dark World in which he raises a family. Crimson then kills his mate and warps him somewhere else, leaving the pups to die, claiming that his is from the Great Army of Hyrule and taking Karnil's crystal. Rio, Karnil's son, then goes to take revenge on the Great Army of Hyrule because Crimson told him he was from that Army. He joins Dark Link and is killed by Ayame. Kaero, who was named from Karnil's dead companion, and his sister Aema are the only two not to have starved. They leave the Dark World and arrive in Hyrule. Aema leaves as she gets lost in the Lost Woods and Kaero meets Ryoo, etc. They go to Ordon, Kaero gets seperated, he is captured, Ayame saves him, they teleport, but are taken to Dark Link by Dark Link himself. Dark Link reveals that Ayame killed Rio. Kaero tells Dark Link to take her to the dungeons. Someone arrives, after capturing Ralin as a baby. Kaero attacks the man with Ralin as he teleports. Kaero teleports with him and gets Ralin, he takes him to Moira, he saves Ayame, they teleport away. They then go to Kakariko village. Dark Link attacks and Kaero looks after Ralin as Moira had left him with Kaero. Kaero keeps him safe and gets him to Moira as she leaves the village, fleeing with the others. Kaero fights with Dark Link and then gets away with the others as the village is lain to waste. He gets to the encampment with the group. He is revealed to possess the Triforce of Time. They can go to the future with it, but Kaero can't use it's full power. He is then sacrificed so that Ryoo can have to Triforce of Time. He gets it and goes 15 years into the future.

That's where you joined I believe, Doubleagent. That's a short history of my RPing here. The stuff before will be revealed here or in the Door to Darkness RP.

Different type of crystal, guys, sorry for not clairifying. Its a special elven type.

magic magical equipment.


If the elven crystal isnt charged like that, it cant be used for magic.

Edited by Doubleagent (see edit history)

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I would called it enchanted rather than magic magical equipment. Try to use a variety of words. Enchanted magical equipment sounds better. ;)

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Posted (edited)

hmm..... lot going on since i left......


Larten had stood their while Cyrus and Connor talked about the sword he already knew about, he jsut kept waiting.

"so whoever holds the sword, with be controlled by it?" Connor said "yes, but only if they have a weak will, if me, or you or.... mabye..... Ika or......sombody else with a stong will holds it, we wont go so easily....." Cyrus said "oka-" Connor stopped, he jsut realized something..... midair was moving, then he striked at where it was moving and the vampire fell out.

"who are you?!" Connor said "I, am Larten" Larten said "Larten? thats a..... unusual name...." Connor said, then Larten tried to get away, but then Cyrus grabbed him "why are you here?!" He said "have you ever heard of a vampire?" Larten said "Vampire? you mean like in the old legends of another demension vampires?" Cyrus said "yes, those ones" Larten said "i'm one of those" Larten said "hmm.... fine, show me" Cyrus said, holding out his arm "you mean.... drink from you?" Larten said "oh, right, i'm sorry" Cyrus said, then he transformed into a hylian and held his arm out.

"so... you want me to.... take your blood... right now?" Larten said "yes" Cyrus said "now suck my blood to prove it" Cyrus said "Oh.... vampires dont suck, the scrape, and they lick" Larten said "right, sorry for that mistake" Cyrus said "now scrape, and lick" Cyrus said, then Larten took his fingernail, and slit a small cut in Cyrus's arm, then blood started slowly coming out, then Larten bent to the arm, and started drinking the blood, but he stopped soon. "ek.... there" Larten said "you blood still have a lizard taste, but i proved it" Larten said "yes, you did, and the creator of frostmourne is the king of the dead" Cyrus said "wait..... oh crap" Larten said, then Cyrus gave a large punch at Larten.


"What?!?! he joined the elf?!" Vancha yelled at a ghostlike creature "yes....." the creature said "hmm..... the first one i control dies, the second one leaves me..... who to turn to now....." Vancha said

would you guys mind if i made it one of you? or do you all have plans?

Edited by Sauron (see edit history)

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I don't have many plans for Subae now. But if this is Vancha controlling him, then forget about it.

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Posted (edited)

Adn told Ryoo about what had happened. "I know what you are going to say." Adn sad miserably. "It does appear that the same process that effected Nia is repeating. You must not use the crystal anymore." Ryoo answered. The hue blast of twili energy had helped them, so Adn figured that they were not working for Ayame but, she couldn't be sure. She had thought it over, all the things that had happened in the last few minutes. I can't use the crystal, I can't use the crystal. She constantly repeated it in her head but it was taking more and more concentration to fight the urge to use it. I could destroy them all, here and now, be the most powerful being in all of Hyrule! No...I can't they're my friends, allies! "No!" everyone turned to look at her then she lowered her red eyes to Nia's blank ones and realized that this might be her future.



