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  1. Teto

    I think the original idea was that they would have new heroes every season, but the popularity of the first season's characters had it that they continued with them. I gave up on Heroes in season 3, but I loved the first season, and I'd definitely be willing to watch it again if they started fresh.

  2. Chimetals

    i dont think they did, if i remember right. i watched it all the way until it stopped airing, and even wound up getting the comic book (my mom got the love story novel between hiro and that diner girl).


    katlin.....was she by any chance the girl that could (if i remember right) understand wifi and phone waves? because they covered her in the comic book.

  3. Cirt

    Followed! My channel is but I haven't been able to stream for a while now.


    I take it it's your first time playing Skyward Sword? I thought it seemed a little slow in the beginning but I thought it was overall fun and enjoyed it.

    Actually, 3rd time. But it's been a while since I played, so it feels new enough still. I don't have it perfectly backed to memory like I do with, Ocarina of Time, per se, so there's a lot of "oh yeah, I have to do this part" moments.


    And I will follow you back :>

  4. Michael

    I was curious about the dragon statue so I did a quick google search and this was the first thing that popped up:


    Amongst these was her lover, named Martin, who, after a long struggle with the dragon, which was carried on from Pitempan to Balkello, succeeded in conquering the monster.At last the ninth sister went to the spring, and there to her horror beheld, among the bulrushes, the dead bodies of her sisters guarded by a dragon! Before she was able to escape, she too fell into the grasp of the monster, but not until her cries had brought people to the spot.  She too tarried so long that another volunteered, when the same result happened to her and to five other sisters in succession.   The fairest of the nine eagerly obeyed her father's wish by running to the spring. Not returning within a reasonable time, a second went in quest of her sister.Long, long ago, the farmer of Pitempan had nine pretty daughters. One day their father thirsted for a drink from his favourite well, which was in a marsh at a short distance from the house.