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Posts posted by Twili

  1. Not true, it's fun to just go around smashing random stuff with it; as well as being quite helpful when fighting Majora's Mask.

    It was also cool to use it when you've used the invisible sword glitch. (That just hugely reminded me Creed from Black Cat)

  2. Oh Noes, I was giving you an example of the immaturity of the people, not an over-simplified outlook on the age-group.

    Though from the poor way in which I phrased it, it could easily be misinterpreted.


    The internet collectively takes a huge sigh and/because in one fell swoop, nintendo punched many little forum 'kidzorz' in the balls.

    But this could be dangerous. It was bad enough when gamefaqs and gamespot combined, but add Nsiders into it too and you'll have a collection of concentrated stupid so pure that it may actually tear a rift in the fabric of reality.

    Slightly more seriously now; the Nsider forums are a total joke. Not only was it constructed poorly (I couldn't even edit my own posts), but 80% of the people there were 12 year olds making posts like "Hay u guyz think dat Isaac frm Golden Sun is going to be in SSBB? I think the chances r about 80%". Posts went by too fast (Most of it full of sheer amounts of stupidity) and it was impossible to have an intellectual discussion that lasted for more than a day. To validify my point, look at how poor, and how many smilies Hylian Jedi used in a single post. I know I'm going to be flammed, but at least you know my opinion.

    Worthless piece of trash forum. I'm so glad they got rid of it. I mean, someone said that Slippy was gay, and someone else started the Slippy protection club.


    There you have it, the last post ever on Nsider.

    Here's another one:


    Now there's going to be a huge exodus of Nsider members collectively trying to make their nests in pure, unsoiled forums. Much like this one.

  4. That convention sounds awesome.

    Though the name sounds suspiciously like Nani (pronounced nan) desu (des) ka. Which basically means 'What?'

    I'm hoping to go to Otakon (which is similar, but for anime) at some stage; but unfortunately I have the handicap of not living in the US.

    I hit the ceiling doing a backflip and a bunch of white crap fell off and got all over the bed and my stuff.

    Okay, let's just hope that was plaster and not asbestos.:P

  5. Damn you.

    But guess who has imported Mother 1 + 2 and Mother 3 games........

    Though you probably don't care.

  6. No offense, but it's kind of sad that you would have the time to be able to do that.

    I mean, I don't have a life, and yet I don't have the time to do that.

  7. Great, now we have Ice-climbers. Just what we need to fill the character selection screen with useless characters.

  8. That was very funny (Adultswim rocks [Go Team Venture!]); but kinda inappropriate for the younger members of this site.

    Anyone under 14- Don't watch.

  9. Hmm...Well,I respect your opinion.I don't know much about the war,so I can't really say much,but for that osama dude to rub it in our faces makes me mad.Really,really,mad.It just pisses me off.

    Osama Bin Laden has really screwed things up. At this point, even if he was found and killed, he would only become a martyr.

    But I wont say my opinion on 9/11 because I don't want hate spam clogging up this page and my PM Inbox.

  10. Alright, in the Hyrule Castle grounds go to the area with all the boomerang, spinner towers things. Turn into a wolf, then use your senses and walk along the edge of the wall that surrounds the castle (not the wall closest to the castle), dig when you get to the big sparkly hole.

  11. I play video games to escape life.

    My life is extremely boring, and to fill this void I play video games.

    That's why I play fantasy games such as the Legend of Zelda. They are the most far out, and hence, the least boring. Which is the exact thing in my life I am trying to escape from.

    I'm far from an addict though. In fact, I just checked my Wii registry and I haven't played a single game for about 15 days. But that's year 11 for you.

  12. Well, today's update is the Pokemon: Munchlax.

    To me he seems as though he's going to be really annoying. His only purpose is to eat items.

  13. Well, the statues copy your movements.

    BTW, have you translated the hylian around those crystals in the Temple of Time.

    The ones that switch from red to green when hit by an arrow. Specifically, the room full of Lizalfos; where the crystal is high up.

  14. I didn't think I would do this, but.

    It's my 1000th post! :joy:

    I'l be accepting gifts now. :biggrin:

  15. There was this huge thing that happened in Australia with some emo people. I can't remember the exact details though.

    Basically, I don't see why people become emo, sure it's a trend. But is cutting yourself and contemplating/performing suicide really necessary. It's a sad outlook on life when people can be this depressed. But that's what happens when postmodernism is accepted.

  16. I'm still trying to decide on whether or not I should post a picture, I mean I want to, but i don't think it's a good idea to post a picture of myself on the internet in general.

  17. Triple update yesterday. (I couldn't be bothered posting it last night)

    1. The whole music thing

    2. Brawl Main musical theme without the sound effects

    3. Pokemon stadium music