Yeah, all my characters already have some major plot stuff going on.

Edited by Dark Midna (see edit history)

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Bic: Subae looked to Adn and sighed. He wasn't sure what feeling surged through him as he did so. It was either a sigh of satisfaction or shame. The battle had come to a halt. Ryoo paced around the pillar, observing it. He paid particular attention to the tracks that spiralled around the outside. Ryoo came back and sighed. "I can't see how we're going to get to the top of this pillar everyone. It's looking difficult at least." he told them, holding his left hand to his right shoulder where he had been struck by one of the undead beasts. The mark of the Triforce of Time was still etched into the back of his hand. He had seemed to have forgotten of it for now. But it was useless for the time being. They needed some way to reach the peak of the pillar. Ryoo had various ways of reaching the top himself, but his telikinatic abilities wouldn't hold for very long as he was tired from the previous battle. Therefore, he couldn't lift the group to the top.

Adn glared at Subae. She hadn't yet told Ryoo of what she had seen from Subae. She wasn't certain of what she saw anyway. Subae looked away, slightly worried now that she may have seen something. Subae grinned accidentally. Adn saw it clearly as daylight. Subae's heart stopped as he heard her growl deeply, shifting where she sat. She seemed to have the urge to attack. She was positioning herself even. Subae saw these movements and stood up and began to walk away from here, uncertain of how she may act. His heart pounded and he didn't dare to look back as he feared that she may be attacking. The group talked amongst themselves. Adn's low growls were quiet, but clear to Subae. He turned to face Adn.

Ooc: You can decide whether or not to have her attack him. If you do, finish the scene with Subae pinned down by Adn.

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ooc: Yeah ok.

bic: The little self restraint Adn still had was gone. There was only one thought in her mind. Kill, other than that her mind was clouded by anger. She saw Subae turn to look at her and she lept at him. All at once chaos erupted, Subae and herself were just a cloud of claws and fur for a moment, sand whipping all about them. Everyone else looked terrified, unnerved. Then the two wolves broke apart and Adn lunged at Subae once more, the crystal turning an even darker shade than red, almost black. Subae was pinned down by Adn. "You...killed...can't...Nia" Adn's word were fragmented by the fury in her voice. The others didn't act, yet.


Ayame was glad of the fact that she didn't need to keep Crimson in the castle anymore, but angered by his escape. She had sent Twili after Moria, Lae and now, Crimson. She was getting tired of chasing them all over Hyrule. "Do not return until they are dead. All of them." she said as the Twili prepared for another attack. She was sure that since there were no breaches in the Twilight, they were still in Arbiter's Grounds.

Edited by Dark Midna (see edit history)

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Adn pinned Subae to the ground, all was silent but for Adn's snarls and growls of anger. Subae felt energy slip away from him and Adn seemed stronger. "What are you really? You can't be a mere tiger." looking into Subae's eyes, she saw the fear. She knew that he wasn't as he had claimed. "What have you done with Nia?" Adn growled.

"I've done nothing, Adn. You're the one who killed him. Killed him with his own crystal." Adn only seemed to get angrier. Ryoo would have stopped this if it wasn't for Subae's surprisingly out of character reaction. "You can't control it can you? You can't handle it's power? I've witnessed what it can do to those who bear it. With my own eyes. I watched Nia from the moment he came to this world. Before any of his creations entered this world in fact." Adn's anger was clouded by confusion for a moment as Subae spoke. "After all." Subae paused. "I'm Nia now." The group were silent. They didn't know what he was saying. What he meant by this was a mystery. Adn's eyes widened. "When he was separated from his old self, he became a burden. At that point, I was created and set in place to await him and destroy him. I pushed him into the sand, Adn." Adn was speechless. She felt an uncontrollable anger build up within her. "But I didn't kill him did I Adn?" Subae paused. "You did." Adn's eyes were pale and her growling had subsided.

She let out a loud snarl and bit down on Subae. But her attack was too late as Subae rolled out from underneath her. A flurry of sand filled the air and a man stood where Subae had rolled. Dark robes hung to his booted feet and black velvet gloves clothed his hands. None of them caught a glimpse of his face as he grinned and placed the raven mask over his face. "My work here is done." Adn growled and the others stared in horror. "As for who I am, Adn. My name is Teto." Teto laughed as he spun, pulling the cloak over his body and disappearing without a trace, leaving nothing but a spiral of sand and a long, confused silence.

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