Agent Zako

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Posts posted by Agent Zako

  1. After finding out Necro did, and being spurred on by Blue Blazes, I finally bit the bullet and watched Arcadia of My Youth, the Space Pirate Captain Harlock prequel/origin movie. And it was SO GOOD. The animation is gorgeous, especially when the action gets going, and Harlock is the absolute coolest dude. The story covered way more material than I expected in it's just over 2 hour run-time. There was a moment about halfway through where I thought, "Oh, surely this is the ending, they've already covered so much," only to find out I had an hour to go, which is definitely a pleasant surprise in this situation.


    Anyone interested in checking out the stories of the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, I'd say Arcadia of My Youth is a good place to jump in. The anime series and manga for Space Pirate Captain Harlock as well as Galaxy Express 999 both take place chronologically after AoMY.

    pheonix561 and Eka like this

  2. Celebrating the 100th post in this thread with something I'm mostly satisfied with for once.


    Weakness WIP 2.5

    I dig it. It might sound weird to say, but the finger snapping works really well. No idea why, it just kinda feels right. Also, this one manages to sound pretty distinct from the rest of your music I've heard. I can see why you're so satisfied with it.

  3. Downloading some Blue Blazes. I don't think I'm ready. Also beginning the second half of my rewatch of G Gundam. I'm so happy that this show is every bit as genuinely good as I remember it to be.

  4. Just finished watching Armored Trooper VOTOMS, and it was a great ride. The series' 52 episodes are divided into 4 distinct arcs that are largely self-contained without much overlapping plot besides a few mysteries that continue through everything until the end. The main character, Chirico Cuvie, and his group of best friends have great chemistry and can be surprisingly funny in an otherwise grim story about war and how it affects people.


    The mecha of the series, both known as Armored Troopers (ATs) as well as VOTOMS (which is used much less often), are wonderfully realized. They're small, have simple weaponry, and both look, move, and fight very distinctly from giant robots in any other series/setting.


    The only real complaint I have with the show is that, despite the abundance of action, both in and out of ATs, the plot of the first three arcs develops very slowly, with the show taking its time to be atmospheric and moody, which it does very well partly due to the great soundtrack. The final arc, however, is relatively fast paced, action packed, and equally thought-provoking.


    Basically, great show. I definitely recommend it. There's lots of side-story material, too, with the only one I've seen being the great hour-long prequel OVA Roots of Ambition.


  5. Even after seeing that whole video, and all the TV news coverage I've caught, I can't even begin to get into a debate in favor of either side of this conflict. I'm not informed enough. So I won't.


    All I know is that thousands of people are needlessly suffering, and this video, this particular example of reporting by the Young Turks, rubs me all the wrong ways, and I personally just don't like it. No, I hate it. All the sarcasm, emotion, and most of all the bloody details, which have no relevance to the politics or psychology of the situation and are solely included to elicit an emotional response and heighten one's reaction to everything else. This video isn't even remotely objective, it's full of emotion, is admittedly progressive in its view, and insists on painting people as simply being sadistic monsters and cold-hearted liars when nothing is ever so simple no matter how much we might wish it could be. These Young Turk fellows are too busy being offended to be objective reporters, and I like to make up my own mind, not be handed The Truth by a bunch of people trying to ride their emotion into my heart. If you're a fan of this unfiltered, earnest, and honest style of reporting, that's fine, it has its merits, but people trying to manipulate me into feeling their anger or frustration is one of my biggest pet-peeves. Some great points are made about how needless this violence seems, but no matter how right they might be, I can't take these Young Turks seriously if this is their style.


    Sorry I went off on a tangent about my preferred style of journalism instead of the actual topic of the thread.

  6. I dig it too. Dude looks ready to accuse someone's face off. And adding his name in big red letters that greatly resemble crayon was actually a really nice touch.

    PrimaGaga likes this

  7. Jojo has been an inspiration to us all to contort ourselves into the silliest poses imaginable. My life will never be the same after the sheer fabulous I have witnessed.

  8. QM9rYuXl.jpg


    Drew this a few months ago, and just spent the last hour or so redrawing the lines with ink and then colored penciling. Might do some more on the hair or whatever. 

    PrimaGaga and Sahaqiel like this

  9. Oh, I just got to Sheer Heart Attack today too. There were a few panels that took a second for me to understand what was going on in them, but I could follow the overall scene just fine. Also Yoshikage Kira is too good of a villain.

  10. It's always cool to hear the voice of a long-dead person who played a big role in history. It makes them feel more like actual people who lived than portraits in a history book.

    Knuckle likes this

  11. The official english Gundam website just got a snazzy update and has lots of free episodes streaming including all of Gundam Build Fighters, both seasons of Gundam 00, SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors, and Gundam SEED Destiny (which I urge everyone not to watch unless they're a crazy completionist like me and have also seen Gundam SEED. Even then. Please don't).


    Check it out


    Also >Dio screaming anything but WRRRRYYYYY

  12. I recently borrowed the first volume of Saga, and it was wonderful. The characters and setting are interesting, the dialogue is natural in an vulgar, street-level kind of way, the main characters have good chemistry, and the art is great while still being super unpolished by the standards of most comics I've read. Oh, and it's a science-fantasy space opera with romance and vengeance and all sorts of delicious things on top. I haven't read a ton of it but I still highly recommend.

  13. I've had Neverwinter Nights for months now and, while I want to, I don't know when I can put aside time for it. Until I do, I've only actually played more recent Bioware games.

  14. I think there's still reason to be sad about show Ygritte's death. Yes, she killed civilians, and that's awful but so has The Hound, and who knows how many characters at the Wall, and it's a sad moment seeing The Hound on the brink of death, or men of the Night's Watch being butchered by wildlings. Murder is far from being a damning character aspect in Game of Thrones. Ygritte also saved Gilly, and didn't turn on Jon despite knowing he was a spy, until he left her. Sure, we as viewers still don't have much reason to miss her but with Jon being the main character of that arc, and a pretty cool guy, his personal loss should count as tragedy enough. I did prefer the book's detail of having her killer be a mystery and not someone the viewer can view as carrying out justice.


    But as for this season finale, I feel similar to Necro. Loved the episode, but a couple odd changes and things left out of this season make me a bit nervous for how they'll be handled in the future.